- screenshot of eclipse type inference
- one-to-one principle: one type used per function signature
- Rather than thinking about how to jam our ideas into the trappings of the language--class hierarchies and such--we "merely" work with the things as types, transforming them with commonly known functions like
, and so on, then adding context and effects to them in a few well-known ways (dependency-injection =Reader
, accumulate logging information =Writer
, perform a transformation using the current state and produce a new state =State
, etc.). - tension between not explicitly typing, because the compiler can properly infer, and being able to inspect the type, via the editor via the compiler
- adding more types potentially creates N more adapters to that type, so you want to minimize the amount of new methods signatures you will maybe need to adapt, so having a set of reusable (semantically and structurally well-known) methods reduces the cost of new classes, otherwise we'd just be using lists everwhere
Meta: composition
- fp folks always talk about composition. what's the big deal?
- examples of non-composable
- what you get "for free" with composition