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Last active May 29, 2016 13:21
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Particle Swarm
import numpy as np
def swarm(func, bounds, ieqcons=[], f_ieqcons=None, args=(), kwargs={},
swarmsize=100, omega=0.5, phip=0.5, phig=0.5, maxiter=100,
minstep=1e-12, minfunc=1e-12, debug=False):
Perform a particle swarm optimization (PSO)
func : function
The function to be minimized
The bounds of the design variable(s). In form [(lower, upper), ..., (lower, upper)]
ieqcons : list
A list of functions of length n such that ieqcons[j](x,*args) >= 0.0 in
a successfully optimized problem (Default: [])
f_ieqcons : function
Returns a 1-D array in which each element must be greater or equal
to 0.0 in a successfully optimized problem. If f_ieqcons is specified,
ieqcons is ignored (Default: None)
args : tuple
Additional arguments passed to objective and constraint functions
(Default: empty tuple)
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments passed to objective and constraint
functions (Default: empty dict)
swarmsize : int
The number of particles in the swarm (Default: 100)
omega : scalar
Particle velocity scaling factor (Default: 0.5)
phip : scalar
Scaling factor to search away from the particle's best known position
(Default: 0.5)
phig : scalar
Scaling factor to search away from the swarm's best known position
(Default: 0.5)
maxiter : int
The maximum number of iterations for the swarm to search (Default: 100)
minstep : scalar
The minimum stepsize of swarm's best position before the search
terminates (Default: 1e-8)
minfunc : scalar
The minimum change of swarm's best objective value before the search
terminates (Default: 1e-8)
debug : boolean
If True, progress statements will be displayed every iteration
(Default: False)
g : array
The swarm's best known position (optimal design)
f : scalar
The objective value at ``g``
lower_bound, upper_bound = [], []
for variable_bounds in bounds:
assert len(lower_bound) == len(upper_bound), 'Lower- and upper-bounds must be the same length'
assert hasattr(func, '__call__'), 'Invalid function handle'
lower_bound = np.array(lower_bound)
upper_bound = np.array(upper_bound)
assert np.all(upper_bound > lower_bound), 'All upper-bound values must be greater than lower-bound values'
vhigh = np.abs(upper_bound - lower_bound)
vlow = -vhigh
# Check for constraint function(s) #########################################
obj = lambda x: func(x, *args, **kwargs)
if f_ieqcons is None:
if not len(ieqcons):
if debug:
print('No constraints given.')
cons = lambda x: np.array([0])
if debug:
print('Converting ieqcons to a single constraint function')
cons = lambda x: np.array([y(x, *args, **kwargs) for y in ieqcons])
if debug:
print('Single constraint function given in f_ieqcons')
cons = lambda x: np.array(f_ieqcons(x, *args, **kwargs))
def is_feasible(x):
check = np.all(cons(x) >= 0)
return check
# Initialize the particle swarm ############################################
S = swarmsize
D = len(lower_bound) # the number of dimensions each particle has
x = np.random.rand(S, D) # particle positions
v = np.zeros_like(x) # particle velocities
p = np.zeros_like(x) # best particle positions
fp = np.zeros(S) # best particle function values
g = [] # best swarm position
fg = 1e100 # artificial best swarm position starting value
for i in range(S):
# Initialize the particle's position
x[i, :] = lower_bound + x[i, :] * (upper_bound - lower_bound)
# Initialize the particle's best known position
p[i, :] = x[i, :]
# Calculate the objective's value at the current particle's
fp[i] = obj(p[i, :])
# At the start, there may not be any feasible starting point, so just
# give it a temporary "best" point since it's likely to change
if i == 0:
g = p[0, :].copy()
# If the current particle's position is better than the swarm's,
# update the best swarm position
if fp[i] < fg and is_feasible(p[i, :]):
fg = fp[i]
g = p[i, :].copy()
# Initialize the particle's velocity
v[i, :] = vlow + np.random.rand(D) * (vhigh - vlow)
# Iterate until termination criterion met ##################################
iteration_termination = 1
while iteration_termination <= maxiter:
rp = np.random.uniform(size=(S, D))
rg = np.random.uniform(size=(S, D))
for i in range(S):
# Update the particle's velocity
v[i, :] = omega * v[i, :] + phip * rp[i, :] * (p[i, :] - x[i, :]) + \
phig * rg[i, :] * (g - x[i, :])
# Update the particle's position, correcting lower and upper bound
# violations, then update the objective function value
x[i, :] = x[i, :] + v[i, :]
mark1 = x[i, :] < lower_bound
mark2 = x[i, :] > upper_bound
x[i, mark1] = lower_bound[mark1]
x[i, mark2] = upper_bound[mark2]
fx = obj(x[i, :])
# Compare particle's best position (if constraints are satisfied)
if fx < fp[i] and is_feasible(x[i, :]):
p[i, :] = x[i, :].copy()
fp[i] = fx
# Compare swarm's best position to current particle's position
# (Can only get here if constraints are satisfied)
if fx < fg:
if debug:
print('New best for swarm at iteration {:}: {:} {:}'.format(iteration_termination, x[i, :], fx))
tmp = x[i, :].copy()
stepsize = np.sqrt(np.sum((g - tmp) ** 2))
if np.abs(fg - fx) <= minfunc:
print('Stopping search: Swarm best objective change less than {:}'.format(minfunc))
return tmp, fx
elif stepsize <= minstep:
print('Stopping search: Swarm best position change less than {:}'.format(minstep))
return tmp, fx
g = tmp.copy()
fg = fx
if debug:
print('Best after iteration {:}: {:} {:}'.format(iteration_termination, g, fg))
iteration_termination += 1
print('Stopping search: maximum iterations reached --> {:}'.format(maxiter))
if not is_feasible(g):
print("However, the optimization couldn't find a feasible design. Sorry")
return g, fg
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