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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Example for Yoni - abstract class and ctor inheritance
namespace Yoni
static class Program
static void Main()
AlmightyKing ariel = new AlmightyKing("Ariel", "Jannai", "Your Majesty", "The Milky Way");
Console.WriteLine("calling SayName() of the base class - SimpleHuman");
Console.WriteLine("\ncalling SayName() - the overrided function in AlmightyKing");
Console.WriteLine("\ncalling PresentMyself() - the abstract function which we had to implement");
public abstract class SimpleHuman
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
public string NamePrefix;
public SimpleHuman() {}
public SimpleHuman(string sFirstName, string sLastName, string sNamePrefix)
this.FirstName = sFirstName;
this.LastName = sLastName;
this.NamePrefix = sNamePrefix;
// this function can be overrided by class inherit from SimpleHuman
public virtual string SayName()
return String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", this.NamePrefix, this.FirstName, this.LastName);
// this function must be implemented by inheritance classes
public abstract string PresentMyself();
public class AlmightyKing : SimpleHuman
public string Kingdom;
// passing firstname, lastname and birthday to the base constructor (from SimpleHuman)
public AlmightyKing(string sFirstName, string sLastName, string sNamePrefix, string sKingdom) : base(sFirstName, sLastName, sNamePrefix)
this.Kingdom = sKingdom;
public override string SayName()
// just to add some exclamation marks
return String.Format("{0} {1} {2} !!!!!!!!!!!", this.NamePrefix, this.FirstName, this.LastName);
// calling the base class (SimpleHuman) SayName function, in case I'll want this.
public string SayNameOriginal()
return base.SayName();
public override string PresentMyself()
return String.Format("You will call me:\n\'{0} {1} {2}\'!\nI'm the supreme ruler of the kingdom named \'{3}\'.\nAdios! XOXO", this.NamePrefix, this.FirstName, this.LastName, this.Kingdom);
calling SayName() of the base class - SimpleHuman
Your Majesty Ariel Jannai
calling SayName() - the overrided function in AlmightyKing
Your Majesty Ariel Jannai !!!!!!!!!!!
calling PresentMyself() - the abstract function which we had to implement
You will call me:
'Your Majesty Ariel Jannai'!
I'm the supreme ruler of the kingdom named 'The Milky Way'.
Adios! XOXO
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