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Last active July 24, 2021 19:17
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Simple Rate Limiter implementation in Java

Simple Rate Limiter implementation in Java

In the following demo each client can execute 2 request per 10 seconds. Clients requests are distributed via Gaussian distribution, internal requests (clientId: null) does not have limit.

See stdout.txt file for demo output.

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[] clientIds = new String[] {
final ExecutorService server = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(16);
// Dependency injection, register singleton services
final Random rand = new Random();
final RateLimiter rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(2, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
while(true) {
// get random clientId
String clientId = rand.nextBoolean() ? null : clientIds[(int)rand.nextGaussian() + 4];
// execute request asynchronously
server.execute(() -> {
DummyController controller = new DummyController(rateLimiter);
Request req = new Request("GET", "/api/echo", null, new HashMap<>(){{
put("X-ClientId", clientId);
Response res = controller.getEcho(req);
// wait between requests
class Response {
final String body;
final int httpCode;
final Request request;
Response(String body, int httpCode, Request request) {
this.body = body;
this.httpCode = httpCode;
this.request = request;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s | %d: %s", request, httpCode, body);
class Request {
final String method;
final String url;
final String body;
final Map<String,String> headers;
Request(String method, String url, String body, Map<String, String> headers) {
this.method = method;
this.url = url;
this.body = body;
this.headers = headers;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s %s", method, url);
public Response response(String body, int httpCode) {
return new Response(body, httpCode, this);
class RateLimiter {
private final int _limit;
// map needs to be synchronized, because of the concurrent requests
private final Map<String, Integer> _rates = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
private final ScheduledExecutorService _cleaner = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
RateLimiter(int limit, int delay, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
_limit = limit;
// clear counters periodically
_cleaner.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> {
System.out.println("====== Rate Limiter counters are cleared ======");
}, delay, delay, timeUnit);
boolean allowed(final Request request) {
// extract clientId from the request headers
String clientId = request.headers.getOrDefault("X-ClientId", null);
// clientId == null assumes that request is internal
if (clientId == null) {
return true;
// for other clients increase counter and check with the limit
return _rates.compute(clientId, (key, value) -> value == null ? 1 : value+1) <= _limit;
class DummyController {
private final RateLimiter _rateLimiter;
DummyController(final RateLimiter rateLimiter) {
_rateLimiter = rateLimiter;
Response getEcho(final Request request) {
String clientId = request.headers.getOrDefault("X-ClientId", null);
if(!_rateLimiter.allowed(request)) {
// return "429 Too Many Requests" response
return request.response(String.format("clientId: %s | LIMIT REACHED...", clientId), 429);
// return "200 OK" response
return request.response(String.format("clientId: %s", clientId), 200);
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: mno-5
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: mno-5
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: jkl-4
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: prs-6
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
====== Rate Limiter counters are cleared ======
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: mno-5
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: mno-5
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: prs-6
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
GET /api/echo | 429: clientId: mno-5 | LIMIT REACHED...
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: null
====== Rate Limiter counters are cleared ======
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: mno-5
GET /api/echo | 200: clientId: mno-5
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