I hereby claim:
- I am arlyon on github.
- I am arlyon (https://keybase.io/arlyon) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAwNx3NPni-9iw8DsEhh8kMQaITBeismmniJmyAUL6GFwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
/usr/bin/ld: buck-out/v2/gen/self/c7e37843b7922818/__torch_python__/libtorch_python.a(StorageSharing.cpp.o): in function `THPStorage_sharedDecref(_object*, _object*)': | |
StorageSharing.cpp:(.text+0x31d3): undefined reference to `at::RefcountedMapAllocator::decref()' | |
/usr/bin/ld: buck-out/v2/gen/self/c7e37843b7922818/__torch_python__/libtorch_python.a(StorageSharing.cpp.o): in function `THPStorage_sharedIncref(_object*, _object*)': | |
StorageSharing.cpp:(.text+0x33d3): undefined reference to `at::RefcountedMapAllocator::incref()' | |
/usr/bin/ld: buck-out/v2/gen/self/c7e37843b7922818/__torch_python__/libtorch_python.a(init.cpp.o): in function `pybind11::class_<torch::nn::Module, std::shared_ptr<torch::nn::Module> >::class_<>(pybind11::handle, char const*)': | |
init.cpp:(.text._ZN8pybind116class_IN5torch2nn6ModuleEJSt10shared_ptrIS3_EEEC2IJEEENS_6handleEPKcDpRKT_[_ZN8pybind116class_IN5torch2nn6ModuleEJSt10shared_ptrIS3_EEEC2IJEEENS_6handleEPKcDpRKT_]+0x55): undefined reference to `typeinfo for torch::nn::Module' | |
/usr/bin/l |
{ | |
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", | |
"title": "Config", | |
"description": "The configuration for the developer desktop tool", | |
"type": "object", | |
"required": [ | |
"services", | |
"tunnels" | |
], | |
"properties": { |
from itertools import cycle | |
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool | |
from sys import stdout | |
from subprocess import run | |
from time import sleep | |
SPINNER = cycle(["⠁", "⠂", "⠄", "⡀", "⢀", "⠠", "⠐", "⠈"]) | |
DOCKER_IMAGES = ("arlyon/workout-server", "arlyon/workout-learn") | |
My gist |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
input: '11111' | |
blank: ' ' | |
start state: mark1 | |
table: | |
mark1: | |
1 : {write: ' ', R: fork} | |
' ' : {L: q5} | |
fork: | |
# if there is a one, mark it, if not fork | |
1 : {write: ' ', R: moveR1} |
from collections import Counter | |
from itertools import product, chain | |
rules = {"S": [("a", "S", "a"), ("a", "S", "b", "S", "a"), ()]} | |
rules_two = {"S": [("aa", "S", "b"), ("ab", "S", "b", "S"), ()]} | |
start = ("S",) | |
from random import choice | |
logic = { | |
"rock": ["scissors"], | |
"paper": ["rock"], | |
"scissors": ["paper"] | |
} | |
choices = list(logic.keys()) | |
def round(human, computer): |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
from itertools import count; [print("fizz" * (not x % 3) + "buzz" * (not x % 5) or x) for x in count(1)] |