This method works for Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly with hot reload, style isolation and tailwind jit compilation.
For this method you need added to path Tailwind CSS CLI binary. Read more about Standalone CLI.
Just create a StaticAssets
folder in the root of your project with next structure.
Import TailwindCli.targets
into your .csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<Import Project="StaticAssets\TailwindCli.targets" />
Change your Pages/_Layout.cshtml
file if you are using Blazor Server
or wwwroot/index.html
file if you are using Blazor WebAssembly.
Add css link
<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Run this command in the terminal (change {ProjectDirectory}
to project directory). Actualy you can see the text of this command after calling dotnet build
, dotnet run
or dotnet watch
cd {ProjectDirectory}/StaticAssets/ && tailwindcss -i styles.css -o {ProjectDirectory}/wwwroot/css/styles.css -w
If you are using github workflows with your project then you need to add additional step.
- name: Setup Tailwind CSS
run: |
curl -sLO
chmod +x tailwindcss-linux-x64
sudo mv tailwindcss-linux-x64 /usr/bin/tailwindcss
Just create a StaticAssets
folder in the root of your project with next structure.
Import TailwindNpm.targets
into your .csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<Import Project="StaticAssets\TailwindNpm.targets" />
Change your Pages/_Layout.cshtml
file if you are using Blazor Server
or wwwroot/index.html
file if you are using Blazor WebAssembly.
Add css link
<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Run this command in the terminal (change {ProjectDirectory}
to project directory). Actualy you can see the text of this command after calling dotnet build
, dotnet run
or dotnet watch
cd {ProjectDirectory}/StaticAssets/ && npx --no-install tailwindcss -i styles.css -o {ProjectDirectory}/wwwroot/css/styles.css -w
in .NET 9 "_GenerateScopedCssFiles" target was renamed to "GenerateScopedCssFiles"