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Stephen Nixon arrowtype

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arrowtype /
Created February 23, 2025 20:43
Python script to create a zip of a folder, without .DS_Store files. Suggestions/comments welcome!
MIT License.
import os
import sys
import zipfile
def zip_directory(dir_to_zip):
# Change to the parent directory of the directory to zip
arrowtype /
Created April 17, 2024 22:12
A drawbot script used to proof kerns against the letter T
This script requires some edits to be useful. Originally written for proofing Name Sans.
Demoed at
MIT License. Go ahead and use it!
- Test `T` and `T.ultra` against basic lowercase: `TaTbTcT` etc, across full designspace, and especially around where it swaps to `T.ultra`
- Test `T` and `T.ultra` against relatively common diacritics
arrowtype /
Last active September 23, 2023 19:39
RoboFont script to remove overlap in selected contours, or else current glyph
# menutitle: Remove Overlap in Selected Contours
# shortcut: control+command+o
g = CurrentGlyph()
with g.undo("Remove overlap"):
d_glyph = g.asDefcon()
sel = d_glyph.selection
arrowtype /
Last active July 31, 2023 19:37
A Python script to set ufo2ft filters in UFOs, in order to run them on FontMake builds
A script to set ufo2ft filters for all fonts in a directory.
DIRECTIONS: Set up the dict below with filters you would like to use in your UFO builds. Then, run it in the command
line like this, replacing the <content surrounded by angle brackets> with relavent paths:
python3 "<path_to_this_script>/" "<path_to_a_folder_containing_UFO_fonts>"
for more information.
arrowtype / example-designspace.designspace
Last active June 30, 2023 14:20
A script to help sync spacing & shaping for support sources within a large designspace.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<designspace format="5.0">
<axes elidedfallbackname="Regular">
<axis tag="opsz" name="Optical Size" minimum="8" maximum="72" default="8">
<labelname xml:lang="en">Optical Size</labelname>
<map input="72" output="72"/>
<map input="20" output="40"/>
<map input="8" output="8" name="Text" elidable="true"/>
<axis tag="wght" name="Weight" minimum="1" maximum="1000" default="700">
arrowtype /
Created June 23, 2023 22:05
Basic example of how to use the FontTools Recording Pen
A basic example of how to open a UFO and print out the bezier curve values from a glyph.
Example expanded from:
Requires FontTools and FontParts.
from fontParts.fontshell import RFont as Font
arrowtype /
Last active June 27, 2023 16:48
Example script that helps keep support sources up to date between full sources of a designspace.
arrowtype /
Created June 7, 2023 22:04
A shell function to zip folders, excluding macOS metadata files. Add to your .bash_profile (or similar) to have a "zipit" command.
function zipit {
currentDir=$(pwd) # get current dir so you can return later
cd $(dirname $1) # change to target’s dir (works better for zip)
target=$(basename $1) # get target’s name
zip -r $ $target -x '*/.DS_Store' # make a zip of the target, excluding macOS metadata
echo "zip made of " $1 # announce completion
cd $currentDir # return to where you were
arrowtype /
Last active February 28, 2023 17:36
A quick Python script to compute Stripe fees, for invoicing customers
A simple Python3 script to take in a project price, and output the fee Stripe will charge on an invoice.
See also:
USAGE - Call the script with Python3 and its path, and give your project/goal price as an arg:
python3 95.00
arrowtype /
Last active March 1, 2023 23:42
A simple Python script to count and rank the frequency of words in a text file, e.g. for verifying that you are kerning important pairs for specific content
Simple Python script to count word frequency in a given text document.
Started from
Usage: Update the file path below, then run in the command line.
# Relative path to a .txt file