I hereby claim:
- I am artkrz on github.
- I am artkrz (https://keybase.io/artkrz) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBU7yem3UmPKd5ZWGk1SbUl4V_V3Zz3iLIkqC4hdG0mQgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
- alias: Heating office calibrate temperature | |
trigger: | |
platform: state | |
entity_id: sensor.multisensor_office_temperature | |
condition: "{{ (states('sensor.multisensor_office_temperature')|float - state_attr('climate.thermostat_office_climate','current_temperature')|float)|round(1,'half') != 0 }}" | |
action: | |
- service: mqtt.publish | |
data_template: | |
topic: 'zigbee2mqtt/thermostat_office/set/local_temperature_calibration' | |
payload_template: >- |
#!/bin/bash | |
host=localhost | |
db='home_assistant' | |
measurements=$1 | |
measurements=($(influx --host $host --execute 'show measurements' --database=$db | grep "$1")) | |
if (( ${#measurements[@]} )) | |
then |
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