- Visit http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/examples/todos/index.html
- Open Web Inspector
- Locate file todos.js
- Place breakpoint at line 13
- Refresh page
Expect execution to be paused on line 13. Instead you get an infinite spinner.
session[form.$name] $scope.model, success, | |
angular.bind(this, failure, form) | |
.$promise.finally -> $scope.$broadcast 'formState', form.$name, '' | |
app = $('<iframe></iframe>') | |
.attr('name', 'hyp_sidebar_frame') | |
.attr('seamless', '') | |
.attr('src',) |
{ | |
"globals": { | |
"readmill": false, | |
"jQuery": false, | |
"it": false, | |
"describe": false, | |
"_": false, | |
"sinon": false, | |
"beforeEach": false, | |
"afterEach": false, |
Leave a comment if you'd like to speak at the Async International Show and Tell on Thursday 8th November. | |
http://asyncjs.com |
<!--! | |
Generate <li>s for facet items. The generated tags are not wrapped by any | |
other tag, ie - it's up to the caller to wrap them in something suitable. | |
name | |
The field name identifying the facet field, eg. "tags" | |
label_function | |
Renders the human-readable label for each facet value. | |
If defined, this should be a callable that accepts a `facet_item`. |
Expect execution to be paused on line 13. Instead you get an infinite spinner.
.annotator-notice,.annotator-filter *,.annotator-widget *{font-family:"Helvetica Neue",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif!important;font-weight:normal!important;text-align:left!important;margin:0!important;padding:0!important;background:none!important;-webkit-transition:none!important;-moz-transition:none!important;-o-transition:none!important;transition:none!important;-moz-box-shadow:none!important;-webkit-box-shadow:none!important;-o-box-shadow:none!important;box-shadow:none!important;color:#909090!important;!important}.annotator-adder{background-image:url(' |
DAFT => http://daftpunk.com | |
DOOB => http://mrdoob.com | |
TRON => http://disney.com/tron/ | |
MUSIC => http://daftpunk.com | |
HELLO => http://helloflynn.com | |
FLYNN => http://flynnlives.com | |
ENCOM => http://encominternational.com/ | |
JAPAN => http://encomgames.jp/ | |
LIGHT => http://encomgames.jp/circuitcycles/ | |
PARANOID => http://www.spaceparanoidsonline.com/ |
/* A lightweight templating system. | |
* | |
* Based on Tim (http://github.com/premasagar/tim) and Mustache | |
* (http://github.com/janl/mustache.js). | |
* | |
* Template supports simple value replacement as well as block | |
* functions, iterators and conditionals | |
* | |
* Template strings can contain either plain tokens `{{token}}` | |
* which are replaced with their equivilent value in the data |
Index: classes/model/auth/user/token.php | |
=================================================================== | |
--- classes/model/auth/user/token.php (revision 41) | |
+++ classes/model/auth/user/token.php (working copy) | |
@@ -23,14 +23,17 @@ | |
)), | |
'expires' => new Field_Timestamp, | |
)); | |
- | |
+ } |