$ gpg --full-generate-key
$ gpg --import key.pgp.pub
$ gpg --armor --output <key.pub> --export <key-id>
$ gpg -u <key-id> –-detach-sign <file.app>
$ gpg --verify <file.app.asc> <file.app>
$ gpg -a -o <file-encrypted.app> --sign –-encrypt -r <key-id> <file-non-encrypted.app>
$ gpg --output <file-non-encrypted.app> -d <file-encrypted.app>
$ echo "echo hello world" > hello.txt
$ export GPG_KEY_ID=<SUPER_KEY_ID> # For the sake of the example the key id we will use is "SUPER_KEY_ID" but use a valid key.
$ gpg -u $GPG_KEY_ID -o hello.txt.sig --detach-sign hello.txt
$ gpg --verify hello.txt.sig hello.txt
$ gpg --armor --output key.pub --export $GPG_KEY_ID
$ gpg --import key.pub
$ gpg -a -o hello-encrypted.txt -se -r $GPG_KEY_ID hello.txt
$ cat hello.txt
$ cat hello-encrypted.txt
$ gpg --output hello-again.txt -d hello-encrypted.txt