- Expanded
- Flexible
- LimitedBox <-> ConstrainedBox
- FittedBox
- SizedBox
Note: When creating widgets in column / row, if the size is too big (like when presenting in a modal screen) use the attribute: mainAxisSize.min to contain the widget
Use Spacer when you want to create space using a flex property. Use SizedBox when you want to create space using a specific number of logical pixels.
- Align: Uses different Alignment values like bottomRight etc but also
Alignment(0.2, 0.6)
which offsets based on the numerical values orFractionalOffset
to offset from topLeft - Center: A specific implementation of the
- AnimatedContainer
- Hero
- AnimatedCrossFade
- AnimatedOpacity
- Expand column children to max width: set crossAxisAlignment to stretch (might need to wrap the column in a IntrinsicWidth widget). Like for row:
new IntrinsicHeight(
child: new Row(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: [
new Child1(),
new Child2(),
- Want to set min-height? Use costrainedbox with minheight to stretch its child. Note: may not work with Row and Columns. May need a Container
- Use
to call code after the build has executed