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Aron aronmoshe-m

  • Percent Pledge
  • California
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aronmoshe-m /
Last active August 4, 2023 17:42
Community Volunteer Events


Unlike a company event, which can only be associated with one company, a community event is a new event type that is visible across multiple companies. A community event can receive user signups from any company that is associated with it, and functions almost identically to a company event — except that it is for more than one company at a time.

Business requirements

Community events:

  • always belong to multiple companies
  • will show in every company platform that the event is associated with
  • can accept users from any associated company for event signup

1. Add SAML app in OneLogin

  1. Log in to the OneLogin Dashboard, and click Apps > Add Apps
  2. Search for SAML, and select SAML Test Connector (IdP)
  3. Set the Display Name to Percent Pledge
  4. Set the Rectangular Icon to our logo which you can find here
  5. Click Save

Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 8 55 38 AM

aronmoshe-m / gist:a95ad3dbc2b95f60548f2d879cdc2fc7
Created November 15, 2018 20:02 — forked from DevinWalker/gist:6fb2783c05b46a2ba251
WordPress: Loop through Categories and Display Posts Within
* Loop through Categories and Display Posts within
$post_type = 'custom_post_name_here';
// Get all the taxonomies for this post type
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( array( 'post_type' => $post_type ) );
foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) :
aronmoshe-m / 0_reuse_code.js
Created July 13, 2017 21:31
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console