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Created May 1, 2011 15:34
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snippet from multi_bam_cov
void MultiCovBam::CollectCoverage()
BamMultiReader reader;
if ( !reader.Open(_bam_files) )
cerr << "Could not open input BAM files." << endl; return;
// attempt to find index files
// if index data available for all BAM files, we can use SetRegion
if ( reader.HasIndexes() ) {
BED bed, nullBed;
int lineNum = 0;
BedLineStatus bedStatus;
// loop through each BED entry, jump to it,
// and collect coverage from each BAM
while ((bedStatus = _bed->GetNextBed(bed, lineNum)) != BED_INVALID)
if (bedStatus == BED_VALID)
// attempt to set region on reader
if ( !reader.SetRegion(reader.GetReferenceID(bed.chrom),
(int) bed.start,
(int) bed.end) )
cerr << "ERROR: set region failed. Check that REGION describes a valid range" << endl;
// everything checks out, just iterate through specified region, counting alignments
vector<int> counts(_bam_files.size());
BamAlignment al;
while ( reader.GetNextAlignmentCore(al) )
// lookup the offset of the file name and tabulate coverage
// for the appropriate file
// report the cov at this interval for each file and reset
bed = nullBed;
else {
cerr << "Could not find indexes." << endl;
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