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Last active December 8, 2024 11:58
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Instructions on how to install a custom distro in WSL2 (Windows SubSystem for Linux 2)

WSL install another distro

  1. Here are some default vars for the process

  1. Install Ubuntu Bash

  2. Install 7zip in ubuntu

sudo apt-get install p7zip 
  1. Download the distro of your choice (i.e Fedora)

  2. Move the ISO to its own folder, i.e ~/fedora

  3. Navigate to the directory and Extract using 7Zip

mkdir $ISO_DIR; cd $ISO_DIR;
7z x Fedora-Cinnamon-Live-x86_64-31-1.9.iso

You should see the following files or similar

artman41@DESKTOP-TQGCI07:~/fedora$ ll | less
total 2139660
drwxr-xr-x  7 artman41 artman41       4096 Mar 31 16:04 ./
drwxr-xr-x 10 artman41 artman41       4096 Mar 31 16:03 ../
drwx------  3 artman41 artman41       4096 Oct 24 00:15 EFI/
-rwxr-xr-x  1 artman41 artman41 2203779072 Mar 31 16:03 Fedora-Cinnamon-Live-x86_64-31-1.9.iso*
drwx------  2 artman41 artman41       4096 Oct 24 00:15 LiveOS/
drwx------  2 artman41 artman41       4096 Mar 31 16:04 [BOOT]/
drwx------  3 artman41 artman41       4096 Oct 24 00:15 images/
drwx------  2 artman41 artman41       4096 Oct 24 00:15 isolinux/
  1. Navigate to LiveOS (or where the squashfs is) and 'unsquash' the squash.img:
cd LiveOS;
sudo unsquashfs -d squashfs squashfs.img
  1. Navigate to squashfs/LiveOS and mount the rootfs.img:
sudo mkdir $ROOTFS_MOUNT_DIR;
sudo mount -o loop squashfs/LiveOS/rootfs.img ROOTFS_MOUNT_DIR;
  1. Navigate to $ROOTFS_MOUNT_DIR and tar.gz the files:
sudo tar -zcvf $ISO_DIR/distro.tar.gz .
  1. Navigate to $ISO_DIR and import the .tar.gz using wsl
wsl.exe --import $DISTRO_NAME $DISTRO_LOCATION distro.tar.gz
  1. Open your distro and create a user
wsl.exe -d $DISTRO_NAME
useradd -m $USER

Logging in to your account by default

Note: Don't forget to add yourself to visudo or you'll be unable to perform super-user actions until you set the DefaultUser field in regedit to 0

  1. Get your uid
grep $USER /etc/passwd
# The return will be something like artman41:x:1000:1000:root:/root:/bin/bash
#  where the format is $USER:x:$USER_ID:$GROUP_ID:$GROUP:$HOME:$SHELL
  1. Install Windows Terminal and Open the JSON Settings
#in powershell
notepad.exe $env:LocalAppData\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\profiles.json
  1. Look for the profile with $DISTRO_NAME and note the GUID (referred to as $DISTRO_GUID in the guide)
  • copying the GUID to defaultProfile will make you load in to your custom distro by default using the windows terminal
  1. Open regedit and navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss\$DISTRO_GUID

  2. Ensure the following values are set

Name Type Data
DefaultEnvironment REG_MULTI_SZ HOSTTYPE=x86_64
  1. Restart your custom distro shell
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Gspxz commented Mar 30, 2021

failed to setup loop device for squashfs/LiveOS/rootfs.img

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Gspxz commented Apr 4, 2021

failed to setup loop device for squashfs/LiveOS/rootfs.img

It worked this time. I used sudo mount -o loop rootfs.img ROOTFS_MOUNT_DIR; instead of sudo mount -o loop squashfs/LiveOS/rootfs.img $ROOTFS_MOUNT_DIR;.

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Any example on what sort of files does the tar finally have? or the rootfs.img? I want to confirm if my custom ISO has these files renamed or just don't exist

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7z x squashfs.img
added since 9.18

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hi. I make my ISO from specific Ubuntu.Now I want to use it through WSL2.I follow your instruction ,but in 6 step,There no liveos and squashfs squashfs.img,Could you help me?

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