###by Antwan Wimberly###
class HiO
def print_i
# note...this won't print 12...even though we set
# this variable in the `toast` method
puts "my var is #{@var}"
# and neither will this...failure!!!
#puts @@var
# but this however...will!!!
puts self.class.instance_variable_get "@var"
# I wonder if we can overrite `var`?
@@var = 19
# do you think it will print 19...or 12?
# nope...prints 12 as we're now
# pointing to the original @var that `toast` set
puts self.class.instance_variable_get "@var"
# this is weird...we've got an instance of a `Class` which can have instances of
# itself well...turns out that every time we say `self.class`, it returns the
# same thing! ruby will make only one instance of that guy
# this will print true and they both have 12 for var as they're the same instance
# of the same `Class`
puts "classes are equal #{self.class.object_id === self.class.object_id}"
def create_new_instance_and_then_print_var
# do you think it will say 19?
# yes it does...twice...all instances will from this point forward because
# we put the value on the `Class`.
# you must be wondering though...
# if we've got two variables named var on the `Class`, then why don't
# they collide?
# *shrugs*
# ok...I lied...they're not pointing to the same thing
puts HiO.class_variables # this would be the `@var` that `toast` set
puts HiO.instance_variables # this....would be the `@@var` guy...make sense???
# I'll tell you that the @@var guys can be very dangerous...beware..any derived
# classes will also see the same value and can manipulate that guy thus changing
# if for any other derived classes (in addition to the original base clase)
def print_var
puts @@var
def self.toast
@var = 12
puts "Current value for @var is #{@var}"
You'll really get a kick out of what this guy has to say. This article may be old but it's far better than my oh so convoluted gist could ever be. It's all just