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Arnaud Juracek arnaudjuracek

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Sublime Text 3 build systems


using vmd:

  "cmd": ["vmd \"$file\" --watch"],
  "shell": true,
  "selector": "text.html.markdown"

bash snippets

Personnal collection of useful bash snippets.

Table of Contents

git aliases

alias.unstage 'reset HEAD --'
alias.append 'commit --amend --no-edit'
alias.last 'log --name-status HEAD^..HEAD'
alias.skip '!git update-index --assume-unchanged'
alias.skipped '!git ls-files -v | grep ^[a-z]'
alias.unskip '!git update-index --no-assume-unchanged'
arnaudjuracek / basic-pagination.php
Last active January 8, 2019 20:59
<ul class="items">
$options = array(
'quantity' => 20, // how many item to display for each page
'around' => 2, // how many page btn to show around the current page btn
'directory' => 'files/tbn-test', // dir to scan for items
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $options['quantity']; // $page base index is 1
arnaudjuracek /
Last active May 11, 2021 12:23
Raspberry PI setup guide
arnaudjuracek / fn_converters.pde
Last active April 26, 2016 18:48
Toxiclibs<>HE_mesh : convert TriangleMesh to HE_mesh, and HE_mesh to TriangleMesh
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import wblut.processing.*;
import wblut.core.*;
import wblut.hemesh.*;
import wblut.geom.*;
import toxi.geom.*;
import toxi.geom.mesh.*;