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eparreno /
Last active May 31, 2024 20:18
How to delete Sidekiq jobs in a Rails app using ActiveJobs

How to delete Sidekiq jobs in a Rails app using ActiveJobs

Sidekiq jobs can be enqueued or scheduled. Enqueued means that they are gonna be picked up as soon as possible, scheduled jobs will be enqueued at some specific time.

job_id and jid

When using ActiveJobs, Rails will return a job_id after sending the job to ActiveJobs

job = UserMailer.send_invite(params).deliver_later
runekaagaard / pgx.rst
Last active September 18, 2018 14:09
Bash scripts for extracting individual databases from a sql file dumped using pg_dumpall

Postgresql Xtra commands

  • pgx_list_dbs: Lists the names of databases in an .sql file dumped using pg_dumpall.
  • pgx_extract_db: Extracts a single database from a sql file dumped with pg_dumpall and outputs its content to stdout.


lexmag / article.rb_product.rb
Created July 28, 2012 15:12
Two-way polymorphic models / Polymorphic HABTM association
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base # Product class is similar
belongs_to :user
has_many :media, as: :ownable
with_options through: :media, source: :representable do |assn|
assn.has_many :videos, source_type: 'Video'
assn.has_many :images, source_type: 'Image'