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Created August 2, 2017 05:46
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* @fileoverview Rule to require sorting of import declarations
* @author Imad Elyafi
"use strict";
// Rule Definition
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: "enforce sorted import declarations within modules",
category: "ECMAScript 6",
recommended: false
fixable: "code",
schema: [
type: "object",
properties: {
ignoreCase: {
type: "boolean"
memberSyntaxSortOrder: {
type: "array",
items: {
enum: ["none", "all", "single", "multiple"]
uniqueItems: true,
minItems: 4,
maxItems: 4
ignoreMemberSort: {
type: "boolean"
pathsOnTop: {
type: "array",
uniqueItems: true
additionalProperties: false
create: function(context) {
const configuration = context.options[0] || {},
ignoreCase = configuration.ignoreCase || false,
ignoreMemberSort = configuration.ignoreMemberSort || false,
memberSyntaxSortOrder = configuration.memberSyntaxSortOrder || ["none", "all", "single", "multiple"],
pathsOnTop = configuration.pathsOnTop || ["react", "react-addons-test-utils", "react-dnd", "react-dnd-html5-backend", "react-dom", "react-dom/server", "react-modal", "react-motion", "react-redux", "react-slick", "react-sparklines"],
sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
let declarations = [],
previousDeclaration = null,
firstDeclaration = null,
lastDeclaration = null;
* Sorts specifiers
* @param {Object} specifierA - a node specifier
* @param {Object} specifierB - a node specifier
* @returns {number} - sorting result
function specifierSortingFunction(specifierA, specifierB) {
if (specifierA.type !== "ImportSpecifier" || specifierB.type !== "ImportSpecifier") {
return 0;
let specifierAText =;
let specifierBText =;
if (ignoreCase) {
specifierAText = specifierAText.toLowerCase();
specifierBText = specifierBText.toLowerCase();
if (specifierAText < specifierBText) {
return -1;
if (specifierAText > specifierBText) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Fixes orders of specifiers
* @param {importSpecifiers} importSpecifiers - array of specifiers
* @param {firstSpecifier} firstSpecifier - specifier
* @param {lastSpecifier} lastSpecifier - specifier
* @param {fixer} fixer - the RuleFixer
* @returns {*|boolean} fixer result
function specifierFixingFunction(importSpecifiers, firstSpecifier, lastSpecifier, fixer) {
const replaceOutput = [];
for (let i = 0; i < importSpecifiers.length; i++) {
return fixer.replaceTextRange(
[firstSpecifier.range[0], lastSpecifier.range[1]],
replaceOutput.join(", ")
* Gets the used member syntax style.
* import "my-module.js" --> none
* import * as myModule from "my-module.js" --> all
* import {myMember} from "my-module.js" --> single
* import {foo, bar} from "my-module.js" --> multiple
* @param {ASTNode} node - the ImportDeclaration node.
* @returns {string} used member parameter style, ["all", "multiple", "single"]
function usedMemberSyntax(node) {
if (node.specifiers.length === 0) {
return "none";
} else if (node.specifiers[0].type === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") {
return "all";
} else if (node.specifiers.length === 1) {
return "single";
} else {
return "multiple";
* Gets the group by member parameter index for given declaration.
* @param {ASTNode} node - the ImportDeclaration node.
* @returns {number} the declaration group by member index.
function getMemberParameterGroupIndex(node) {
return memberSyntaxSortOrder.indexOf(usedMemberSyntax(node));
* Sorts import statements
* TODO(imad): ignore flow type imports
* @param {nodeA} nodeA ImportDeclaration node.
* @param {nodeB} nodeB ImportDeclaration node.
* @returns {number} returns a number - result of sort
function sortingFunction(nodeA, nodeB) {
const nodeASource = nodeA.source.value;
const nodeBSource = nodeB.source.value;
const isNodeASourceReact = pathsOnTop.indexOf(nodeASource) !== -1;
const isNodeBSourceReact = pathsOnTop.indexOf(nodeBSource) !== -1;
// react imports always goes first
if (isNodeASourceReact && isNodeBSourceReact) {
if (nodeASource < nodeBSource) {
return -1;
if (nodeASource > nodeBSource) {
return 1;
} else if (isNodeASourceReact) {
return -1;
} else if (isNodeBSourceReact) {
return 1;
// usedMemberSyntax is different
const nodeAGroupOrder = getMemberParameterGroupIndex(nodeA);
const nodeBGroupOrder = getMemberParameterGroupIndex(nodeB);
if (nodeAGroupOrder < nodeBGroupOrder) {
return -1;
if (nodeAGroupOrder > nodeBGroupOrder) {
return 1;
// usedMemberSyntax is the same
let sourceCodeA = sourceCode.getText(nodeA);
let sourceCodeB = sourceCode.getText(nodeB);
if (ignoreCase) {
sourceCodeA = sourceCodeA.toLowerCase();
sourceCodeB = sourceCodeB.toLowerCase();
if (sourceCodeA < sourceCodeB) {
return -1;
if (sourceCodeA > sourceCodeB) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Fixes declaration order
* @param {fixer} fixer - fixer the RuleFixer
* @returns {*} - fixer result
function declarationsFixerFunction(fixer) {
const replaceOutput = [];
for (let i = 0; i < declarations.length; i++) {
return fixer.replaceTextRange(
[firstDeclaration.range[0], lastDeclaration.range[1]],
return {
ImportDeclaration: function(node) {
firstDeclaration = firstDeclaration || node;
lastDeclaration = node;
const sortedDeclarations = declarations.slice().sort(sortingFunction);
if (declarations.length > 1) {
previousDeclaration = declarations[declarations.length - 2];
const isDeclarationsSorted = declarations.every((importNode, ind) => {
if (sortedDeclarations[ind] !== declarations[ind]) {
return false;
return true;
declarations = sortedDeclarations;
if (!isDeclarationsSorted) {
let message;
let data = null;
const currentMemberSyntaxGroupIndex = getMemberParameterGroupIndex(node),
previousMemberSyntaxGroupIndex = getMemberParameterGroupIndex(previousDeclaration);
if (currentMemberSyntaxGroupIndex !== previousMemberSyntaxGroupIndex) {
message = "Expected '{{syntaxA}}' syntax before '{{syntaxB}}' syntax.";
data = {
syntaxA: memberSyntaxSortOrder[currentMemberSyntaxGroupIndex],
syntaxB: memberSyntaxSortOrder[previousMemberSyntaxGroupIndex]
} else {
message = "Imports should be sorted alphabetically. External packages (e.g. React) and node builtins should be on top. Correct order:";
message += "\n" + => {
return sourceCode.getText(importDecl)
data: data,
node: node,
message: message,
fix: function(fixer) {
return declarationsFixerFunction(fixer);
// Multiple members of an import declaration should also be sorted alphabetically.
if (!ignoreMemberSort && node.specifiers.length > 1) {
const importSpecifiers = node.specifiers;
const sortedImportSpecifiers = importSpecifiers.slice();
const firstSpecifier = importSpecifiers[0];
const lastSpecifier = importSpecifiers[importSpecifiers.length - 1];
const isSpecifiersSorted = importSpecifiers.every(function(specifier, ind) {
if (sortedImportSpecifiers[ind] !== importSpecifiers[ind]) {
return false;
return true;
const importSpecifiersText = "{" + {
}).join(", ") + "}";
// TODO(imad): handle situations like, have length check for now
// import { testProps, testContext as context } from './test';
if (!isSpecifiersSorted && importSpecifiersText.length === sourceCode.getText(node).length) {{
node: firstSpecifier,
message: "Members '{{memberNames}}' of the import declaration should be sorted alphabetically.",
data: {
memberNames: importSpecifiersText
fix: specifierFixingFunction.bind(
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