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Last active January 27, 2018 19:53
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Change the system sound
@echo off
rem 65536 is 100%
rem device where zero is the default device
rem left and right
rem reference: or
rem supports whole numbers only therefore throws "missing operator" error when specifying 655.36
IF [%1]==[] goto usage
IF "%1"=="/?" goto usage
set /a volume=%1 * 655
IF %1==on (
nircmd mutesysvolume 0
echo sound on
) ELSE IF %1==off (
nircmd mutesysvolume 1
echo sound muted
) ELSE (
nircmd setvolume 0 %volume% %volume%
rem nircmd setsysvolume %volume%
echo volume: %1
goto :eof
@echo Usage: sound ^<on^|off^|0-100^>
exit /b 1
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