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Created August 11, 2019 00:55
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const theme = {
space: [0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96],
fonts: {
default: '"SF Pro Text", Poppins, "Avenir Next", Helvetica, sans-serif',
alt: 'Baskerville, serif',
fontSizes: {
uber: '111px',
hero: '77px',
h1: '45px',
h2: '37px',
h3: '31px',
h4: '26px',
h5: '21px',
lead: '24px',
body: '18px',
small: '16px',
caption: '14px',
tiny: '10px',
letterSpacings: {
tiny: '1.17px',
fontWeights: {
bold: 700,
normal: 400,
colors: {
primary: '#5450F7',
secondary: '#25a9ce',
tertiary: '#EF476F',
black: '#303133',
grey: '#8D8D8F',
lightGrey: '#DADADA',
darkGrey: '#303133',
success: '#44A45F',
warning: '#FCEB3B',
error: '#E6173E',
white: '#ffffff',
inputFocus: '#4688F1',
inputDisabledBg: 'rgba(196, 196, 196, .3)',
background: 'white',
lineHeights: {
uber: 1.08,
hero: 1.11,
h1: 1.2,
h2: 1.23,
h3: 1.26,
h4: 1.26,
h5: 1.26,
lead: 1.29,
body: 1.4,
small: 1.33,
caption: 1.22,
tiny: 1.38,
shadows: {
20: '0 1px 3px rgba(48, 49, 51, .1)',
40: '0 2px 4px rgba(48, 49, 51, .1)',
60: '0 4px 8px rgba(48, 49, 51, .1)',
80: '0 8px 16px rgba(48, 49, 51, .1)',
100: '0 16px 24px rgba(48, 49, 51, .1)',
radii: {
none: '0',
small: '4px',
medium: '10px',
large: '100px',
maxWidths: {
mobile: 320,
tablet: 640,
desktop: 1024,
arrowSizes: [4, 8, 16, 24, 32],
avatarSizes: { smaller: '24px', small: '32px', medium: '48px', large: '64px', jumbo: '80px' },
export default theme;
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