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armstrongnate / recording.tsx
Created September 4, 2024 20:49
Media recording in safari
'use client'
import { wrapStreamInMediaRecorder } from '@/lib/client/video'
import { Button } from '@/ui/Molecule/Button'
import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
export default function Interviewer() {
const [recording, setRecording] = useState(false)
function start() {
armstrongnate / svg-from-data.swift
Created January 12, 2023 22:19
Render SVG from data in swift
private func imageFrom(url: URL?, data: Data, response: HTTPURLResponse? = nil) -> AnyPublisher<UIImage?, Error> {
let type = response?.mimeType
if type?.hasPrefix("image/svg") == true || url?.pathExtension.lowercased() == "svg" {
return svgFrom(data: data)
return Just(UIImage(data: data)).setFailureType(to: Error.self).eraseToAnyPublisher()
private func svgFrom(data: Data) -> AnyPublisher<UIImage?, Error> {
armstrongnate / dateformats.swift
Created May 5, 2022 16:41
Default iOS Date Formats (to send to a designer)
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import CoreLocation
let jan = DateComponents(year: 2021, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 2, minute: 0))!
let styles: [DateFormatter.Style] = [
<<<<<<< HEAD
if let titleView: UIView = titleViewFromNavBarImagePath(navBarImagePath: navBarImagePath) {
titleView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
let container = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 32, height: 32))
titleView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 32, height: 32)
self.navigationItem.titleView = container
else {
self.navigationItem.titleView = nil
func testDeleteFolder() {
attempt {
let session = Session.nas
var response: JSONObject?
stub(session, "delete-folder") { expectation in
try! Folder.deleteFolder(session, folderID: "10396915")
.startWithCompletedExpectation(expectation) { value in
response = value
armstrongnate / dequeue_default_table_view_cell.swift
Created December 11, 2015 23:22
tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath using UITableViewCell class with preset style
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
var cell: UITableViewCell?
cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(UITableViewCell.wta_reuseableIdentifier())
if cell == nil {
cell = UITableViewCell(style: .Value1, reuseIdentifier: UITableViewCell.wta_reuseableIdentifier())
if let result = viewModel?.results.value[indexPath.row] {
ai::Agent::Action * Chan::Program(const ai::Agent::Percept * percept)
ai::CCheckers::Action *action = new ai::CCheckers::Action;
ai::CCheckers::MoveData move;
std::string board_str = percept->GetAtom("BASIC_BOARD").GetValue();
ai::CCheckers::BasicBoard board(board_str);
int player = atoi(percept->GetAtom("PLAYER_NUMBER").GetValue().c_str());
// UIImage+Blurs.swift
// Created by Nate Armstrong on 12/2/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Nate Armstrong. All rights reserved.
// Compression uses RBResizer:
import Foundation
armstrongnate / .docker.env
Created August 31, 2015 00:40
Docker setup for ai
DISPLAY= # replace `` with the host machine's local ip
armstrongnate / fetched-results-controller.swift
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
UITableViewController with NSFetchedResultsController boilerplate
// MyViewController.swift
// Created by Nate Armstrong on 4/15/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Nate Armstrong. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import CoreData