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I may be slow to respond.

TF arita37

I may be slow to respond.
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treuille /
Created October 19, 2019 03:04
Workaround: Displaying a dataframe quickly by slicing it.
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def display_dataframe_quickly(df, max_rows=5000, **st_dataframe_kwargs):
"""Display a subset of a DataFrame or Numpy Array to speed up app renders.
df : DataFrame | ndarray
kekru / 1-WSL and Docker for
Last active January 21, 2023 17:12
Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux combined with Docker for Windows

Using Windows Subsystem for Linux combined with Docker for Windows

Docker CE for Windows

  • Install Docker CE for Windows
  • Go to Docker for Windows Settings -> General and enable Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS.
    This will enable the Docker remote API for requests, coming from localhost, not from another computer in your network. A TLS secured version is not yet supported in Docker for Windows. See docker/for-win#453 for more information. I also tried a daemon.json file with options tlscacert, tlscert, tlskey and tlsverify, but Docker for Windows crashed on booting.

Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

ChunMinChang /
Last active January 3, 2025 04:59
Python: Remove C/C++ style comments #parser
import re
import sys
def removeComments(text):
""" remove c-style comments.
text: blob of text with comments (can include newlines)
returns: text with comments removed
pattern = r"""
andreas-h /
Created December 5, 2013 16:30
Python-wrapper for R's STL
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from numpy import asarray, ceil
import pandas
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
def stl(data, ns, np=None, nt=None, nl=None, isdeg=0, itdeg=1, ildeg=1,
nsjump=None, ntjump=None, nljump=None, ni=2, no=0, fulloutput=False):