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Created December 11, 2019 20:38
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Scoped dependency injection in Proto Actor
public class ActorContainerNext : WindsorContainer
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, PID> singletons = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, PID>();
public ActorContainerNext(IWindsorContainer parent = null)
Parent = parent;
public PID CreateActor<TActor>(ISpawnContext context, string name) where TActor : IActor
var handlers = Kernel.GetAssignableHandlers(typeof(TActor));
// if no handler, allow for windsor resolve exception
if (handlers.Length == 0) CreateActorFactory(typeof(TActor));
if (TryFindSingleton<TActor>(out PID value))
return value;
PID actor;
var props = Props
.FromProducer(() => CreateActorFactory(typeof(TActor)))
// Is scope actor?
var scopeAttribute = (ActorScopeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(TActor), typeof(ActorScopeAttribute));
if (scopeAttribute != null)
props = props
.WithContextDecorator(ctx => new ActorScopeContext(ctx, this, scopeAttribute.InstallerType))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
actor = context.SpawnPrefix(props, typeof(TActor).Name);
actor = context.SpawnNamed(props, name);
var lifeType = handlers[0].ComponentModel.LifestyleType;
if (lifeType == LifestyleType.Undefined || lifeType == LifestyleType.Singleton)
singletons.TryAdd(typeof(TActor), actor);
return actor;
public override void Dispose()
protected bool TryFindSingleton<TActorClass>(out PID pid)
if (singletons.TryGetValue(typeof(TActorClass), out pid))
return true;
if (Parent is ActorContainerNext parentActorContainer)
return parentActorContainer.TryFindSingleton<TActorClass>(out pid);
return false;
private IEnumerable<IRegistration> ContainerComponents()
yield return Component.For(typeof(IKnowActor<>)).ImplementedBy(typeof(KnowActor<>)).LifestyleTransient();
yield return Component.For(typeof(ActorContainer)).Instance(this);
private IActor CreateActorFactory(Type actorType)
return (IActor)Resolve(actorType);
public class ActorScopeAttribute : Attribute
public ActorScopeAttribute(Type installerType)
InstallerType = installerType;
public Type InstallerType { get; }
class ActorScopeContext : ActorContextDecorator
private readonly IWindsorContainer parentContainer;
private readonly Type windsorInstallerClass;
private ActorContainerNext container = null;
public ActorScopeContext(IContext context, IWindsorContainer parent, Type windsorInstallerClass) : base(context)
this.parentContainer = parent;
this.windsorInstallerClass = windsorInstallerClass;
public PID Spawn<TActor>(string actorName = null) where TActor : IActor
return container.CreateActor<TActor>(this, actorName);
internal void CreateContainer()
container = new ActorContainerNext(parentContainer);
internal void DisposeContainer()
container = null;
class ActorScopeMiddleware
public static Func<Receiver, Receiver> Middleware()
return next => async (context, envelope) =>
var actorContext = context as ActorScopeContext;
if (actorContext == null)
await next(context, envelope);
switch (envelope.Message)
case Started _:
await next(context, envelope);
case Stopped _:
await next(context, envelope);
await next(context, envelope);
public static void ActorStarted(ActorScopeContext actorScopeContext)
public static void ActorStopped(ActorScopeContext actorScopeContext)
public class SystemRootContext : RootContextDecorator
private readonly ActorContainerNext container;
public SystemRootContext(IRootContext context, ActorContainerNext rootActorContainer) : base(context)
container = rootActorContainer;
public PID Spawn<TActor>(string actorName = null) where TActor : IActor
return container.CreateActor<TActor>(this, actorName);
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Thanks (and sorry for late answer)

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