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Created March 10, 2011 01:03
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# Step 1: Get transcripts from UCSC refGene (hg19) into a BED file.
# Notes:
# the awk statement reorders the "raw" columns into BED12 format
# bed12ToBed6 converts the BED12 into discrete BED6 entries for each exon
# - the -n option is new and in the bedtools repository
$ curl -s | \
zcat | \
awk '{OFS="\t"; print $3,$5,$6,$2,$9,$4,$7,$8,"0",$9,$10,$11}' | \
bed12ToBed6 -n \
> refGene.bed
$ head refGene.bed
chr19 50595745 50595866 NR_024227 2 -
chr19 50601082 50601203 NR_024227 2 -
chr16 5464988 8197482 NM_018992 1 +
chr16 5478429 8224364 NM_018992 2 +
chr16 5480400 8228306 NM_018992 3 +
chr16 5482315 8232136 NM_018992 4 +
chr16 5484847 8237200 NM_018992 5 +
chr16 5489792 8247090 NM_018992 6 +
chr12 237002794 355504191 NM_019086 10 -
chr12 237007578 355513759 NM_019086 9 -
# Step 2: Use fastaFromBed to extract the sequence for each exon
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