- I set a breakpoint in pcap.dfdl.xsd on line 168 (first use of the Ethernet element).
- I start the debug session. This pauses at the beginning of the parse, and I hit "Continue" which then breaks on line 168 (Ethernet element).
- I open the ethernetIP.dfdl.xsd file via normal VSCode File->Open commands. I add a breakpoint to line 68 (declaration of MACDest element).
- I press "Continue" and the ethernet breakpoint is hit.
- If I click on the Call Stack where MACDest is at the top of the stack, a different view of MACDest is shown: it is from within the ethernetIP jar file. I suspect this is from a plugin I have installed locally (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=wmanth.jar-viewer ?), but I'm not sure and would need external validation for.
I am surprised that the separately-opened xsd breakpoint is correctly mapped, but it seems to work for me.