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Created February 1, 2010 06:37
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dirs = "NESW" # Notations for directions
shifts=[(0,1),(1,0),(0,-1),(-1,0)] # delta vector for each direction
# One letter function names corresponding to each robot instruction
r = lambda x, y, a: (x, y, (a + 1) % 4)
l = lambda x, y, a: (x, y, (a - 1 + 4) % 4)
m = lambda x, y, a: (x + shifts[a][0], y + shifts[a][1], a)
raw_input() # Ignore the grid size
while 1:
# parse initial position triplet
x, y, dir = raw_input().split()
pos = (int(x),int(y),dirs.find(dir))
# parse instructions
instrns = raw_input().lower()
# Invoke the corresponding functions passing prev position
for i in instrns: pos = eval('%s%s' % (i, str(pos)))
print pos[0], pos[1], dirs[pos[2]]
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