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Created October 23, 2018 10:15
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Elm Batched Logging Example
type Msg
= SendBatchLogEvents
| BatchEventLogSuccessful Int
type alias EventData =
{ message : String
, data : Json.Encode.Value
type alias Model =
{ events : List EventData
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ Time.every (30 * Time.second) SendBatchLogEvents
update : Msg -> Model -> Cmd Msg
update msg model =
-- Note: if a batch call took more than 30 seconds, events could be sent more than once --
-- you'd want to account for that.
case msg of
SendBatchLogEvents ->
-- this would generate BatchEventLogSuccessful message with the number of events logged
( model, LoggingApi.logBatch )
BatchEventLogSuccessful numberOfEventsLogged ->
-- now that they're it's successfully logged, drop the events
( { model | events = List.drop numberOfEventsLogged }, Cmd.none )
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