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Created April 3, 2024 18:17
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duckdplyr summarizing wide data
# Load necessary library
stringi, data.table, duckplyr, readr, dplyr, collapse, duckdb, dbplyr, bench,
# Function to generate a dataframe chunk
generate_data_chunk <- function(num_rows = 1000, num_cols = 100) {
# Generate numeric columns
numeric_cols <- replicate(n = num_cols/2, expr = runif(num_rows, 1, 10000), simplify = FALSE)
# Generate word columns
word_cols <- replicate(n = num_cols/2, expr = stri_rand_strings(num_rows, 10), simplify = FALSE)
# Combine word and numeric columns
data <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = num_cols, nrow = num_rows))
colnames(data) <- c(paste0("WordColumn", 1:(num_cols/2)), paste0("NumericColumn", 1:(num_cols/2)))
data[,paste0("WordColumn", 1:(num_cols/2))] <- word_cols
data[,paste0("NumericColumn", 1:(num_cols/2))] <- numeric_cols
# Target file size in bytes (1GB)
target_file_size <- 1 * 1024^3
# Temporary file to accumulate data
temp_file_path <- "data/large_dataset.csv"
# Write an initial chunk to establish the file with the correct headers
initial_chunk <- generate_data_chunk()
fwrite(initial_chunk, file = temp_file_path)
# Keep appending data until the file size exceeds the target size
while($size < target_file_size) {
chunk <- generate_data_chunk()
# Append data without header and row names
fwrite(chunk, file = temp_file_path, append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE)
# time it takes to read, group_by, summarize
read_times <- bench::mark(
readr = {
readr::read_csv(temp_file_path, show_col_types = FALSE)
readr_lazy = {
readr::read_csv(temp_file_path, lazy = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
data.table = {
duckplyr = {
check = FALSE
p <- ggplot(read_times) +
geom_col(aes(x = expression, y = median), fill = "#ff1f51", alpha = 0.5) +
hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum() +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(1, 5, 10, 30)) +
axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#e6e6e6")
) +
title = "Time to read 1GB CSV",
x = "", y = "Total time (s)"
ggsave("chart/duckplyr_read_times.png", p, width = 4, height = 4, dpi = 300)
data_duckplyr <- duckplyr_df_from_csv(temp_file_path)
data_dt <-, key = "WordColumn1")
data_tbl <- qTBL(data_dt)
con <- dbConnect(duckdb())
duckdb_register(con, "data", data_tbl, overwrite = TRUE)
data_dbplyr <- tbl(con, "data")
sum_times <- bench::mark(
dplyr = {
data_tbl %>%
dplyr::group_by(WordColumn1) %>%
dplyr::summarize(across(starts_with("NumericColumn"), mean))
data.table = {
data_dt[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = WordColumn1, .SDcols = paste0("NumericColumn", 1:50)]
collapse = {
data_dt %>%
collapse::fgroup_by(WordColumn1) %>%
collapse::fsummarise(across(paste0("NumericColumn", 1:50), fmean))
duckplyr = {
data_duckplyr %>%
group_by(WordColumn1) %>%
summarize(across(starts_with("NumericColumn"), mean))
duckdb = {
dbGetQuery(con, (
"SELECT WordColumn1, AVG(NumericColumn1), AVG(NumericColumn2), AVG(NumericColumn3), AVG(NumericColumn4), AVG(NumericColumn5), AVG(NumericColumn6), AVG(NumericColumn7), AVG(NumericColumn8), AVG(NumericColumn9), AVG(NumericColumn10), AVG(NumericColumn11), AVG(NumericColumn12), AVG(NumericColumn13), AVG(NumericColumn14), AVG(NumericColumn15), AVG(NumericColumn16), AVG(NumericColumn17), AVG(NumericColumn18), AVG(NumericColumn19), AVG(NumericColumn20), AVG(NumericColumn21), AVG(NumericColumn22), AVG(NumericColumn23), AVG(NumericColumn24), AVG(NumericColumn25), AVG(NumericColumn26), AVG(NumericColumn27), AVG(NumericColumn28), AVG(NumericColumn29), AVG(NumericColumn30), AVG(NumericColumn31), AVG(NumericColumn32), AVG(NumericColumn33), AVG(NumericColumn34), AVG(NumericColumn35), AVG(NumericColumn36), AVG(NumericColumn37), AVG(NumericColumn38), AVG(NumericColumn39), AVG(NumericColumn40), AVG(NumericColumn41), AVG(NumericColumn42), AVG(NumericColumn43), AVG(NumericColumn44), AVG(NumericColumn45), AVG(NumericColumn46), AVG(NumericColumn47), AVG(NumericColumn48), AVG(NumericColumn49), AVG(NumericColumn50)
FROM data GROUP BY WordColumn1"
dbplyr = {
data_dbplyr %>%
group_by(WordColumn1) %>%
summarize(across(starts_with("NumericColumn"), mean))
check = FALSE
p <- ggplot(sum_times) +
geom_col(aes(x = expression, y = median), fill = "#ff1f51", alpha = 0.5) +
ggthemes::theme_clean() +
scale_y_continuous(trans = "pseudo_log", breaks = c(0, 1, 5, 25)) +
axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
plot.title = element_text(size = 12),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#e6e6e6")
) +
title = "Time to group_by and summarize 1GB CSV",
subtitle = "Grouping by 1 word column and summarizing 50 numeric columns",
caption = "@arthurgailes",
x = "", y = "Total time (s)"
ggsave("chart/duckplyr_sum_times.png", p, width = 5, height = 3, dpi = 300)
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