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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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  • Save arowM/a5ca7884fc8968bc90d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arowM/a5ca7884fc8968bc90d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function (window) {
// in nodejs, global is an object
// in normal browser environment, global is undefined
// in webpack, global is set to window
var isNodeJs = typeof global !== "undefined" && global.window === undefined;
var isCommonJs = typeof module === "object" && module && typeof module.exports === "object";
// require, that the nodejs will handle, but will remain not processed by webpack and the like
var obfuscatedRequire = function (moduleName)
return module["r" + "equire"](moduleName);
var RestexampleApi =
function (url, secureUrl, modifyRequest)
var self = this;
var postfix = '/v' + this.version + '/';
var contextUrl = url + postfix;
var secureContextUrl = (secureUrl || url.replace(/^http:/, "https:")) + postfix;
this.cookieJar = isNodeJs ? obfuscatedRequire('request').jar() : undefined;
if(!modifyRequest) modifyRequest = function (req) { return req; };
var finalModifyRequest = function (req)
if (isNodeJs) req.jar = self.cookieJar;
return modifyRequest(req);
RestexampleApi.setContext(this, contextUrl, secureContextUrl, finalModifyRequest);
var jqFun;
if (isNodeJs)
// Export as Node module.
module.exports = RestexampleApi;
RestexampleApi.ajaxCall = nodeRequest;
if (isCommonJs) {
// Export as CommonJs
module.exports = RestexampleApi;
jqFun = function () { return require("jquery"); };
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// Export as AMD.
define("RestexampleApi", [], function () { return RestexampleApi; });
jqFun = function () { return window.$; };
} else {
// Export as global.
window.RestexampleApi = RestexampleApi;
jqFun = function () { return window.$; };
RestexampleApi.ajaxCall = jQueryRequest;
RestexampleApi.addObject = function (obj1, obj2)
for (var fld in obj2)
obj1[fld] = obj2[fld];
RestexampleApi.defaultAjaxOptions = {};
RestexampleApi.defaultHeaders = {};
function jQueryRequest (method, url, params, success, error, contentType, acceptHeader, data, callOpts, modifyRequest)
var q = window.Q || function (a) { return a };
var jq = jqFun();
var headers = jq.extend(true, {}, RestexampleApi.defaultHeaders);
RestexampleApi.addObject(headers, { Accept : acceptHeader });
var callData =
{ type : method
, url : url + (params ? '?' + jq.param(params) : '')
, cache : false
, success : success || function () {}
, error : error || function () {}
, contentType : contentType
, headers : headers
, xhrFields : { withCredentials: true }
, data : data || []
callData = modifyRequest(callData);
RestexampleApi.addObject(callData, RestexampleApi.defaultAjaxOptions);
RestexampleApi.addObject(callData, callOpts);
return q(jq.ajax(callData));
function nodeRequest (method, url, params, onSuccess, onError, contentType, acceptHeader, data, callOpts, modifyRequest)
var allParams = {};
RestexampleApi.addObject(allParams, params);
if (method === "GET" || method === "HEAD")
// Avoid cached API responses.
allParams._ =;
var headers = { "Content-type" : contentType
, "Accept" : acceptHeader
RestexampleApi.addObject(headers, RestexampleApi.defaultHeaders);
var callData =
{ url : url
, qs : allParams
, method : method
, headers : headers
if (data) callData.body = data;
callData = modifyRequest(callData);
RestexampleApi.addObject(callData, RestexampleApi.defaultAjaxOptions);
RestexampleApi.addObject(callData, callOpts);
return require("q").Promise(function (resolve, reject)
obfuscatedRequire("request")(callData, callback);
function callback (error, message, body)
if (message && message.statusCode >= 200 && message.statusCode < 300)
var parsedResponse = parse(body);
onSuccess && onSuccess(parsedResponse, message);
if (!error)
error = new Error("HTTP request error");
error.statusCode = message.statusCode;
error.responseBody = body;
error.response = parse(body);
if (onError)
function parse (response)
if (acceptHeader.split(";").indexOf('text/json') >= 0)
var r = response;
r = JSON.parse(response);
catch (e)
return r;
return r;
else return response;
RestexampleApi.setContext =
function (obj, url, secureUrl, modifyRequest)
obj.contextUrl = url;
obj.secureContextUrl = secureUrl;
obj.modifyRequest = modifyRequest;
for (var fld in obj)
if (obj[fld] != undefined && obj[fld].apiObjectType != undefined && obj[fld].apiObjectType == 'resourceDir')
var postfix = fld.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase() + '/';
RestexampleApi.setContext(obj[fld], url + postfix, secureUrl + postfix, modifyRequest);
};RestexampleApi.prototype.version = "1.0.0";
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post =
function Post (url, secureUrl, modifyRequest)
if (this instanceof Post)
RestexampleApi.setContext(this, url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
return Post.access(url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.apiObjectType = "resourceDir";
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.byId =
function (integer)
var postfix = 'id/' + encodeURIComponent(integer) + '/';
var accessor = new this(this.contextUrl + postfix, this.secureContextUrl + postfix, this.modifyRequest);
accessor.get =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("GET", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
return accessor;
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.latest =
function ()
var postfix = 'latest/';
var accessor = new this(this.contextUrl + postfix, this.secureContextUrl + postfix, this.modifyRequest);
accessor.get =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("GET", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
return accessor;
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.list =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("GET", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.removeManyById =
function (json, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("DELETE", this.contextUrl + 'id/', params, success, error, "text/json", "text/json", JSON.stringify(json), callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.create =
function (json, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/json", "text/json", JSON.stringify(json), callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.prototype.remove =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("DELETE", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.prototype.Comment =
function Comment (url, secureUrl, modifyRequest)
if (this instanceof Comment)
RestexampleApi.setContext(this, url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
return Comment.access(url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.prototype.Comment.apiObjectType = "resourceDir";
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.prototype.Comment.list =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("GET", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Post.prototype.Comment.create =
function (json, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/json", "text/json", JSON.stringify(json), callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test =
function Test (url, secureUrl, modifyRequest)
if (this instanceof Test)
RestexampleApi.setContext(this, url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
return Test.access(url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.apiObjectType = "resourceDir";
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.noResponse =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'noResponse/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.onlyError =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'onlyError/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.differentFormats =
function (text, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'differentFormats/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json,text/xml", text, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.intersectedFormats =
function (text, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'intersectedFormats/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", text, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.intersectedFormats2 =
function (text, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'intersectedFormats2/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/xml", text, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.errorImport =
function (text, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'errorImport/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/xml", text, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.noError =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'noError/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.justStringO =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'justStringO/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/plain,text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.preferJson =
function (text, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'preferJson/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", text, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.octetStreamOut =
function (file, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'octetStreamOut/', params, success, error, "application/octet-stream", "text/json,application/octet-stream", file, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.onlyInput =
function (json, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'onlyInput/', params, success, error, "text/json", "text/json", JSON.stringify(json), callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.Import =
function Import (url, secureUrl, modifyRequest)
if (this instanceof Import)
RestexampleApi.setContext(this, url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
return Import.access(url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.Import.apiObjectType = "resourceDir";
RestexampleApi.prototype.Test.prototype.Import.byIt =
function (string)
var postfix = 'it/' + encodeURIComponent(string) + '/';
var accessor = new this(this.contextUrl + postfix, this.secureContextUrl + postfix, this.modifyRequest);
accessor.get =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("GET", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
return accessor;
}; =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + 'do/', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.User =
function User (url, secureUrl, modifyRequest)
if (this instanceof User)
RestexampleApi.setContext(this, url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
return User.access(url, secureUrl, modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.User.apiObjectType = "resourceDir";
RestexampleApi.prototype.User.list =
function (success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("GET", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/plain", "text/json", undefined, callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
RestexampleApi.prototype.User.create =
function (json, success, error, params, callOpts)
return RestexampleApi.ajaxCall("POST", this.contextUrl + '', params, success, error, "text/json", "text/json", JSON.stringify(json), callOpts, this.modifyRequest);
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