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arngarden /
Created March 24, 2014 19:28
Pylearn2 example with termination criteria, momentum and learning rate adjustor
import theano
from pylearn2.models import mlp
from pylearn2.train_extensions import best_params
from pylearn2.training_algorithms import sgd, learning_rule
from pylearn2.utils import serial
from pylearn2.termination_criteria import MonitorBased
from pylearn2.datasets.dense_design_matrix import DenseDesignMatrix
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import numpy as np
from random import randint
import theano
from pylearn2.models import mlp
from pylearn2.training_algorithms import sgd
from pylearn2.termination_criteria import EpochCounter
from pylearn2.datasets.dense_design_matrix import DenseDesignMatrix
import numpy as np
from random import randint
class XOR(DenseDesignMatrix):