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Created June 10, 2020 22:43
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[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i001: Burn v3.7.3424.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp\vcredist_x86_2013.exe, cmdline: '/install /quiet /norestart -burn.unelevated BurnPipe.{465D8657-5FD5-4436-9E60-3780B4270052} {4DB24AA4-92B3-45A3-984B-77F9450AF437} 2304'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145.log'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp\vcredist_x86_2013.exe'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder' to value 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp\'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) - 12.0.40664'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i100: Detect begin, 2 packages
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i101: Detected package: vcRuntimeMinimum_x86, state: Absent, cached: None
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i101: Detected package: vcRuntimeAdditional_x86, state: Absent, cached: None
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i052: Condition 'VersionNT >= v6.0 OR (VersionNT = v5.1 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT = v5.2 AND ServicePackLevel >= 1)' evaluates to true.
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i200: Plan begin, 2 packages, action: Install
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86' to value 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_000_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86_rollback.log'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86' to value 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_000_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86.log'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86' to value 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_001_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86_rollback.log'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86' to value 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_001_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86.log'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i201: Planned package: vcRuntimeMinimum_x86, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i201: Planned package: vcRuntimeAdditional_x86, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:45]i300: Apply begin
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:51]w308: Automatic updates could not be paused due to error: 0x80070422. Continuing...
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:51]i360: Creating a system restore point.
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i361: Created a system restore point.
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i370: Session begin, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece}, options: 0x7, disable resume: No
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\{9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece}\.be\vcredist_x86.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece}\vcredist_x86.exe'
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece}, version: 12.0.40664.0
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece}, resume: Active, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[0900:05DC][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i305: Verified acquired payload: vcRuntimeMinimum_x86 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi.
[0900:05DC][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i305: Verified acquired payload: cab54A5CABBE7274D8A22EB58060AAB7623 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\cab54A5CABBE7274D8A22EB58060AAB7623, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\
[0900:05DC][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i305: Verified acquired payload: vcRuntimeAdditional_x86 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi.
[0900:05DC][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i305: Verified acquired payload: cabB3E1576D1FEFBB979E13B1A5379E0B16 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\cabB3E1576D1FEFBB979E13B1A5379E0B16, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i301: Applying execute package: vcRuntimeMinimum_x86, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi, arguments: ' MSIFASTINSTALL="7" NOVSUI="1"'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i319: Applied execute package: vcRuntimeMinimum_x86, result: 0x0, restart: None
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i325: Registering dependency: {9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece} on package provider: Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeMinimumVSU_x86,v12, package: vcRuntimeMinimum_x86
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:55]i301: Applying execute package: vcRuntimeAdditional_x86, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi, arguments: ' MSIFASTINSTALL="7" NOVSUI="1"'
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i319: Applied execute package: vcRuntimeAdditional_x86, result: 0x0, restart: None
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i325: Registering dependency: {9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece} on package provider: Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeAdditionalVSU_x86,v12, package: vcRuntimeAdditional_x86
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i372: Session end, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece}, resume: ARP, restart: None, disable resume: No
[0900:0898][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece}, resume: ARP, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x0, restart: None, ba requested restart: No
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i500: Shutting down, exit code: 0x0
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: VersionNT =
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleAction = 5
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleElevated = 1
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleInstalled = 0
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleLog = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145.log
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleLog_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86 = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_001_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86.log
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleLog_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86 = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_000_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86.log
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleManufacturer = Microsoft Corporation
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleName = Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) - 12.0.40664
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleOriginalSource = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp\vcredist_x86_2013.exe
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp\
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleProviderKey = {9dff3540-fc85-4ed5-ac84-9e3c7fd8bece}
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleRollbackLog_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86 = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_001_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86_rollback.log
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleRollbackLog_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86 = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_000_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86_rollback.log
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleTag =
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i410: Variable: WixBundleVersion = 12.0.40664.0
[0B04:0B0C][2020-06-10T17:11:56]i007: Exit code: 0x0, restarting: No
=== Verbose logging started: 6/10/2020 17:11:55 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.9600.00 Calling process: C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp\vcredist_x86_2013.exe ===
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:249]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:249]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:249]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:249]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:249]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:265]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:265]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:265]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:278]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:278]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:278]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:278]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:278]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:278]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:278]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:278]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:294]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:309]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi' against software restriction policy
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:309]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi has a digital signature
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:374]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:374]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:390]: End dialog not enabled
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:390]: Original package ==> C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:390]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Windows\Installer\688ab.msi
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:403]: APPCOMPAT: Compatibility mode property overrides found.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:403]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:403]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: User policy value 'TransformsAtSource' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiFileHash
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Transforms are not secure.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Control
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiLogFileLocation property. Its value is 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_000_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86.log'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. Its value is '{69CC7C28-1E28-4770-8075-1978CFD51CE3}'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize: ''
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Product Code from property table before transforms: '{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}'
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Product Code from property table after transforms: '{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}'
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Product not registered: beginning first-time install
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Product {8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E} is not managed.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: MSI_LUA: Credential prompt not required, user is an admin
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. Its value is '-1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Adding new sources is allowed.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackagecodeChanging property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Package name extracted from package path: 'vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi'
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:513]: Package to be registered: 'vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi'
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Product installation will be elevated because user is admin and product is being installed per-machine.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Running product '{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MSIFASTINSTALL property. Its value is '7'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NOVSUI property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying REBOOT property. Its current value is 'Suppress'. Its new value: 'ReallySuppress'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY property. Its value is 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '3'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MSICLIENTUSESEXTERNALUI property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property. Its value is '2304'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Machine policy value 'DisableAutomaticApplicationShutdown' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its value is 'a05cc863cb4ef5429c2ccc1d160a6cc1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: RESTART MANAGER: Session opened.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: TRANSFORMS property is now:
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionDatabase property. Its value is '301'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\Favorites
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\Documents
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\Pictures
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Public\Desktop
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\Desktop
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Windows\Fonts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Note: 1: 2898 2: MS Sans Serif 3: MS Sans Serif 4: 0 5: 16
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: MSI_LUA: Setting MsiRunningElevated property to 1 because the install is already running elevated.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRunningElevated property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERNAME property. Its value is 'Windows User'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\Installer\688ab.msi'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OriginalDatabase property. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Machine policy value 'MsiDisableEmbeddedUI' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: EEUI - Disabling MsiEmbeddedUI due to existing external or embedded UI
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: EEUI - Disabling MsiEmbeddedUI for service because it's not a quiet/basic install
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UILevel property. Its value is '2'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiUISourceResOnly property. Its value is '1'.
=== Logging started: 6/10/2020 17:11:55 ===
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:528]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: APPCOMPAT: [DetectVersionLaunchCondition] Launch condition already passes.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Doing action: INSTALL
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action start 17:11:55: INSTALL.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Running ExecuteSequence
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action start 17:11:55: FindRelatedProducts.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Skipping action: CA_BlockOlderVCRUNTIMEInstall_x86 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Doing action: LaunchConditions
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: LaunchConditions.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Doing action: AppSearch
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: LaunchConditions. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: AppSearch.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding REDISTFOUNDVERLANG property. Its value is '#1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding REDISTFOUNDVER property. Its value is '#1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Visual JSharp Setup\Redist\v4.0.30319 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4.0.30319 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4.0.30319\1033 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Skipping action: CCPSearch (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Skipping action: RMCCPSearch (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Doing action: ValidateProductID
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: AppSearch. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: ValidateProductID.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Skipping action: CA_LaunchCondition_4.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Doing action: CostInitialize
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Machine policy value 'MaxPatchCacheSize' is 10
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its value is 'C:\'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CostingComplete property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: __MsiPatchFileList
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PatchPackage 4: SELECT `DiskId`, `PatchId`, `LastSequence` FROM `Media`, `PatchPackage` WHERE `Media`.`DiskId`=`PatchPackage`.`Media_` ORDER BY `DiskId`
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:543]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
Action start 17:11:55: CostInitialize.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Doing action: FileCost
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly
Action start 17:11:55: FileCost.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Doing action: CostFinalize
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: FileCost. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfNoRbDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Condition
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TARGETDIR property. Its value is 'C:\'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SystemFolder_x86_VC property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Target path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: target paths subject to change (via custom actions or browsing)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Dir (target): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\Windows\system32\
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder_x86_VC , Object: C:\Windows\system32\
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT `MsiAssembly`.`Attributes`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Manifest`, `Component`.`KeyPath` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component` WHERE `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = ?
Action start 17:11:55: CostFinalize.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Doing action: SetODBCFolders
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:561]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `ComponentId`,`Description`,`Directory_`, `ActionRequest`, `Installed`, `Attributes` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `ODBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `ActionRequest` = 2)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `ComponentId`,`Description`,`Directory_`, `ActionRequest`, `Installed`, `Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `ActionRequest` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: SetODBCFolders.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Doing action: InstallValidate
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: SetODBCFolders. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its current value is 'a05cc863cb4ef5429c2ccc1d160a6cc1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Dialog
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Feature: VC_Runtime_Minimum; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Feature: Provider; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Feature: Servicing_Key; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: C_x86_Runtime_Detection; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: C_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: C_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: C_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: C_CENTRAL_vcamp120_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: C_CENTRAL_vcomp120_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: Servicing_Key_ProductFamily_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: Servicing_Key_ProductEdition_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Component: VC_RuntimeMinimumVSU_Provider; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ProgId
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Extension
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Class
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Icon
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib
Action start 17:11:55: InstallValidate.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: _RemoveFilePath
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:575]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiFileHash
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying CostingComplete property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ProgId
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Extension
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Class
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Icon
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2727 2:
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: FilesInUse
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2727 2:
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Skipping action: WixDependencyCheck (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Doing action: InstallInitialize
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallValidate. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: BeginTransaction: Locking Server
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:594]: Server not locked: locking for product {8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}
Action start 17:11:55: InstallInitialize.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Doing action: AllocateRegistrySpace
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallInitialize. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: AllocateRegistrySpace.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Doing action: ProcessComponents
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: AllocateRegistrySpace. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchCertificate
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: LUA patching is disabled: missing MsiPatchCertificate table
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Resolving source.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Resolving source to launched-from source.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Setting launched-from source as last-used.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourceDir property. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SOURCEDIR property. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourcedirProduct property. Its value is '{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: SOURCEDIR ==> C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: SOURCEDIR product ==> {8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Determining source type
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Source type from package 'vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi': 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Source path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Dir (source): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath:
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Dir (source): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\ , LongSubPath: System\ , ShortSubPath: Sys\
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Dir (source): Key: SystemFolder_x86_VC , Object: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\ , LongSubPath: System\ , ShortSubPath: Sys\
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:703]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action start 17:11:55: ProcessComponents.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: UnpublishComponents
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: ProcessComponents. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PublishComponent 4: SELECT `PublishComponent`.`ComponentId`, `PublishComponent`.`Qualifier`, `PublishComponent`.`AppData`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `PublishComponent`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `PublishComponent`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `PublishComponent`.`Feature_` = `Feature`.`Feature` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: UnpublishComponents.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: MsiUnpublishAssemblies
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnpublishComponents. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT null, null, `Component`.`Component`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Feature_` = `Feature`.`Feature` AND `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application` = null AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: MsiUnpublishAssemblies.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: UnpublishFeatures
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: MsiUnpublishAssemblies. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: UnpublishFeatures.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: StopServices
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnpublishFeatures. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `Name`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: StopServices.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: DeleteServices
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: StopServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `Name`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: DeleteServices.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: UnregisterComPlus
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: DeleteServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Complus
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Complus 4: SELECT `ComponentId`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `ExpType`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed` FROM `Complus`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Complus`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND `Action` = 0
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterComPlus.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: SelfUnregModules
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterComPlus. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: SelfReg 4: Select `File`.`FileName`,`Component`.`Directory_`,`Component`.`Installed`, `File`.`Component_`,`SelfReg`.`File_` From `SelfReg`, `File`, `Component` Where `SelfReg`.`File_` = `File`.`File` And `File`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` And `Component`.`Action` = 0
Action start 17:11:55: SelfUnregModules.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: UnregisterTypeLibraries
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: SelfUnregModules. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: TypeLib 4: SELECT `LibID`, `TypeLib`.`Version`, `TypeLib`.`Language`, `TypeLib`.`Directory_`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `BinaryType`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `TypeLib`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `TypeLib`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Component`.`Action`=0)
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterTypeLibraries.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RemoveODBC
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterTypeLibraries. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `DataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM `ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `DataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM `ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `Translator`,`Component`.`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `Translator`,`Component`.`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Driver`,`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Driver`,`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveODBC.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager64
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: UnregisterFonts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveODBC. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Font 4: SELECT `FontTitle`, `FileName`, `Directory_`, `Installed`From `Font`, `FileAction` Where `Font`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And `FileAction`.`Action` = 0 ORDER BY `FileAction`.`Directory_`
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterFonts.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RemoveRegistryValues
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterFonts. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveRegistryValues.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: UnregisterClassInfo
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveRegistryValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Class
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Class 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `CLSID`, `ProgId_Default`, `Class`.`Description`, `Context`, `Feature_`, `ComponentId`, `Component`, `Class`.`Attributes`, `AppId_`, `FileTypeMask`, `Icon_`, `IconIndex`, `DefInprocHandler`, `Argument`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `Class`, `Component`, `File`, `Feature` WHERE `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Class`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterClassInfo.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: UnregisterMIMEInfo
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterClassInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MIME
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MIME 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `ContentType`, `Extension`.`Extension`, `MIME`.`CLSID`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `MIME`, `Extension`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `MIME`.`Extension_` = `Extension`.`Extension` AND `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Extension`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterMIMEInfo.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RemoveIniValues
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterMIMEInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: IniFile
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: IniFile 4: SELECT `FileName`,`IniFile`.`DirProperty`,`Section`,`IniFile`.`Key`,`IniFile`.`Value`,`IniFile`.`Action` FROM `IniFile`, `Component` WHERE `Component`=`Component_` AND `Component`.`Action`=0 ORDER BY `FileName`,`Section`
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveIniValues.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RemoveShortcuts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveIniValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Shortcut 4: SELECT `Shortcut`,`Name`, null, `Shortcut`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Action` From `Shortcut`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `Target` = `Feature` AND `Shortcut`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveShortcuts.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RemoveEnvironmentStrings
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveShortcuts. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Environment
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Environment 4: SELECT `Name`,`Value` FROM `Environment`,`Component` WHERE `Component_`=`Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 0)
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveEnvironmentStrings.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RemoveDuplicateFiles
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveDuplicateFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RemoveFiles
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveDuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: RemoveFile
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: RemoveFile
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RemoveFolders
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveFiles. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveFolders.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: CreateFolders
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveFolders. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: CreateFolders.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: MoveFiles
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: CreateFolders. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: MoveFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: InstallFiles
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: MoveFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: InstallFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Patch 4: SELECT `Patch`.`File_`, `Patch`.`Header`, `Patch`.`Attributes`, `Patch`.`Sequence`, `Patch`.`StreamRef_` FROM `Patch` WHERE `Patch`.`File_` = ? AND `Patch`.`#_MsiActive`=? ORDER BY `Patch`.`Sequence`
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiSFCBypass
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiSFCBypass 4: SELECT `File_` FROM `MsiSFCBypass` WHERE `File_` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders 4: SELECT `Header` FROM `MsiPatchHeaders` WHERE `StreamRef` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiDigitalSignature
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: DuplicateFiles
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: DuplicateFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: BindImage
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: DuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: BindImage.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RegisterClassInfo
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: BindImage. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Class
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Class 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `CLSID`, `ProgId_Default`, `Class`.`Description`, `Context`, `Feature_`, `ComponentId`, `Component`, `Class`.`Attributes`, `AppId_`, `FileTypeMask`, `Icon_`, `IconIndex`, `DefInprocHandler`, `Argument`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `Class`, `Component`, `File`, `Feature` WHERE `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Class`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND ((`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4))))
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterClassInfo.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RegisterMIMEInfo
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterClassInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MIME
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MIME 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `ContentType`, `Extension`.`Extension`, `MIME`.`CLSID`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `MIME`, `Extension`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `MIME`.`Extension_` = `Extension`.`Extension` AND `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Extension`.`Component_` = `Component` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND ((`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4))))
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterMIMEInfo.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: RegisterTypeLibraries
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterMIMEInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: TypeLib 4: SELECT `LibID`, `TypeLib`.`Version`, `TypeLib`.`Language`, `TypeLib`.`Directory_`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `BinaryType`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `TypeLib`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `TypeLib`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND ((`Component`.`Action`=1 OR `Component`.`Action`=2) OR (`Component`.`Action` = null AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterTypeLibraries.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Doing action: WriteRegistryValues
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:719]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterTypeLibraries. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: WriteRegistryValues.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: WriteIniValues
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: WriteRegistryValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: IniFile
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: IniFile 4: SELECT `FileName`,`IniFile`.`DirProperty`,`Section`,`IniFile`.`Key`,`IniFile`.`Value`,`IniFile`.`Action` FROM `IniFile`, `Component` WHERE `Component`=`Component_` AND (`Component`.`Action`=1 OR `Component`.`Action`=2) ORDER BY `FileName`,`Section`
Action start 17:11:55: WriteIniValues.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: WriteEnvironmentStrings
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: WriteIniValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Environment
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Environment 4: SELECT `Name`,`Value` FROM `Environment`,`Component` WHERE `Component_`=`Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: WriteEnvironmentStrings.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: RegisterFonts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: WriteEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Font 4: SELECT `FontTitle`, `FileName`, `Directory_`, `Action` From `Font`, `FileAction` Where `Font`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And (`FileAction`.`Action` = 1 Or `FileAction`.`Action` = 2) ORDER BY `FileAction`.`Directory_`
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterFonts.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: InstallODBC
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterFonts. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager64
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Driver`,`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `ODBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Driver`,`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `ODBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `Translator`,`Component`.`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `Translator`,`Component`.`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `DataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM `ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `DataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM `ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
Action start 17:11:55: InstallODBC.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: SelfRegModules
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallODBC. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: SelfReg 4: Select `FileAction`.`FileName`,`FileAction`.`Directory_`,`FileAction`.`Action`, `FileAction`.`Component_`,`SelfReg`.`File_` From `SelfReg`, `FileAction` Where `SelfReg`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And (`FileAction`.`Action` = 1 OR `FileAction`.`Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: SelfRegModules.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: RegisterComPlus
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: SelfRegModules. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Complus
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Complus 4: SELECT `ComponentId`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `ExpType`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed` FROM `Complus`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Complus`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterComPlus.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: InstallServices
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterComPlus. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Detected older ServiceInstall table schema
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceInstall
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceInstall 4: SELECT `ServiceInstall`,`Name`,`DisplayName`,`ServiceType`,`StartType`,`ErrorControl`,`LoadOrderGroup`,`Dependencies`,`StartName`,`Password`,`ComponentId`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`Arguments` FROM `ServiceInstall`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `ServiceInstall`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND (`Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File`) AND (`Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: InstallServices.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: StartServices
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `Name`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: StartServices.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: RegisterUser
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: StartServices. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterUser.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: RegisterProduct
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterUser. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiDigitalSignature
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterProduct.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductToBeRegistered property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: PublishComponents
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterProduct. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PublishComponent 4: SELECT `PublishComponent`.`ComponentId`, `PublishComponent`.`Qualifier`, `PublishComponent`.`AppData`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `PublishComponent`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `PublishComponent`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `PublishComponent`.`Feature_` = `Feature`.`Feature` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)))
Action start 17:11:55: PublishComponents.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: MsiPublishAssemblies
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: PublishComponents. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT null, null, `Component`.`Component`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Feature_` = `Feature`.`Feature` AND `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application` = null AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)))
Action start 17:11:55: MsiPublishAssemblies.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: PublishFeatures
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: MsiPublishAssemblies. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: PublishFeatures.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: PublishProduct
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: PublishFeatures. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Icon
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Icon 4: SELECT `Name`, `Data` FROM `Icon`
Action start 17:11:55: PublishProduct.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: CreateShortcuts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: PublishProduct. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Shortcut 4: SELECT `Shortcut`,`Name`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Arguments`, `WkDir`, `Icon_`, `IconIndex`, `Hotkey`, `ShowCmd`, `Shortcut`.`Description`, `Shortcut`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Action`, `Target`, `ComponentId`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `DisplayResourceDLL`, `DisplayResourceId`, `DescriptionResourceDLL`, `DescriptionResourceId` From `Shortcut`, `Feature`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Target` = `Feature` AND `Shortcut`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)))
Action start 17:11:55: CreateShortcuts.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Doing action: InstallFinalize
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: CreateShortcuts. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: Running Script: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI8A41.tmp
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:734]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UpdateStarted property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=500,Timestamp=1355450748,LangId=1033,Platform=0,ScriptType=1,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
Action start 17:11:55: InstallFinalize.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E},ProductName=Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664,PackageName=vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi,Language=1033,Version=201367256,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,,,PackageCode={69CC7C28-1E28-4770-8075-1978CFD51CE3},,,InstanceType=0,LUASetting=0,RemoteURTInstalls=0,ProductDeploymentFlags=3)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollback,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction=RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [1])
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=0,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=1,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ProcessComponents,Description=Updating component registration,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=9,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=24000)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={FE80AAC7-9373-345B-8C89-01D4359338F8},KeyPath=02:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\VC\Runtimes\x86\Version,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={0835C947-D6D2-4E52-AF14-0231D04E88EA},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\msvcr120.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={74260D9F-D644-423B-B2D4-0291EA4BA8BE},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\msvcp120.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={63B83B20-1AB9-4F49-B0B2-4489724CA96C},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\vccorlib120.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={E08DC543-ADA7-466B-B629-CE908DD9BDE3},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\vcamp120.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={1A7754D3-744B-439A-B284-BD7A1C24FCFA},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\vcomp120.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={02A33D46-BBAA-3AE1-B18F-390B34F69D25},KeyPath=02:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0\SP,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={0158CC3C-4468-3BEE-AAE9-C15CBC41D67D},KeyPath=02:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0\RuntimeMinimum\Install,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={6F8AC7C7-2FFA-388E-BCFE-186E61ACB437},KeyPath=02:\Software\Classes\Installer\Dependencies\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeMinimumVSU_x86,v12\Version,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RemoveODBC,Description=Removing ODBC components,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ODBCDriverManager(,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ODBCDriverManager(,BinaryType=1)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallFiles,Description=Copying new files,Template=File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6])
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=2133624,Type=0,ByteEquivalent=1)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Windows\system32\)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\Sys\|System\)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: ChangeMedia(,MediaPrompt=Please insert the disk: ,MediaCabinet=1\,BytesPerTick=65536,CopierType=1,,,SignatureRequired=0,,,IsFirstPhysicalMedia=1)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=msvcp120.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86,DestName=msvcp120.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=454976,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: File: C:\Windows\system32\msvcp120.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:750]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:764]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=msvcr120.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86,DestName=msvcr120.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=971072,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:764]: File: C:\Windows\system32\msvcr120.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:764]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:828]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=vcamp120.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_vcamp120_x86,DestName=vcamp120.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=339624,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:828]: File: C:\Windows\system32\vcamp120.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:828]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_vcamp120_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:844]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=bxxe4aoo.dll|vccorlib120.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86,DestName=vccorlib120.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=247984,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:844]: File: C:\Windows\system32\vccorlib120.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:844]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_vccorlib120_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:844]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=vcomp120.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_vcomp120_x86,DestName=vcomp120.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=119968,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:844]: File: C:\Windows\system32\vcomp120.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:844]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_vcomp120_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: CacheSizeFlush(,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=WriteRegistryValues,Description=Writing system registry values,Template=Key: [1], Name: [2], Value: [3])
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=19,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-1,Key=Software\Classes\Installer\Dependencies\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeMinimumVSU_x86,v12,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Version,Value=12.0.40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value={8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E},)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=DisplayName,Value=Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\VC\Runtimes\x86,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Version,Value=v12.0.40664.00,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Installed,Value=#1,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Major,Value=#12,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Minor,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Bld,Value=#40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Rbld,Value=#00,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SP,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SPIndex,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0\RuntimeMinimum,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Install,Value=#1,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InstallerType,Value=MSI,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SP,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SPIndex,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SPName,Value=RTM,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Version,Value=12.0.40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=UpdateVersion,Value=12.0.40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RegisterProduct,Description=Registering product,Template=[1])
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: ChangeMedia(,MediaPrompt=Please insert the disk: ,MediaCabinet=1\,BytesPerTick=0,CopierType=1,,,SignatureRequired=0,,,IsFirstPhysicalMedia=1)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Executing op: DatabaseCopy(DatabasePath=C:\Windows\Installer\688ab.msi,ProductCode={8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E},,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:859]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3\InstallProperties 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: ProductRegister(UpgradeCode={B59F5BF1-67C8-3802-8E59-2CE551A39FC5},VersionString=12.0.40664,HelpLink=,,,InstallSource=C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\,Publisher=Microsoft Corporation,,,,NoModify=1,,,Comments=Caution. Removing this product might prevent some applications from running.,,,,SystemComponent=1,EstimatedSize=2076,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: ProductCPDisplayInfoRegister()
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=PublishFeatures,Description=Publishing Product Features,Template=Feature: [1])
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=VC_Runtime_Minimum,,Absent=2,Component=p%glzj2Fo4jKj.mxO-kxwf@_%sbe2Au(qh3f62HtpO'DMliL@9C'V[VqeV?fJ[7'H?Q~PAYa$-TR,SwJJeW2q*0n^=hBwUV,0`4r33%S+q,qf9B!.NOa[^ay)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=Provider,,Absent=2,Component=][5qKob%36kHhHKxanu5)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=Servicing_Key,,Absent=2,Component=Qv'q!UeYw6X@`[&lh`*01XlL!TS8=7+c%nE{efMP)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=PublishProduct,Description=Publishing product information,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: CleanupConfigData()
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3\Patches 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: RegisterPatchOrder(Continue=0,SequenceType=1,Remove=0)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3\Patches 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: ProductPublish(PackageKey={69CC7C28-1E28-4770-8075-1978CFD51CE3})
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: UpgradeCodePublish(UpgradeCode={B59F5BF1-67C8-3802-8E59-2CE551A39FC5})
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: SourceListPublish(,,DiskPromptTemplate=[1],,NumberOfDisks=1)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\1BAD2218D4DE6763BBA0AC63186945E3\SourceList 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: ProductPublishClient(,,)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: SourceListRegisterLastUsed(SourceProduct={8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E},LastUsedSource=C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Specifed source is already in a list.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Adding new sources is allowed.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Set LastUsedSource to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Set LastUsedType to: n.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Set LastUsedIndex to: 1.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotalLDWord=2809784)
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Note: 1: 2318 2:
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:875]: Unlocking Server
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:890]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted property. Its current value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:890]: Doing action: RemoveExistingProducts
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:890]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallFinalize. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveExistingProducts.
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveExistingProducts. Return value 1.
Action ended 17:11:55: INSTALL. Return value 1.
Property(S): DiskPrompt = [1]
Property(S): UpgradeCode = {B59F5BF1-67C8-3802-8E59-2CE551A39FC5}
Property(S): REDISTFOUNDVER = #1
Property(S): TARGETDIR = C:\
Property(S): SystemFolder_x86_VC = C:\Windows\system32\
Property(S): SourceDir = C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\
Property(S): SystemFolder = C:\Windows\system32\
Property(S): VersionNT = 603
Property(S): ALLUSERS = 1
Property(S): ARPHELPLINK =
Property(S): ARPNOMODIFY = 1
Property(S): ARPURLUpdateInfo =
Property(S): ARPCOMMENTS = Caution. Removing this product might prevent some applications from running.
Property(S): comspec_cmd = %comspec%
Property(S): DDPatch = 0
Property(S): FeatureID = 1
Property(S): FILESINUSETEXT = The following applications should be closed before continuing the install:
Property(S): FXAssemblyVersion =
Property(S): FXAssemblyVersion35 =
Property(S): INSTALLLEVEL = 2
Property(S): LIMITUI = 1
Property(S): NullGUID = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Property(S): PIDRegEntryName = ProductID
Property(S): PIDUserNameRegKey = SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\Registration
Property(S): PIDUserNameRegRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Property(S): PrimaryDir = VS7.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8
Property(S): REBOOT = ReallySuppress
Property(S): REPAIR_REINSTALLMODE = pecmsu
Property(S): ReserveAdditionalCostVS7UI = 8388608
Property(S): RunCount = 49
Property(S): UpdateProp1 = 0
Property(S): UpdateProp2 = 0
Property(S): UpdateProp3 = 0
Property(S): UpdateProp4 = 0
Property(S): UpdateProp5 = 0
Property(S): UserNameRegEntryName = UserName
Property(S): BuildType = ret
Property(S): URTVersion = v4.0.30319
Property(S): LocProductName = Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Runtime
Property(S): ProductCPU = x86
Property(S): ProductEdition = Runtime
Property(S): ProductFamily = VC
Property(S): ProductImage = net
Property(S): RTM_ProductVersion = 12.0.40664
Property(S): ProductVersionHigh = 720896
Property(S): ProductVersionLow = 1999110144
Property(S): MsiLogging = voicewarmup
Property(S): Manufacturer = Microsoft Corporation
Property(S): ProductCode = {8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}
Property(S): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(S): ProductName = Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664
Property(S): ProductVersion = 12.0.40664
Property(S): DirectoryTable100_x86 = DirectoryTable
Property(S): WixPdbPath = f:\ddSetup\SD\5\wix\outs\x86ret\enu\cooked\vc_RuntimeMinimum_net.wixpdb
Property(S): MsiLogFileLocation = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_000_vcRuntimeMinimum_x86.log
Property(S): PackageCode = {69CC7C28-1E28-4770-8075-1978CFD51CE3}
Property(S): ProductState = -1
Property(S): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(S): NOVSUI = 1
Property(S): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp
Property(S): CLIENTUILEVEL = 3
Property(S): CLIENTPROCESSID = 2304
Property(S): VersionDatabase = 301
Property(S): VersionMsi = 5.00
Property(S): WindowsBuild = 9600
Property(S): ServicePackLevel = 0
Property(S): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0
Property(S): MsiNTProductType = 1
Property(S): WindowsFolder = C:\Windows\
Property(S): WindowsVolume = C:\
Property(S): System16Folder = C:\Windows\system\
Property(S): RemoteAdminTS = 1
Property(S): TempFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\
Property(S): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\
Property(S): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\Common Files\
Property(S): AppDataFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\
Property(S): FavoritesFolder = C:\Users\root\Favorites\
Property(S): NetHoodFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\
Property(S): PersonalFolder = C:\Users\root\Documents\
Property(S): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts\
Property(S): RecentFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\
Property(S): SendToFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\
Property(S): TemplateFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\
Property(S): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\ProgramData\
Property(S): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\
Property(S): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Users\root\Pictures\
Property(S): AdminToolsFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\
Property(S): StartupFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
Property(S): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
Property(S): StartMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\
Property(S): DesktopFolder = C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
Property(S): FontsFolder = C:\Windows\Fonts\
Property(S): GPTSupport = 1
Property(S): OLEAdvtSupport = 1
Property(S): ShellAdvtSupport = 1
Property(S): Intel = 6
Property(S): PhysicalMemory = 3072
Property(S): VirtualMemory = 3687
Property(S): AdminUser = 1
Property(S): MsiTrueAdminUser = 1
Property(S): LogonUser = root
Property(S): UserSID = S-1-5-21-1948349257-2290974376-823194872-1001
Property(S): UserLanguageID = 1033
Property(S): ComputerName = WINDOWS-O5VKV7Q
Property(S): SystemLanguageID = 1033
Property(S): ScreenX = 1024
Property(S): ScreenY = 768
Property(S): CaptionHeight = 23
Property(S): BorderTop = 1
Property(S): BorderSide = 1
Property(S): TextHeight = 16
Property(S): TextInternalLeading = 3
Property(S): ColorBits = 32
Property(S): TTCSupport = 1
Property(S): Time = 17:11:55
Property(S): Date = 6/10/2020
Property(S): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 4.0.30319.33440
Property(S): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 6.3.9600.16384
Property(S): RedirectedDllSupport = 2
Property(S): MsiRunningElevated = 1
Property(S): Privileged = 1
Property(S): USERNAME = Windows User
Property(S): DATABASE = C:\Windows\Installer\688ab.msi
Property(S): OriginalDatabase = C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi
Property(S): UILevel = 2
Property(S): MsiUISourceResOnly = 1
Property(S): ROOTDRIVE = C:\
Property(S): CostingComplete = 1
Property(S): OutOfDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 0
Property(S): SOURCEDIR = C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_x86\
Property(S): SourcedirProduct = {8122DAB1-ED4D-3676-BB0A-CA368196543E}
Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:890]: Note: 1: 1707
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:890]: Product: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664 -- Installation completed successfully.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:890]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Minimum Runtime - 12.0.40664. Product Version: 12.0.40664. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: 0.
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:890]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist
MSI (s) (A8:B0) [17:11:55:890]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:890]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:890]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
=== Logging stopped: 6/10/2020 17:11:55 ===
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:905]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:905]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:905]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:905]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:905]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:905]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:905]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:905]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (00:C4) [17:11:55:905]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
=== Verbose logging stopped: 6/10/2020 17:11:55 ===
=== Verbose logging started: 6/10/2020 17:11:55 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.9600.00 Calling process: C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp\vcredist_x86_2013.exe ===
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:55:905]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:55:905]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:55:905]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:55:905]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:55:905]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:55:905]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:55:905]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:55:905]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:922]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:55:922]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi' against software restriction policy
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi has a digital signature
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: End dialog not enabled
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Original package ==> C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Windows\Installer\688af.msi
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: APPCOMPAT: Compatibility mode property overrides found.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'TransformsSecure' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: User policy value 'TransformsAtSource' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiFileHash
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Transforms are not secure.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Control
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiLogFileLocation property. Its value is 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_001_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86.log'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. Its value is '{E4284075-F306-486B-9C2F-B51F45F5CB7E}'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize: ''
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Product Code from property table before transforms: '{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}'
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Product Code from property table after transforms: '{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}'
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Product not registered: beginning first-time install
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Product {D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A} is not managed.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: MSI_LUA: Credential prompt not required, user is an admin
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. Its value is '-1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Adding new sources is allowed.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackagecodeChanging property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Package name extracted from package path: 'vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi'
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Package to be registered: 'vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi'
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Product installation will be elevated because user is admin and product is being installed per-machine.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Running product '{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MSIFASTINSTALL property. Its value is '7'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NOVSUI property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying REBOOT property. Its current value is 'Suppress'. Its new value: 'ReallySuppress'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY property. Its value is 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '3'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MSICLIENTUSESEXTERNALUI property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property. Its value is '2304'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: Machine policy value 'DisableAutomaticApplicationShutdown' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its value is '5d37013279437945a8002c87822ff85d'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: RESTART MANAGER: Session opened.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: TRANSFORMS property is now:
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:922]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionDatabase property. Its value is '301'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\Favorites
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\Documents
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\Pictures
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Public\Desktop
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\root\Desktop
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Windows\Fonts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Note: 1: 2898 2: MS Sans Serif 3: MS Sans Serif 4: 0 5: 16
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: MSI_LUA: Setting MsiRunningElevated property to 1 because the install is already running elevated.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRunningElevated property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERNAME property. Its value is 'Windows User'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\Installer\688af.msi'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OriginalDatabase property. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Machine policy value 'MsiDisableEmbeddedUI' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: EEUI - Disabling MsiEmbeddedUI due to existing external or embedded UI
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: EEUI - Disabling MsiEmbeddedUI for service because it's not a quiet/basic install
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UILevel property. Its value is '2'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiUISourceResOnly property. Its value is '1'.
=== Logging started: 6/10/2020 17:11:55 ===
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: APPCOMPAT: [DetectVersionLaunchCondition] Launch condition already passes.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Doing action: INSTALL
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:938]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action start 17:11:55: INSTALL.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Running ExecuteSequence
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action start 17:11:55: FindRelatedProducts.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Skipping action: CA_BlockOlderVCRUNTIMEInstall_x86 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: LaunchConditions
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: LaunchConditions.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: AppSearch
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: LaunchConditions. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: AppSearch.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding REDISTFOUNDVERLANG property. Its value is '#1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding REDISTFOUNDVER property. Its value is '#1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Visual JSharp Setup\Redist\v4.0.30319 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4.0.30319 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4.0.30319\1033 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Skipping action: CCPSearch (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Skipping action: RMCCPSearch (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: ValidateProductID
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: AppSearch. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: ValidateProductID.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Skipping action: CA_LaunchCondition_4.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: CostInitialize
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Machine policy value 'MaxPatchCacheSize' is 10
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its value is 'C:\'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CostingComplete property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: __MsiPatchFileList
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PatchPackage 4: SELECT `DiskId`, `PatchId`, `LastSequence` FROM `Media`, `PatchPackage` WHERE `Media`.`DiskId`=`PatchPackage`.`Media_` ORDER BY `DiskId`
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
Action start 17:11:55: CostInitialize.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: FileCost
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly
Action start 17:11:55: FileCost.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: CostFinalize
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: FileCost. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfNoRbDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining property. Its value is '0'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Condition
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TARGETDIR property. Its value is 'C:\'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SystemFolder_x86_VC property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Target path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: target paths subject to change (via custom actions or browsing)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Dir (target): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\Windows\system32\
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Dir (target): Key: SystemFolder_x86_VC , Object: C:\Windows\system32\
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT `MsiAssembly`.`Attributes`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Manifest`, `Component`.`KeyPath` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component` WHERE `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = ?
Action start 17:11:55: CostFinalize.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: SetODBCFolders
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `ComponentId`,`Description`,`Directory_`, `ActionRequest`, `Installed`, `Attributes` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `ODBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `ActionRequest` = 2)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `ComponentId`,`Description`,`Directory_`, `ActionRequest`, `Installed`, `Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `ActionRequest` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: SetODBCFolders.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: InstallValidate
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: SetODBCFolders. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its current value is '5d37013279437945a8002c87822ff85d'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Dialog
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Feature: VC_Runtime_Additional; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Feature: Provider; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Feature: Servicing_Key; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_x86_Runtime_Detection; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120u_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfcm120_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfcm120u_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120cht_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120chs_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120enu_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120deu_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120esn_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120fra_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120ita_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120jpn_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120kor_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: C_CENTRAL_mfc120rus_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: Servicing_Key_ProductFamily_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: Servicing_Key_ProductEdition_x86; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Component: VC_RuntimeAdditionalVSU_Provider; Installed: Absent; Request: Local; Action: Local
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ProgId
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Extension
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Class
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Icon
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib
Action start 17:11:55: InstallValidate.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: _RemoveFilePath
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiFileHash
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying CostingComplete property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: BindImage
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ProgId
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Extension
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Class
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Icon
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2727 2:
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: FilesInUse
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2727 2:
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Skipping action: WixDependencyCheck (condition is false)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Doing action: InstallInitialize
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallValidate. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: BeginTransaction: Locking Server
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:953]: Server not locked: locking for product {D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}
Action start 17:11:55: InstallInitialize.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: AllocateRegistrySpace
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallInitialize. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: AllocateRegistrySpace.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: ProcessComponents
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: AllocateRegistrySpace. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchCertificate
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: LUA patching is disabled: missing MsiPatchCertificate table
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Resolving source.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Resolving source to launched-from source.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Setting launched-from source as last-used.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourceDir property. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SOURCEDIR property. Its value is 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourcedirProduct property. Its value is '{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: SOURCEDIR ==> C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: SOURCEDIR product ==> {D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Determining source type
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Source type from package 'vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi': 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Source path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Dir (source): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\ , LongSubPath: , ShortSubPath:
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Dir (source): Key: SystemFolder , Object: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\ , LongSubPath: System\ , ShortSubPath: Sys\
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Dir (source): Key: SystemFolder_x86_VC , Object: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\ , LongSubPath: System\ , ShortSubPath: Sys\
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action start 17:11:55: ProcessComponents.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: UnpublishComponents
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: ProcessComponents. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PublishComponent 4: SELECT `PublishComponent`.`ComponentId`, `PublishComponent`.`Qualifier`, `PublishComponent`.`AppData`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `PublishComponent`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `PublishComponent`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `PublishComponent`.`Feature_` = `Feature`.`Feature` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: UnpublishComponents.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: MsiUnpublishAssemblies
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnpublishComponents. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT null, null, `Component`.`Component`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Feature_` = `Feature`.`Feature` AND `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application` = null AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: MsiUnpublishAssemblies.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: UnpublishFeatures
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: MsiUnpublishAssemblies. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: UnpublishFeatures.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: StopServices
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnpublishFeatures. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `Name`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: StopServices.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: DeleteServices
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: StopServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `Name`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: DeleteServices.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: UnregisterComPlus
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: DeleteServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Complus
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Complus 4: SELECT `ComponentId`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `ExpType`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed` FROM `Complus`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Complus`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND `Action` = 0
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterComPlus.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: SelfUnregModules
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterComPlus. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: SelfReg 4: Select `File`.`FileName`,`Component`.`Directory_`,`Component`.`Installed`, `File`.`Component_`,`SelfReg`.`File_` From `SelfReg`, `File`, `Component` Where `SelfReg`.`File_` = `File`.`File` And `File`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` And `Component`.`Action` = 0
Action start 17:11:55: SelfUnregModules.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: UnregisterTypeLibraries
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: SelfUnregModules. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: TypeLib 4: SELECT `LibID`, `TypeLib`.`Version`, `TypeLib`.`Language`, `TypeLib`.`Directory_`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `BinaryType`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `TypeLib`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `TypeLib`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Component`.`Action`=0)
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterTypeLibraries.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RemoveODBC
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterTypeLibraries. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `DataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM `ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `DataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM `ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `Translator`,`Component`.`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `Translator`,`Component`.`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Driver`,`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Driver`,`ComponentId`,`Description`, `RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 0 AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveODBC.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager64
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: UnregisterFonts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveODBC. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Font 4: SELECT `FontTitle`, `FileName`, `Directory_`, `Installed`From `Font`, `FileAction` Where `Font`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And `FileAction`.`Action` = 0 ORDER BY `FileAction`.`Directory_`
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterFonts.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RemoveRegistryValues
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterFonts. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveRegistryValues.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: UnregisterClassInfo
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveRegistryValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Class
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Class 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `CLSID`, `ProgId_Default`, `Class`.`Description`, `Context`, `Feature_`, `ComponentId`, `Component`, `Class`.`Attributes`, `AppId_`, `FileTypeMask`, `Icon_`, `IconIndex`, `DefInprocHandler`, `Argument`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `Class`, `Component`, `File`, `Feature` WHERE `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Class`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterClassInfo.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: UnregisterMIMEInfo
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterClassInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MIME
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MIME 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `ContentType`, `Extension`.`Extension`, `MIME`.`CLSID`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `MIME`, `Extension`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `MIME`.`Extension_` = `Extension`.`Extension` AND `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Extension`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: UnregisterMIMEInfo.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RemoveIniValues
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: UnregisterMIMEInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: IniFile
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: IniFile 4: SELECT `FileName`,`IniFile`.`DirProperty`,`Section`,`IniFile`.`Key`,`IniFile`.`Value`,`IniFile`.`Action` FROM `IniFile`, `Component` WHERE `Component`=`Component_` AND `Component`.`Action`=0 ORDER BY `FileName`,`Section`
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveIniValues.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RemoveShortcuts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveIniValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Shortcut 4: SELECT `Shortcut`,`Name`, null, `Shortcut`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Action` From `Shortcut`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `Target` = `Feature` AND `Shortcut`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Feature`.`Action` = 0 OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)) OR ((`Feature`.`Action` = NULL OR `Feature`.`Action` = 3) AND `Component`.`Action` = 0 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveShortcuts.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RemoveEnvironmentStrings
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveShortcuts. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Environment
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Environment 4: SELECT `Name`,`Value` FROM `Environment`,`Component` WHERE `Component_`=`Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 0)
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveEnvironmentStrings.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RemoveDuplicateFiles
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveDuplicateFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RemoveFiles
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveDuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: RemoveFile
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: RemoveFile
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RemoveFolders
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveFiles. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: RemoveFolders.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: CreateFolders
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RemoveFolders. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: CreateFolders.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: MoveFiles
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: CreateFolders. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: MoveFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: InstallFiles
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: MoveFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: InstallFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Patch
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Patch 4: SELECT `Patch`.`File_`, `Patch`.`Header`, `Patch`.`Attributes`, `Patch`.`Sequence`, `Patch`.`StreamRef_` FROM `Patch` WHERE `Patch`.`File_` = ? AND `Patch`.`#_MsiActive`=? ORDER BY `Patch`.`Sequence`
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiSFCBypass
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiSFCBypass 4: SELECT `File_` FROM `MsiSFCBypass` WHERE `File_` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders 4: SELECT `Header` FROM `MsiPatchHeaders` WHERE `StreamRef` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiDigitalSignature
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiPatchHeaders
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PatchPackage
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: DuplicateFiles
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: DuplicateFiles.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: BindImage
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: DuplicateFiles. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: BindImage.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Doing action: RegisterClassInfo
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:965]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: BindImage. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Class
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Class 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `CLSID`, `ProgId_Default`, `Class`.`Description`, `Context`, `Feature_`, `ComponentId`, `Component`, `Class`.`Attributes`, `AppId_`, `FileTypeMask`, `Icon_`, `IconIndex`, `DefInprocHandler`, `Argument`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `Class`, `Component`, `File`, `Feature` WHERE `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Class`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND ((`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4))))
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterClassInfo.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: RegisterMIMEInfo
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterClassInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MIME
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MIME 4: SELECT `BinaryType`, `ContentType`, `Extension`.`Extension`, `MIME`.`CLSID`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes` FROM `MIME`, `Extension`, `Feature`, `Component` WHERE `MIME`.`Extension_` = `Extension`.`Extension` AND `Feature_` = `Feature` AND `Extension`.`Component_` = `Component` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND ((`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4))))
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterMIMEInfo.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: RegisterTypeLibraries
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterMIMEInfo. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: TypeLib
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: TypeLib 4: SELECT `LibID`, `TypeLib`.`Version`, `TypeLib`.`Language`, `TypeLib`.`Directory_`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `BinaryType`, `Component`.`Component`, `Component`.`Attributes`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `TypeLib`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `TypeLib`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND ((`Component`.`Action`=1 OR `Component`.`Action`=2) OR (`Component`.`Action` = null AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2)))
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterTypeLibraries.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: WriteRegistryValues
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterTypeLibraries. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: WriteRegistryValues.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: WriteIniValues
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: WriteRegistryValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: IniFile
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: IniFile 4: SELECT `FileName`,`IniFile`.`DirProperty`,`Section`,`IniFile`.`Key`,`IniFile`.`Value`,`IniFile`.`Action` FROM `IniFile`, `Component` WHERE `Component`=`Component_` AND (`Component`.`Action`=1 OR `Component`.`Action`=2) ORDER BY `FileName`,`Section`
Action start 17:11:55: WriteIniValues.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: WriteEnvironmentStrings
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: WriteIniValues. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Environment
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Environment 4: SELECT `Name`,`Value` FROM `Environment`,`Component` WHERE `Component_`=`Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: WriteEnvironmentStrings.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: RegisterFonts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: WriteEnvironmentStrings. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Font
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Font 4: SELECT `FontTitle`, `FileName`, `Directory_`, `Action` From `Font`, `FileAction` Where `Font`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And (`FileAction`.`Action` = 1 Or `FileAction`.`Action` = 2) ORDER BY `FileAction`.`Directory_`
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterFonts.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: InstallODBC
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterFonts. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2711 2: ODBCDriverManager64
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Driver`,`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `ODBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDriver
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDriver 4: SELECT `Driver`,`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCDriver`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `ODBCDriver`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `Translator`,`Component`.`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCTranslator
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCTranslator 4: SELECT `Translator`,`Component`.`ComponentId`,`Description`,`RuntimeFlags`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`File_Setup`,`Action` FROM `ODBCTranslator`, `File`, `Component` WHERE `File_` = `File` AND `ODBCTranslator`.`Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`ActionRequest` = 1 OR `Component`.`ActionRequest` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `DataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM `ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ODBCDataSource
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ODBCDataSource 4: SELECT `DataSource`,`ComponentId`,`DriverDescription`,`Description`,`Registration` FROM `ODBCDataSource`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND `BinaryType` = ?
Action start 17:11:55: InstallODBC.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: SelfRegModules
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallODBC. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: SelfReg
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: SelfReg 4: Select `FileAction`.`FileName`,`FileAction`.`Directory_`,`FileAction`.`Action`, `FileAction`.`Component_`,`SelfReg`.`File_` From `SelfReg`, `FileAction` Where `SelfReg`.`File_` = `FileAction`.`File` And (`FileAction`.`Action` = 1 OR `FileAction`.`Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: SelfRegModules.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: RegisterComPlus
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: SelfRegModules. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Complus
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Complus 4: SELECT `ComponentId`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `ExpType`, `Component`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed` FROM `Complus`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Complus`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND (`Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterComPlus.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: InstallServices
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterComPlus. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Detected older ServiceInstall table schema
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceInstall
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceInstall 4: SELECT `ServiceInstall`,`Name`,`DisplayName`,`ServiceType`,`StartType`,`ErrorControl`,`LoadOrderGroup`,`Dependencies`,`StartName`,`Password`,`ComponentId`,`Directory_`,`FileName`,`Arguments` FROM `ServiceInstall`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `ServiceInstall`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND (`Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File`) AND (`Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: InstallServices.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: StartServices
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: InstallServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ServiceControl
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ServiceControl 4: SELECT `Name`,`Wait`,`Arguments`,`Event`, `Action` FROM `ServiceControl`, `Component` WHERE `Component_` = `Component` AND (`Action` = 0 OR `Action` = 1 OR `Action` = 2)
Action start 17:11:55: StartServices.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: RegisterUser
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: StartServices. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterUser.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: RegisterProduct
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterUser. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiDigitalSignature
Action start 17:11:55: RegisterProduct.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductToBeRegistered property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: PublishComponents
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: RegisterProduct. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: PublishComponent
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: PublishComponent 4: SELECT `PublishComponent`.`ComponentId`, `PublishComponent`.`Qualifier`, `PublishComponent`.`AppData`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `PublishComponent`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `PublishComponent`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `PublishComponent`.`Feature_` = `Feature`.`Feature` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)))
Action start 17:11:55: PublishComponents.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: MsiPublishAssemblies
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: PublishComponents. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: MsiAssembly
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: MsiAssembly 4: SELECT null, null, `Component`.`Component`, `Feature`, `Component`.`ComponentId`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component`, `Feature` WHERE `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Feature_` = `Feature`.`Feature` AND `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application` = null AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)))
Action start 17:11:55: MsiPublishAssemblies.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: PublishFeatures
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: MsiPublishAssemblies. Return value 0.
Action start 17:11:55: PublishFeatures.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: PublishProduct
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: PublishFeatures. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Icon
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Icon 4: SELECT `Name`, `Data` FROM `Icon`
Action start 17:11:55: PublishProduct.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: CreateShortcuts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: PublishProduct. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Shortcut
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Shortcut 4: SELECT `Shortcut`,`Name`, `FileName`, `Component`.`Directory_`, `Arguments`, `WkDir`, `Icon_`, `IconIndex`, `Hotkey`, `ShowCmd`, `Shortcut`.`Description`, `Shortcut`.`Directory_`, `Component`.`RuntimeFlags`, `Component`.`Action`, `Target`, `ComponentId`, `Feature`.`Action`, `Component`.`Installed`, `DisplayResourceDLL`, `DisplayResourceId`, `DescriptionResourceDLL`, `DescriptionResourceId` From `Shortcut`, `Feature`, `Component`, `File` WHERE `Target` = `Feature` AND `Shortcut`.`Component_` = `Component` AND `Component`.`KeyPath` = `File`.`File` AND ((`Feature`.`Action` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Action` = 2) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 4 AND `Feature`.`Installed` = 0) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = 3 AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)) OR (`Feature`.`Action` = NULL AND (`Component`.`Action` = 1 OR `Component`.`Action` = 2) AND (`Feature`.`Installed` = 1 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 2 OR `Feature`.`Installed` = 4)))
Action start 17:11:55: CreateShortcuts.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Doing action: InstallFinalize
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:55: CreateShortcuts. Return value 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: Running Script: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI8B4E.tmp
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:55:984]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UpdateStarted property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=500,Timestamp=1355450748,LangId=1033,Platform=0,ScriptType=1,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
Action start 17:11:55: InstallFinalize.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A},ProductName=Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664,PackageName=vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi,Language=1033,Version=201367256,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,,,PackageCode={E4284075-F306-486B-9C2F-B51F45F5CB7E},,,InstanceType=0,LUASetting=0,RemoteURTInstalls=0,ProductDeploymentFlags=3)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollback,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction=RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [1])
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=0,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=1,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ProcessComponents,Description=Updating component registration,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=18,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=24000)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={1D481A21-C43F-38B9-B0D1-E090FD2D2643},KeyPath=02:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\VC\Runtimes\x86\Version,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={7EA36934-F736-408F-BD04-A2A710E04773},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={B5B46CD9-9426-401F-9C3B-646807EFE00B},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120u.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={D4263C2B-DA4A-4000-A8E0-4BE8E46A9A3C},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfcm120.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={271E5C92-3536-4282-9ABF-449A91B8C2D7},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfcm120u.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={8E4244B1-6F8F-4EA0-AC6A-346DE7CF79A0},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120cht.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={BBB72240-8F6A-4A81-A4AB-B7F7FE2E94C6},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120chs.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={96DA9037-C965-4C45-A27C-E762385411F2},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120enu.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={0EE7DAF6-6619-4F44-827B-9402EF53A24D},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120deu.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={C5403C4F-C052-463A-89BF-AC1027804359},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120esn.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={2CBFA0D1-BFFD-469F-9C66-BED1CAB51BA0},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120fra.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={9DD1063C-E422-495F-9AB6-7A149FB282B5},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120ita.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={0AB2312F-BBE0-4C27-A207-624C7889B4D6},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120jpn.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={6DA3A901-E012-42E2-B819-DAF378BE4BEF},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120kor.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={90DDD30E-9D04-441F-9803-694F80387AE8},KeyPath=C:\Windows\system32\mfc120rus.dll,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=1,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={02A33D46-BBAA-3AE1-B18F-390B34F69D25},KeyPath=02:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0\SP,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={92CC4676-2A19-3796-AD5E-79865975F6F3},KeyPath=02:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0\RuntimeAdditional\Install,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ComponentRegister(ComponentId={B7C0BF31-9400-344A-AF4E-9AA37AAF4B70},KeyPath=02:\Software\Classes\Installer\Dependencies\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeAdditionalVSU_x86,v12\Version,State=3,,Disk=1,SharedDllRefCount=0,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=1,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTick()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RemoveODBC,Description=Removing ODBC components,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ODBCDriverManager(,BinaryType=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ODBCDriverManager(,BinaryType=1)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=InstallFiles,Description=Copying new files,Template=File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6])
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=9674000,Type=0,ByteEquivalent=1)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:\Windows\system32\)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1\Sys\|System\)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: ChangeMedia(,MediaPrompt=Please insert the disk: ,MediaCabinet=1\,BytesPerTick=65536,CopierType=1,,,SignatureRequired=0,,,IsFirstPhysicalMedia=1)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=mfc120.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120_x86,DestName=mfc120.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=4424864,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:000]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:063]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=niwpknuu.dll|mfc120chs.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120chs_x86,DestName=mfc120chs.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=46248,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=2052,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:063]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120chs.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:063]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120chs_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:063]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=xqfto2k3.dll|mfc120cht.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120cht_x86,DestName=mfc120cht.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=46248,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1028,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:063]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120cht.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:063]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120cht_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=ulwjluqg.dll|mfc120deu.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120deu_x86,DestName=mfc120deu.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=74920,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1031,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120deu.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120deu_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=zyd7azss.dll|mfc120enu.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120enu_x86,DestName=mfc120enu.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=65192,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120enu.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120enu_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=bkimidkw.dll|mfc120esn.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120esn_x86,DestName=mfc120esn.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=73896,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=3082,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120esn.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120esn_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=tovmtqcr.dll|mfc120fra.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120fra_x86,DestName=mfc120fra.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=74920,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1036,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120fra.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:078]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120fra_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:094]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=crdtq0-w.dll|mfc120ita.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120ita_x86,DestName=mfc120ita.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=72872,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1040,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:094]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120ita.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:094]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120ita_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:094]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=pp7s1vn3.dll|mfc120jpn.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120jpn_x86,DestName=mfc120jpn.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=53928,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1041,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:094]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120jpn.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:094]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120jpn_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:094]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=etewqtgy.dll|mfc120kor.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120kor_x86,DestName=mfc120kor.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=53416,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1042,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:110]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120kor.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:110]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120kor_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:110]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=lbb96mai.dll|mfc120rus.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120rus_x86,DestName=mfc120rus.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=70824,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1049,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:110]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120rus.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:110]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120rus_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:110]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=mfc120u.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfc120u_x86,DestName=mfc120u.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=4450464,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:110]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfc120u.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:110]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfc120u_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:172]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=mfcm120.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfcm120_x86,DestName=mfcm120.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=83104,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:172]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfcm120.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:172]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfcm120_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:172]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=mfcm120u.dll,SourceCabKey=F_CENTRAL_mfcm120u_x86,DestName=mfcm120u.dll,Attributes=512,FileSize=83104,PerTick=65536,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=12.0.40664.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: File: C:\Windows\system32\mfcm120u.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Source for file 'F_CENTRAL_mfcm120u_x86' is compressed
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: CacheSizeFlush(,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=WriteRegistryValues,Description=Writing system registry values,Template=Key: [1], Name: [2], Value: [3])
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: ProgressTotal(Total=19,Type=1,ByteEquivalent=13200)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-1,Key=Software\Classes\Installer\Dependencies\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeAdditionalVSU_x86,v12,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Version,Value=12.0.40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: RegAddValue(,Value={D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A},)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=DisplayName,Value=Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\VC\Runtimes\x86,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Version,Value=v12.0.40664.00,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Installed,Value=#1,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:188]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Major,Value=#12,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Minor,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Bld,Value=#40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Rbld,Value=#00,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SP,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SPIndex,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0\RuntimeAdditional,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Install,Value=#1,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=InstallerType,Value=MSI,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SP,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SPIndex,Value=#0,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=SPName,Value=RTM,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=Version,Value=12.0.40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=UpdateVersion,Value=12.0.40664,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegOpenKey(Root=-2147483646,Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664,,BinaryType=0,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RegisterProduct,Description=Registering product,Template=[1])
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: ChangeMedia(,MediaPrompt=Please insert the disk: ,MediaCabinet=1\,BytesPerTick=0,CopierType=1,,,SignatureRequired=0,,,IsFirstPhysicalMedia=1)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: DatabaseCopy(DatabasePath=C:\Windows\Installer\688af.msi,ProductCode={D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A},,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0\InstallProperties 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: ProductRegister(UpgradeCode={936E696B-0C8D-3A48-98DF-344FEA4E1139},VersionString=12.0.40664,HelpLink=,,,InstallSource=C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\,Publisher=Microsoft Corporation,,,,NoModify=1,,,Comments=Caution. Removing this product might prevent some applications from running.,,,,SystemComponent=1,EstimatedSize=9456,,,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: ProductCPDisplayInfoRegister()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=PublishFeatures,Description=Publishing Product Features,Template=Feature: [1])
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=VC_Runtime_Additional,,Absent=2,Component=t*yJ,t{b76rUvWVhKMY99]]dP}`jh80DVs^$1E'M)k{IcB7k[8x5rVIaPSn&1Ac3m4TRX87r)asN&]P7]UbX0X)yG9bwMYYc'EEnD1FfUlU~=A2$F+KOt$Y[S}2DeC'Ly?!6G]x[-znhbL1QX=)cS@80zkGdp$mvEY5l'7mQPAh'Qo![Zsy@eVbIhgDZX=)`UF(meYcD,sPH2wOGd=g7{JleB}N[*`GfZ(VSY?^6PY)^eaDcEI5M&4PPP@&=dV@a@S!n5)78K@w9R9t*jGwEIAvuyGZWV({'u9~wITAD7%fs)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=Provider,,Absent=2,Component=8iw'd7~Um4ezMY]dIl*L)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: FeaturePublish(Feature=Servicing_Key,,Absent=2,Component=Qv'q!UeYw6X@`[&lh`*0DJF3W5xWr50-c6S3ClJw)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=PublishProduct,Description=Publishing product information,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: CleanupConfigData()
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0\Patches 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: RegisterPatchOrder(Continue=0,SequenceType=1,Remove=0)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0\Patches 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: ProductPublish(PackageKey={E4284075-F306-486B-9C2F-B51F45F5CB7E})
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: UpgradeCodePublish(UpgradeCode={936E696B-0C8D-3A48-98DF-344FEA4E1139})
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: SourceListPublish(,,DiskPromptTemplate=[1],,NumberOfDisks=1)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Installer\Products\D169104D02A37CA349B316935DDB94A0\SourceList 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: ProductPublishClient(,,)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: SourceListRegisterLastUsed(SourceProduct={D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A},LastUsedSource=C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Specifed source is already in a list.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Adding new sources is allowed.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Set LastUsedSource to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Set LastUsedType to: n.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Set LastUsedIndex to: 1.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:203]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotalLDWord=10684960)
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:215]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:215]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:215]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:215]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:215]: Note: 1: 2318 2:
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:215]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:215]: Unlocking Server
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:231]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted property. Its current value is '1'.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:231]: Doing action: RemoveExistingProducts
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:231]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action ended 17:11:56: InstallFinalize. Return value 1.
Action start 17:11:56: RemoveExistingProducts.
Action ended 17:11:56: RemoveExistingProducts. Return value 1.
Action ended 17:11:56: INSTALL. Return value 1.
Property(S): DiskPrompt = [1]
Property(S): UpgradeCode = {936E696B-0C8D-3A48-98DF-344FEA4E1139}
Property(S): REDISTFOUNDVER = #1
Property(S): TARGETDIR = C:\
Property(S): SystemFolder_x86_VC = C:\Windows\system32\
Property(S): SourceDir = C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\
Property(S): SystemFolder = C:\Windows\system32\
Property(S): VersionNT = 603
Property(S): ALLUSERS = 1
Property(S): ARPHELPLINK =
Property(S): ARPNOMODIFY = 1
Property(S): ARPURLUpdateInfo =
Property(S): ARPCOMMENTS = Caution. Removing this product might prevent some applications from running.
Property(S): comspec_cmd = %comspec%
Property(S): DDPatch = 0
Property(S): FeatureID = 1
Property(S): FILESINUSETEXT = The following applications should be closed before continuing the install:
Property(S): FXAssemblyVersion =
Property(S): FXAssemblyVersion35 =
Property(S): INSTALLLEVEL = 2
Property(S): LIMITUI = 1
Property(S): NullGUID = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Property(S): PIDRegEntryName = ProductID
Property(S): PIDUserNameRegKey = SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\Registration
Property(S): PIDUserNameRegRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Property(S): PrimaryDir = VS7.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8
Property(S): REBOOT = ReallySuppress
Property(S): REPAIR_REINSTALLMODE = pecmsu
Property(S): ReserveAdditionalCostVS7UI = 8388608
Property(S): RunCount = 49
Property(S): UpdateProp1 = 0
Property(S): UpdateProp2 = 0
Property(S): UpdateProp3 = 0
Property(S): UpdateProp4 = 0
Property(S): UpdateProp5 = 0
Property(S): UserNameRegEntryName = UserName
Property(S): BuildType = ret
Property(S): URTVersion = v4.0.30319
Property(S): LocProductName = Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Runtime
Property(S): ProductCPU = x86
Property(S): ProductEdition = Runtime
Property(S): ProductFamily = VC
Property(S): ProductImage = net
Property(S): RTM_ProductVersion = 12.0.40664
Property(S): ProductVersionHigh = 720896
Property(S): ProductVersionLow = 1999110144
Property(S): MsiLogging = voicewarmup
Property(S): Manufacturer = Microsoft Corporation
Property(S): ProductCode = {D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}
Property(S): ProductLanguage = 1033
Property(S): ProductName = Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664
Property(S): ProductVersion = 12.0.40664
Property(S): DirectoryTable100_x86 = DirectoryTable
Property(S): WixPdbPath = f:\ddSetup\SD\3\wix\outs\x86ret\enu\cooked\vc_RuntimeAdditional_net.wixpdb
Property(S): MsiLogFileLocation = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_x86_20200610171145_001_vcRuntimeAdditional_x86.log
Property(S): PackageCode = {E4284075-F306-486B-9C2F-B51F45F5CB7E}
Property(S): ProductState = -1
Property(S): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(S): NOVSUI = 1
Property(S): CURRENTDIRECTORY = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\nsr6DE.tmp
Property(S): CLIENTUILEVEL = 3
Property(S): CLIENTPROCESSID = 2304
Property(S): VersionDatabase = 301
Property(S): VersionMsi = 5.00
Property(S): WindowsBuild = 9600
Property(S): ServicePackLevel = 0
Property(S): ServicePackLevelMinor = 0
Property(S): MsiNTProductType = 1
Property(S): WindowsFolder = C:\Windows\
Property(S): WindowsVolume = C:\
Property(S): System16Folder = C:\Windows\system\
Property(S): RemoteAdminTS = 1
Property(S): TempFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\
Property(S): ProgramFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\
Property(S): CommonFilesFolder = C:\Program Files\Common Files\
Property(S): AppDataFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\
Property(S): FavoritesFolder = C:\Users\root\Favorites\
Property(S): NetHoodFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts\
Property(S): PersonalFolder = C:\Users\root\Documents\
Property(S): PrintHoodFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts\
Property(S): RecentFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\
Property(S): SendToFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\
Property(S): TemplateFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\
Property(S): CommonAppDataFolder = C:\ProgramData\
Property(S): LocalAppDataFolder = C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\
Property(S): MyPicturesFolder = C:\Users\root\Pictures\
Property(S): AdminToolsFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\
Property(S): StartupFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
Property(S): ProgramMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
Property(S): StartMenuFolder = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\
Property(S): DesktopFolder = C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
Property(S): FontsFolder = C:\Windows\Fonts\
Property(S): GPTSupport = 1
Property(S): OLEAdvtSupport = 1
Property(S): ShellAdvtSupport = 1
Property(S): Intel = 6
Property(S): PhysicalMemory = 3072
Property(S): VirtualMemory = 3687
Property(S): AdminUser = 1
Property(S): MsiTrueAdminUser = 1
Property(S): LogonUser = root
Property(S): UserSID = S-1-5-21-1948349257-2290974376-823194872-1001
Property(S): UserLanguageID = 1033
Property(S): ComputerName = WINDOWS-O5VKV7Q
Property(S): SystemLanguageID = 1033
Property(S): ScreenX = 1024
Property(S): ScreenY = 768
Property(S): CaptionHeight = 23
Property(S): BorderTop = 1
Property(S): BorderSide = 1
Property(S): TextHeight = 16
Property(S): TextInternalLeading = 3
Property(S): ColorBits = 32
Property(S): TTCSupport = 1
Property(S): Time = 17:11:56
Property(S): Date = 6/10/2020
Property(S): MsiNetAssemblySupport = 4.0.30319.33440
Property(S): MsiWin32AssemblySupport = 6.3.9600.16384
Property(S): RedirectedDllSupport = 2
Property(S): MsiRunningElevated = 1
Property(S): Privileged = 1
Property(S): USERNAME = Windows User
Property(S): DATABASE = C:\Windows\Installer\688af.msi
Property(S): OriginalDatabase = C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\vc_runtimeAdditional_x86.msi
Property(S): UILevel = 2
Property(S): MsiUISourceResOnly = 1
Property(S): ROOTDRIVE = C:\
Property(S): CostingComplete = 1
Property(S): OutOfDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 0
Property(S): SOURCEDIR = C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}v12.0.40664\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_x86\
Property(S): SourcedirProduct = {D401961D-3A20-3AC7-943B-6139D5BD490A}
Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:231]: Note: 1: 1707
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:231]: Product: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664 -- Installation completed successfully.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:231]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x86 Additional Runtime - 12.0.40664. Product Version: 12.0.40664. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: 0.
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:231]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist
MSI (s) (A8:24) [17:11:56:231]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:231]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:231]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
=== Logging stopped: 6/10/2020 17:11:56 ===
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:246]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:246]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:246]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:246]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:246]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:246]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (A8:C4) [17:11:56:246]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:56:246]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (00:9C) [17:11:56:246]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
=== Verbose logging stopped: 6/10/2020 17:11:56 ===
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