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Created March 5, 2023 07:15
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Save arizvisa/2fbd7335120d36702a10a7e3402f3049 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. for temporary renaming unparsable type declaration.
diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
index 4a9504fe5..94b77514b 100644
--- a/misc/
+++ b/misc/
@@ -6107,3 +6107,42 @@ class name(object):
logging.fatal(u"{:s}.netnode({:#x}{:s}) : Unable to restore the original name (\"{:s}\") for the netnode at {:#x} which is currently named \"{:s}\".".format('.'.join([__name__, cls.__name__]), identifier, '' if name is None else ", name=\"{:s}\"".format(name), internal.utils.string.escape(original, '"'), identifier, internal.utils.string.escape(temporary, '"')))"{:s}.netnode({:#x}{:s}) : The original name (\"{:s}\") is currently associated with the netnode at {:#x}.".format('.'.join([__name__, cls.__name__]), identifier, '' if name is None else ", name=\"{:s}\"".format(name), internal.utils.string.escape(original, '"'), internal.netnode.get(original)))
+ @classmethod
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def typeref(cls, identifier, formatter=None):
+ '''Return a context manager that modifies the names for the type information at the given `identifier` using a `formatter` on entry and restores them on exit.'''
+ Funique_name = formatter or internal.utils.fcompose(hash, functools.partial(operator.and_, sys.maxsize), functools.partial("{:s}_{:x}_{:x}".format, '_field_unique', identifier))
+ callables = [idaapi.get_tinfo2, idaapi.guess_tinfo2] if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else [idaapi.get_tinfo, idaapi.guess_tinfo]
+ get_tinfo, guess_tinfo = ((functools.partial(lambda F, ti, ea: F(ea, ti), F) if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else F) for F in callables)
+ # check the address is a function entrypoint in order to determine how to guess
+ # its type and apply it.. then we can snag the type and figure how to use it.
+ ti, owners = idaapi.tinfo_t(), {ea for ea in function.owners(identifier)} if idaapi.get_func(identifier) else {}
+ guessed, res = (False, idaapi.GUESS_FUNC_OK) if get_tinfo(ti, identifier) else (True, guess_tinfo(ti, identifier))
+ ok = identifier in owners if guessed else res != idaapi.GUESS_FUNC_FAILED
+ definite = True if node.aflags(identifier, idaapi.AFL_USERTI) else False
+ # if we grabbed the type then go through and temporarily rename all of the names.
+ original = [] if res == idaapi.GUESS_FUNC_FAILED else tinfo.names(ti)
+ if ok:
+ temporary = tinfo.names(ti, *[name for name in map(Funique_name, original if formatter else enumerate(original))]) if original else ti
+ ok = idaapi.apply_tinfo(identifier, temporary, idaapi.TINFO_STRICT | (idaapi.TINFO_DEFINITE if definite else idaapi.TINFO_GUESSED))
+ # if we guessed the type then use it. if we failed to snag it then use None.
+ else:
+ ok, temporary = False, None if res == idaapi.GUESS_FUNC_FAILED else ti
+ # now we can yield the address and the type that we figured out. if we didn't
+ # apply the changed type, then there's no need to restore anything.
+ try:
+ yield identifier, temporary
+ finally:
+ ok = idaapi.apply_tinfo(identifier, ti, idaapi.TINFO_STRICT | (idaapi.TINFO_DEFINITE if definite else idaapi.TINFO_GUESSED)) if ok else True
+ # if we were supposed to restore the type and couldn't, then we need tocomplain.
+ if not ok:
+ logging.fatal(u"{:s}.typeref({:#x}{:s}) : Unable to restore the original type (\"{:s}\") for the item at {:#x} which is currently typed \"{:s}\".".format('.'.join([__name__, cls.__name__]), identifier, '' if formatter is None else ", formatter={:s}".format("{!s}".format(formatter) if callable(formatter) else "{!r}".format(formatter)), internal.utils.string.escape("{!s}".format(ti), '"'), identifier, internal.utils.string.escape("{!s}".format(temporary), '"')))
+"{:s}.typeref({:#x}{:s}) : The netnode at {:#x} is still using the temporary names{:s}.".format('.'.join([__name__, cls.__name__]), identifier, '' if formatter is None else ", formatter=\"{:s}\"".format("{!s}".format(formatter) if callable(formatter) else "{!r}".format(formatter)), identifier, " ({:s})".format(', '.join(internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"') for name in tinfo.names(temporary))) if tinfo.names(temporary) else ''))
+ return
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