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Arne Groskurth arnegroskurth

  • Frankfurt, Germany
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bgauduch /
Last active February 24, 2025 19:59
Git config with multiple identities and multiple repositories

Setup multiple git identities & git user informations

/!\ Be very carrefull in your setup : any misconfiguration make all the git config to fail silently ! Go trought this guide step by step and it should be fine 😉

Setup multiple git ssh identities for git

  • Generate your SSH keys as per your git provider documentation.
  • Add each public SSH keys to your git providers acounts.
  • In your ~/.ssh/config, set each ssh key for each repository as in this exemple:
Rich-Harris /
Last active February 20, 2025 14:15
Please include a repro

Please include a repro

You probably arrived here because of a curt message in response to an issue you filed on a repo that I contribute to. Sorry about that (particularly if you filed the issue long ago and have been waiting patiently for a response). Let me explain:

I work on a lot of different open source projects. I really do like building software that makes other people's lives easier, but it's crazy time-consuming. One of the most time-consuming parts is responding to issues. A lot of OSS maintainers will bend over backwards to try and understand your specific problem and diagnose it, to the point of setting up new test projects, fussing around with different Node versions, reading the documentation for build tools that we don't use, debugging problems in third party dependencies that appear to be involved in the problem... and so on. I've personally spent hundreds of hours of my free time doing these sorts of things to try and help people out, because I want to be a responsible maintainer and I

Thinkscape / flattenExceptionBacktrace.php
Last active September 6, 2024 18:45
Make any PHP Exception serializable by flattening complex values in backtrace.
function flattenExceptionBacktrace(\Exception $exception) {
$traceProperty = (new \ReflectionClass('Exception'))->getProperty('trace');
$flatten = function(&$value, $key) {
if ($value instanceof \Closure) {
$closureReflection = new \ReflectionFunction($value);
$value = sprintf(
'(Closure at %s:%s)',
tamagokun / router.php
Last active March 12, 2020 11:15
Run a Wordpress site via PHP's built-in web server
$path = '/'.ltrim(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])['path'],'/');
if(is_dir($root.$path) && substr($path,strlen($path) - 1, 1) !== '/')
$path = rtrim($path,'/').'/index.php';