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Created August 17, 2014 07:37
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decode-from-uri – inverse for fn:encode-for-uri#1 recreates original uri from an encoded string.
declare namespace functx = "";
(: copied from functx :)
declare function functx:replace-multi
( $arg as xs:string? ,
$changeFrom as xs:string* ,
$changeTo as xs:string* ) as xs:string? {
if (count($changeFrom) > 0)
then functx:replace-multi(
replace($arg, $changeFrom[1], ($changeTo[1],'')[1]),
else $arg
} ;
: decode-from-uri
: the inverse to fn:encode-for-uri#1
: @param $input string
: @return
declare function local:decode-from-uri(
$input as xs:string
) as xs:string? {
(: converts string to character sequence :)
let $chars :=
function (
$arg as xs:string
) as xs:string* {
for $ch in string-to-codepoints($arg)
return codepoints-to-string($ch)
(: all characters to be encoded in URL -- percent is last :)
let $str := ("'
" || ' ";,/?:@&=+$[](){}%') ! $chars(.)
(: encoded characters :)
let $str-enc-seq := $str ! fn:encode-for-uri(.)
(: chars in regexp with special meanings :)
let $regexp-escapes := '.\?*|^$[]' ! $chars(.) (: +{}() :)
let $str-esc := $str ! (
if (. = $regexp-escapes)
then '\\' || .
else .
functx:replace-multi($input, $str-enc-seq, $str-esc)
! (., local:decode-from-uri(.))
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