It's currently a bit of a hassle (unless I'm doing it wrong) to fix a PR that used to be green but is now unmergeable due to an simple little merge conflict with master.
It would be quite fantabulous if I could access the swanky invisible PR branches from the web interface in order to quickly fix the merge conflict and merge/close the PR without having to:
- ask & wait for the submitter to fix a conflict they might not understand better than I do (since master likely caused it if the branch is green)
- tediously add the submitter's repo as a remote and pull their branch, merge master in it to fix the conflict and either submit a PR to their fork or merge it into master directly (which sadly by-passes the existing PR)
- do the local PR checkout trick (but I'm lazy, don't make me do it!)
A dream solution that would make GitHub even more addictive would be an interactive conflict resolutio