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How to use LuckPerms prefixes on a fabricmc server

A guide on setting up LuckPerms prefixes on a Minecraft Fabric server

This tutorial assumes you have a fabricmc server with fabric-api installed.
Coming over from bukkit, spigot or paper? Make sure to replace all legacy formatting (those done with &) with tags from Simplified Text Format!

Installing the mods

Download Styled Chat, Styled Player List Then get LuckPerms Download LuckPerms for Fabric

And get Fabric PlaceHolderAPI from the bottom of that same page Download Fabric PlaceHolderAPI

Now put all these files in your mods folder and restart the server.

Configuring the mods

Styled Chat

In your Styled Chat config (/config/styled-chat.json) add the Placeholder for the prefix(%luckperms:prefix%): On line 17 (as of writing this) change "displayName": "${default}", to "displayName": "%luckperms:prefix%${default}", as shown below Adding prefix placeholder Reload Styled Chat by running /styledchat reload

Styled Player List

In your Styled Player List config (/config/styledplayerlist/config.json) change some values to update the names. Set changePlayerName to true and playerNameUpdateRate to 20 as shown below Styled Player List config Reload Styled Chat by running /styledplayerlist reload

Setting up LuckPerms and prefixes

  1. in the console create a group to manage luckperms lp creategroup luckperms
  2. give the group luckperms rights (I will give it all) lp g luckperms permission set luckperms.*
  3. add yourself to the group lp u yourUsername parent add luckperms (this can only work if you have joined before, after doing this you can continue in-game)
  4. create a group with /lp creategroup <name> example: /lp creategroup owner
  5. give the group a prefix /lp g owner meta setprefix "<blue>Owner"
  6. give yourself the group /lp u yourUsername parent add owner

Note: for styling of prefixes use Simplified Text Format, formatting with & will not work.


in-game screenshot

Putting something between the prefix and the username

As you might have noticed in the results, there is nothing between the prefix and the username. You can fix this in your LuckPerms config. Open the LuckPerms config (/config/luckperms/luckperms.conf) and search(ctrl+f) for meta-formatting, in the prefix section of this set end-spacer to " " to add a space between the prefix and your username. LuckPerms config Restart your server for this change to take effect.


in-game screenshot

Common problems

  • Problem: The prefixes shows up but colors don't work
    Solution: Replace all legacy formatting (done with &) with tags from Simplified Text Format
  • Problem: Prefixes do not work/show up
    Possible solution: If you are using a FTB library build between 188 and 204, downgrade to 188 or upgrade to anything newer than or 204
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RustyBl0ck commented Jul 30, 2024

Also, sorry for not putting the crash log. I forgot! Here it is:

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