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Last active October 15, 2024 07:20
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Benchmark about how to improve Polars migration to open source projet vcub_keeper.
from time import perf_counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import polars as pl
# Functions to read and create DataFrames
def read_df() -> pl.LazyFrame:
column_dtypes = {
"gid": pl.UInt8,
"ident": pl.UInt8,
"type": pl.Categorical,
"name": pl.Utf8,
"state": pl.String,
"available_stands": pl.Int8,
"available_bikes": pl.Int8,
state_dict = {"CONNECTEE": 1, "DECONNECTEE": 0}
url = ""
activite = pl.scan_csv(url, schema_overrides=column_dtypes, try_parse_dates=True)
activite = activite.with_columns(pl.col("state").replace(state_dict))
# Renaming columns
activite = activite.rename({"ident": "station_id", "ts": "date"})
# Sorting DataFrame on station_id & date
activite = activite.sort(["station_id", "date"])
return activite
def create_df_big(activite_data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Increase the number of rows of the DataFrame"""
# Mapping new station_id to easily increase the number of rows
new_station_id_dict = {22: 1, 43: 100, 102: 200, 106: 300, 123: 400}
activite_data["station_id"] = activite_data["station_id"].map(new_station_id_dict)
n = 99
activite_data_big = activite_data.copy()
# Concatenate the DataFrame n times
for i in range(n):
temp = activite_data.copy()
temp["station_id"] = temp["station_id"] + i
activite_data_big = pd.concat([activite_data_big, temp], ignore_index=True)
return activite_data_big
# Calculation functions (pandas, polars eager
# and Expr)
def fct_with_columns(data: pl.DataFrame) -> pl.DataFrame:
""" """
data = data.with_columns(pl.col("available_stands").shift(1).over("station_id").alias("available_stands_shift"))
data = data.with_columns(pl.col("available_stands_shift").fill_null(pl.col("available_stands")))
data = data.with_columns(transactions_out=(pl.col("available_stands") - pl.col("available_stands_shift")))
data = data.with_columns(
transactions_out=pl.when(pl.col("transactions_out") < 0).then(0).otherwise(pl.col("transactions_out"))
# Drop non useful column
data = data.drop("available_stands_shift")
return data
def fct_expr() -> pl.Expr:
""" """
available_stands_shift = (
transactions_out = pl.col("available_stands") - available_stands_shift
return pl.when(transactions_out < 0).then(0).otherwise(transactions_out).alias("transactions_out")
# To run benchmark easily
def run_fct_with_columns_eager(df_eager):
def run_fct_with_columns_lazy(df_lazy):
def run_fct_expr_eager(df_eager):
def run_fct_expr_lazy(df_lazy):
def measure_execution_time(df_lazy, df_eager):
times = {
"run_fct_with_columns_eager": [],
"run_fct_with_columns_lazy": [],
"run_fct_expr_eager": [],
"run_fct_expr_lazy": [],
for _ in range(5):
start_time = perf_counter()
times["run_fct_with_columns_eager"].append((perf_counter() - start_time) * 1000) # Convert to ms
start_time = perf_counter()
times["run_fct_with_columns_lazy"].append((perf_counter() - start_time) * 1000) # Convert to ms
start_time = perf_counter()
times["run_fct_expr_eager"].append((perf_counter() - start_time) * 1000) # Convert to ms
start_time = perf_counter()
times["run_fct_expr_lazy"].append((perf_counter() - start_time) * 1000) # Convert to ms
# Calculate the average execution times
avg_times = {key: sum(value) / len(value) for key, value in times.items()}
return avg_times
# Process of benchmark
# Read data and create a bigger df
df_lazy = read_df() # (5630, 8)
df_eager = df_lazy.collect() # (5630, 8)
df_big_lazy = pl.from_pandas(create_df_big(df_eager.to_pandas())).lazy() # (563000, 8)
# List to store execution times
execution_times = []
segment_length = 5630
num_segments = df_big_lazy.collect().height // segment_length
# Apply functions on each segment and measure execution time
for i in range(1, num_segments + 1):
current_length = i * segment_length
df_lazy = df_big_lazy.slice(0, current_length)
df_eager = df_lazy.collect()
times = measure_execution_time(df_lazy, df_eager)
times["length"] = df_eager.shape[0]
# Convert execution times to DataFrame
df_times = pl.DataFrame(execution_times)
# Plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(df_times["length"], df_times["run_fct_with_columns_eager"], label="run_fct_with_columns_eager")
plt.plot(df_times["length"], df_times["run_fct_with_columns_lazy"], label="run_fct_with_columns_lazy")
plt.plot(df_times["length"], df_times["run_fct_expr_eager"], label="run_fct_expr_eager")
plt.plot(df_times["length"], df_times["run_fct_expr_lazy"], label="run_fct_expr_lazy")
plt.xlabel("Length of DataFrame")
plt.ylabel("Execution Time (milliseconds)")
plt.title("Execution Time vs Length of DataFrame")
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