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Created April 17, 2013 08:41
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Classes to produce videos from igraph plots.
from __future__ import with_statement
from contextlib import contextmanager
from igraph.drawing import BoundingBox, Plot
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp, mkstemp
import os
import subprocess
__all__ = ["MEncoderVideoEncoder", "VideoEncoder"]
__author__ = "Tamas Nepusz"
__license__ = "GPL"
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
def named_temporary_file(*args, **kwds):
"""Context manager that creates a named temporary file and
returns its name.
All parameters are passed on to `tempfile.mkstemp`, see
its documentation for more info.
handle, tmpfile = mkstemp(*args, **kwds)
yield tmpfile
class TemporaryDir(object):
"""Represents a temporary directory on the filesystem.
This class acts as a drop-in replacement for `tempfile.mkdtemp`, but it
ensures that the temporary directory is removed when the object is deleted.
Note that since exceptions cannot be thrown from destructors, errors during
the deletion of the directory are silently ignored unless you delete the
directory explicitly with `remove()`.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
"""Creates a temporary directory using `tempfile.mkdtemp`.
All the arguments are passed on intact to `tempfile.mkdtemp`.
self.path = mkdtemp(*args, **kwds)
def __del__(self):
"""Removes the temporary directory and all its contents."""
def mkstemp(self, *args, **kwds):
"""Makes a temporary file in this directory using `tempfile.mkstemp`.
All the arguments are passed on intact to `tempfile.mkstemp`. Returns
the name of the file that was created. The ``dir`` keyword argument is
ignored and overwritten with the name of the folder."""
kwds["dir"] = self.path
return mkstemp(*args, **kwds)
def remove(self, ignore_errors=False):
"""Removes the temporary directory and all its contents, with proper
error handling.
An exception will be raised when the removal is not possible.
if os.path.isdir(self.path):
rmtree(self.path, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
class VideoEncoder(object):
"""Abstract base class that must be extended by all video encoder classes.
This class defines the basic interface of all video encoder classes.
Derived classes must implement `add`_ and `save`_ at least.
The class also defines some standard attributes that can be used by derived
video encoder classes. These attributes are:
- ``bbox`` stores the width and height of the video. It is an instance
of `BoundingBox`_, but it can also be set as a tuple (width and height)
or it can be left as ``None`` to let igraph infer the bounding box from
the `Plot`_ instances being added to the video.
- ``fps`` is the frame rate of the video.
`VideoEncoder`_ instances also work as context managers, so you can do
stuff like this:
>>> with MyEncoder((600, 600)).encode_to("video.avi") as encoder: #doctest: +SKIP
... # add your frames using encoder.add()
Upon exiting the context, the video encoder will save everything to the
given video file automatically (unless there was an exception, in which
case the exception is simply re-raised and the temporary files are cleaned
def __init__(self, bbox=None, fps=25):
"""Constructs an abstract video encoder.
This method should never be called directly as the whole class is
The bounding box may be left as ``None`` if you are adding `Plot`_
instances to the video stream, the right bounding box will be inferred
from the first `Plot`_ instance you add.
self._bbox = None
self._fps = None
self._images = []
self._tmpdir = None
self.bbox = bbox
self.fps = fps
def __del__(self):
"""Cleans up the temporary files and destroys the encoder."""
def add(self, frame, *args, **kwds):
"""Adds a frame to the video sequence being built. `frame` must either
be one of the following:
- the name of an image file. This is straightforward, the image file
is added to the video stream as a frame.
- an `igraph.Plot`_ instance. The plot will be rendered to a
temporary image file and saved into a temporary directory
before adding the image to the video stream.
- an object supported by `igraph.Plot`_ -- this means that the
object must have a ``__plot__`` method. In this case, we will
construct a new `Plot`_ on-the-fly, render it to a temporary
image file and add it to the video stream. The temporary file
will be cleaned up when the vide
Temporary files will be cleaned up when the video encoder object
is destroyed.
When possible, this method will try to infer the width and height of
the video if this was not given in advance by setting the `bbox`_
property. Such inference is possible only when you are adding
`igraph.Plot`_ instances; for other cases, you must specify the
width and height of the video stream before calling `save()`.
if hasattr(frame, "__plot__"):
if self.bbox is None:
raise ValueError("self.bbox must be set before calling add() "
"on a plottable object")
plot = Plot(bbox=self.bbox)
plot.add(frame, *args, **kwds)
frame = plot
if isinstance(frame, Plot):
handle, tmpfile = self._tmpdir.mkstemp(suffix='.png')
if self.bbox is None:
self.bbox = frame.bounding_box
frame = tmpfile
def _add_image(self, fname):
"""Adds an image frame to the video sequence being built. `frame`
must be the name of an image file."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _ensure_tmpdir_exists(self):
"""Ensures that there exists a temporary directory in which
plots can be saved."""
if self._tmpdir is not None:
self._tmpdir = TemporaryDir()
def bbox(self):
"""Returns the bounding box of the video.
It can either be ``None`` if the bounding box was not set yet, or an
instance of `BoundingBox`_.
return self._bbox
def bbox(self, box):
"""Sets the bounding box of the video.
The bounding box may either be a tuple (width and height) or an
instance of `BoundingBox`_. If the top left corner of the given
`BoundingBox`_ instance is not at (0, 0), it will be assumed to be
there and the width and height will be adjusted accordingly.
if isinstance(box, BoundingBox):
self._bbox = BoundingBox(0, 0, box.right, box.bottom)
elif box is None:
self._bbox = None
self._bbox = BoundingBox(0, 0, *box)
def cleanup(self):
"""Cleans up the temporary files created during the encoding
process and empties the image list."""
if self._tmpdir:
self._tmpdir = None
self._images = []
def encode_to(self, *args, **kwds):
"""Defines a context which saves the video to the given file when
exiting the context.
All the arguments are passed on to `save()` when exiting the context
unless there was an exception, in which case the video is not saved.
The temporary files are always cleaned up when exiting the context.
>>> with MyEncoder((600, 600)).encode_to("test.avi") as encoder: #doctest: +SKIP
... # add your frames here by calling encoder.add()
yield self*args, **kwds)
def fps(self):
"""Returns the frame rate of the video"""
return self._fps
def fps(self, fps):
"""Sets the frame rate of the video.
>>> encoder = MEncoderVideoEncoder(fps=22)
>>> encoder.fps
>>> encoder.fps = 24
>>> encoder.fps
>>> encoder.fps = -6
>>> encoder.fps == 0.01
self._fps = max(float(fps), 0.01)
def save(self, filename):
"""Saves the video to the given file."""
raise NotImplementedError
class MEncoderVideoEncoder(VideoEncoder):
"""Video encoder that uses an external ``mencoder``
executable to create videos.
This class supports the attributes laid out in the base `VideoEncoder`_
class as well as the following extra attributes:
- ``lavcopts`` is a dict of options to be passed to the ``libavcodec``
library used by ``mencoder``. It must be a dict of key-value pairs or
a string. By default, the video will be encoded using
``vcodec=msmpeg4v2``, which seems to work out-of-the-box on all three
major platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X).
- ``mencoder_path`` is the full path to the ``mencoder`` executable. If
the executable is on your path, it is safe to leave it at its default
value (``mencoder``).
- ``verbose`` defines the verbosity level of the encoder. If ``False``,
only errors will be printed while encoding. If ``True``, ``mencoder``
will be invoked with its default verbosity level. If a number, it is
interpreted as a verbosity level directly and passed on to ``mencoder``
def __init__(self, bbox=None, fps=25, lavcopts=None,
mencoder_path="mencoder", verbose=False):
"""Constructs a new video with the given width and height (`bbox`,
which must be a tuple), frame rate (`fps`) and the given encoding
options (`lavcopts`). If `lavcopts` is ``None``, it will default to
``vcodec=msmpeg4v2``. `mencoder_path` may be used to override the path
where the ``mencoder`` executable is to be found. `verbose` is the
value of the verbosity parameter; ``False`` means that only errors will
be printed while encoding, ``True`` means the default verbosity level
of ``mencoder``.
The bounding box may be left as ``None`` if you are adding `Plot`_
instances to the video stream, the right bounding box will be inferred
from the first `Plot`_ instance you add.
>>> encoder= MEncoderVideoEncoder()
>>> encoder.bbox
>>> encoder.fps
>>> encoder.lavcopts
{'vcodec': 'msmpeg4v2'}
>>> encoder.mencoder_path
>>> encoder.verbose
>>> (encoder.width, encoder.height)
(None, None)
super(MEncoderVideoEncoder, self).__init__(bbox, fps)
self._lavcopts = {}
self.lavcopts = lavcopts
self.mencoder_path = mencoder_path
self.verbose = verbose
def _add_image(self, fname):
"""Adds an image stored in the given image file to the video stream.
This is an internal method, called by `add()`, which is the primary
entry point for end users. You should not have to call this method
def lavcopts(self):
"""Returns the option dict passed to the ``libavcodec`` library
when encoding the video"""
return self._lavcopts
def lavcopts(self, value):
"""Sets the option dict passed to the ``libavcodec`` library
when encoding the video.
>>> encoder = MEncoderVideoEndoerr()
>>> encoder.lavcopts = None
>>> encoder.lavcopts
{'vcodec': 'msmpeg4v2'}
>>> encoder.lavcopts = "vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:trell"
>>> encoder.lavcopts["vcodec"]
>>> encoder.lavcopts["mbd"]
>>> encoder.lavcopts["trell"]
if value is None:
opts = {}
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
opts = {}
for part in value.split(":"):
if "=" in part:
key, value = part.split("=", 1)
opts[key] = value
opts[part] = True
opts = value
self._lavcopts = opts
if "vcodec" not in self._lavcopts:
self._lavcopts["vcodec"] = "msmpeg4v2"
def save(self, filename, keep_images=False):
"""Saves the video to the given file.
If `keep_images` is ``True``, the temporary folder holding the
images will not be deleted after the video is encoded.
if self._bbox is None:
raise ValueError("bounding box of video stream was not inferred. "
"Please set self.bbox accordingly.")
width, height = int(self._bbox.width), int(self._bbox.height)
lavcopts = ":".join(
key if value is True else ("%s=%s" % (key, value))
for key, value in self._lavcopts.iteritems()
with named_temporary_file() as tmpfile:
with open(tmpfile, "w") as fp:
for image in self._images:
fp.write(image + "\n")
args = [self.mencoder_path, "mf://@%s" % tmpfile,
"-mf", "w=%d:h=%d:fps=%g" % (width, height, self.fps),
"-ovc", "lavc", "-oac", "copy",
"-lavcopts", lavcopts,
"-o", filename]
env = dict(os.environ)
if self.verbose is False or self.verbose is None:
env["MPLAYER_VERBOSE"] = "-4"
elif self.verbose is True:
env["MPLAYER_VERBOSE"] = "0"
elif isinstance(self.verbose, int):
env["MPLAYER_VERBOSE"] = str(self.verbose-4)
subprocess.check_call(args, env=env)
if not keep_images:
def demo_layout():
from igraph import Graph
# Generate graph and find the communities
graph = Graph.GRG(100, 0.2)
clusters = graph.community_spinglass()
# Specify initial layout
layout = None
# Set up the video encoder
encoder = MEncoderVideoEncoder(bbox=(600, 600), fps=30)
encoder.lavcopts = "vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:vbitrate=1600:trell:keyint=30"
# Generate frames in the animation one by one
with encoder.encode_to("demo_layout.avi"):
for i in xrange(500):
# Run one step of the layout algorithm
layout = graph.layout("graphopt", niter=1, seed=layout)
# Add the clustering to the encoder
encoder.add(clusters, layout=layout, mark_groups=True, margin=20)
def demo_epidemic():
from igraph import Graph, Layout
from random import sample, random
# Specify the simulation parameters
initial_outbreak_size = 3
spread_probability = 0.05
recovery_probability = 0.1
# Set up the mapping from vertex states to colors
colormap=dict(S="white", I="red", R="green")
# Generate the graph
graph, xs, ys = Graph.GRG(100, 0.2, return_coordinates=True)
layout = Layout(zip(xs, ys))
# Set up the initial state of the individuals
graph.vs["state"] = ["S"] * graph.vcount()
for vertex in sample(graph.vs, initial_outbreak_size):
vertex["state"] = "I"
graph.vs["size"] = [20] * graph.vcount()
# Set up the video encoder
encoder = MEncoderVideoEncoder(bbox=(600, 600), fps=5)
# Generate frames in the animation one by one
with encoder.encode_to("demo_epidemic.avi"):
# Run the simulation until hell freezes over
while True:
# Create the plot and add to the encoder
colors = [colormap[state] for state in graph.vs["state"]]
encoder.add(graph, layout=layout, vertex_color=colors,
vertex_label=graph.vs["state"], margin=20)
# First, the infected individuals try to infect their neighbors
infected ="I")
for vertex in infected:
for idx in graph.neighbors(vertex.index):
if graph.vs[idx]["state"] == "S" and random() < spread_probability:
graph.vs[idx]["state"] = "I"
# Second, the infected individuals try to recover
for vertex in infected:
if random() < recovery_probability:
vertex["state"] = "R"
# Okay, are there any infected people left?
if not infected:
def test():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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