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Created September 26, 2020 14:16
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  • Save arieljannai/3567641f30407196e04e1d0511b72dea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Opens VLC in a small video in the top right corner, with always-on-top and minimal-interface (clipboard/arg)
; Verify that you have AutoHotKey on your computer
; Save the script to your desired location, preferably in the path
; Calling the script:
; If no args: taking from clipboard (`vlc-corner-view.ahk`)
; If with one arg: using that argeument (`vlc-corner-view.ahk path-to-video`)
if (%0%=0) {
Run, vlc.exe --no-video-deco --qt-minimal-view --video-on-top --autoscale --no-qt-video-autoresize "%clipboard%"
} else {
Run, vlc.exe --no-video-deco --qt-minimal-view --video-on-top --autoscale --no-qt-video-autoresize "%1%"
WinWait VLC media player
WinMove A,, 1300, 20, A_ScreenWidth-1300, A_ScreenHeight-700
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