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Created June 1, 2014 15:51
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class NeasdenGroup_fotorama implements NeasdenGroup {
private $neasden = null;
function __construct ($neasden) {
$this->neasden = $neasden;
$neasden->require_line_class ('picture');
$neasden->define_line_class ('fotorama-settings', '\[thumbs\]|\[fotorama .*\]');
$neasden->define_group ('fotorama', '(-picture-){2,}(-fotorama-settings-)?(-p-)*');
function render ($group, $myconf) {
$this->neasden->require_link (SYSTEM_LIBRARY_FOLDER .'fotorama/fotorama.css');
$this->neasden->require_link (SYSTEM_LIBRARY_FOLDER .'fotorama/fotorama.js');
$result = '<div class="'. $myconf['css-class'] .'">'."\n";
$p_opened = false;
$div_opened = false;
foreach ($group as $line) {
if ($line['class'] == 'picture') {
list ($filebasename, $alt) = explode (' ', $line['content'].' ', 2);
$alt = trim ($alt); // usafe
$this->neasden->resource_detected ($filebasename);
$filename = $myconf['folder'] . $filebasename;
$size = getimagesize ($filename);
list ($width, $height) = $size;
if (substr ($filebasename, strrpos ($filebasename, '.') - 3, 3) == '@2x') {
if (! ($width%2 or $height%2)) {
$width /= 2;
$height /= 2;
if ($width > $myconf['max-width']) {
$height = $height * ($myconf['max-width'] / $width);
$width = $myconf['max-width'];
$image_html = (
'<img src="'. $myconf['src-prefix'] . $filename .'" '.
'width="'. $width .'" height="'. $height.'" '.
'data-caption="'. $alt.'" '.
'alt="'. $alt .'" />'. "\n"
if (!$div_opened) {
$result .= (
'<div class="fotorama" '.
'data-width="'. $width .'" '.
'data-ratio="'. ($width / $height) .'"'.
$div_opened = true;
$result .= $image_html;
} elseif ($line['class'] == 'fotorama-settings') {
$settings = substr ($line['content'], 1, -1);
if ($settings == 'thumbs') {
$settings = 'data-nav="thumbs"';
} else {
$settings = str_replace ('fotorama ', '', $settings);
$result = str_replace ('class="fotorama"', 'class="fotorama" '.$settings, $result);
} else {
if (!$p_opened) {
$p_opened = true;
$result .= '</div>' . "\n";
$result .= '<p>' . $line['content'];
} else {
$result .= '<br />' . "\n" . $line['content'];
if ($p_opened) {
$result .= '</p>'."\n";
if ($div_opened) {
$result .= '</div>'."\n";
$result .= '</div>'."\n";
return $result;
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