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Created December 21, 2023 16:28
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Fix Census 2022 blocks with tigris
#' Fix broken Census Connecticut blocks post-2022
#' See:
# load official CT crosswalk
# missing a few block ids, but tracts are a consistent 1:1 merge so use those
ct_url <- ""
xwalk_ct <- read_csv(ct_url, col_select = matches('tract_fips')) |>
mutate(across(everything(), \(x) paste0('0', x))) |>
# double check no m:1 tract correspondence
expect_equal(0, anyDuplicated(xwalk_ct$tract_fips_2020))
# load block geographies with tigris
ct_block <- blocks(state = "09", year = 2022)
# merge new tracts to create new block ID
ct_block_fix <- ct_block |>
mutate(tract_fips_2020 = substr(GEOID20, 1, 11)) |>
inner_join(xwalk_ct, by = "tract_fips_2020") |>
mutate(block_fips_2022 = paste0(tract_fips_2022, substr(GEOID20, 12, 15)))
#test that all joined
expect_equal(nrow(ct_block_fix), nrow(ct_block))
expect_true(all(nchar(ct_block_fix$block_fips_2022) == 15))
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