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Last active May 2, 2018 16:14
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- RLine(vector< char >::reverse_iterator _begin, vector< char >::reverse_iterator _end) to ofBuffer::RLine
- const string & operator*() to ofBuffer::RLine
- const string * operator->() to ofBuffer::RLine
- const string & asString() to ofBuffer::RLine
- ofBuffer::RLine & operator++() to ofBuffer::RLine
- ofBuffer::RLine operator++(int ) to ofBuffer::RLine
- bool operator!=(const ofBuffer::RLine &rhs) to ofBuffer::RLine
- bool operator==(const ofBuffer::RLine &rhs) to ofBuffer::RLine
- bool empty() to ofBuffer::RLine
- ofBuffer::RLine rbegin() to ofBuffer::Lines
- ofBuffer::RLine rend() to ofBuffer::Lines
- RLines(vector< char >::reverse_iterator rbegin, vector< char >::reverse_iterator rend) to ofBuffer::RLines
- ofBuffer::RLine begin() to ofBuffer::RLines
- ofBuffer::RLine end() to ofBuffer::RLines
- void setall(char mem) to ofBuffer
- void reserve(size_t size) to ofBuffer
- void resize(size_t size) to ofBuffer
- ofBuffer::RLines getReverseLines() to ofBuffer
- bool openFromCWD(const filesystem::path &path, ofFile::Mode mode=ReadOnly, bool binary=true) to ofFile
- bool create(const filesystem::path &path) to ofFile
- void setReadable(bool readable=true) to ofFile
- void openFromCWD(const filesystem::path &path) to ofDirectory
- void setReadable(bool readable=true) to ofDirectory
- void sortByDate() to ofDirectory
- shared_ptr< ofBaseLoggerChannel > getChannel() to ofLog
- shared_ptr< ofBaseLoggerChannel > & channel() to ofLog
- string & getPadding() to ofLog
- ofEventListener() to ofEventListener
- ofEventListener(const ofEventListener &) to ofEventListener
- ofEventListener(ofEventListener &&) to ofEventListener
- ofEventListener & operator=(const ofEventListener &) to ofEventListener
- ofEventListener & operator=(ofEventListener &&) to ofEventListener
- ofEventListener(unique_ptr< of::priv::AbstractEventToken > &&token) to ofEventListener
- ofEventListener & operator=(unique_ptr< of::priv::AbstractEventToken > &&token) to ofEventListener
- void unsubscribe() to ofEventListener
- ofEventListeners() to ofEventListeners
- ofEventListeners(const ofEventListeners &) to ofEventListeners
- ofEventListeners(ofEventListeners &&) to ofEventListeners
- ofEventListeners & operator=(const ofEventListeners &) to ofEventListeners
- ofEventListeners & operator=(ofEventListeners &&) to ofEventListeners
- void push(unique_ptr< of::priv::AbstractEventToken > &&listener) to ofEventListeners
- void unsubscribe(size_t pos) to ofEventListeners
- void unsubscribeAll() to ofEventListeners
- unique_ptr< of::priv::BaseFunctionId > make_std_function_id(const F &f) to ofEvent
- unique_ptr< of::priv::AbstractEventToken > newListener(TObj *listener, TMethod method, int priority) to ofEvent
- unique_ptr< of::priv::AbstractEventToken > newListener(TFunction function, int priority) to ofEvent
- bool notify(T &param) to ofEvent
- uint64_t getAsMilliseconds() to ofTime
- uint64_t getAsMicroseconds() to ofTime
- uint64_t getAsNanoseconds() to ofTime
- double getAsSeconds() to ofTime
- timespec getAsTimespec() to ofTime
- int getAsTimePoint() to ofTime
- chrono::nanoseconds operator-(const ofTime &) to ofTime
- bool operator<(const ofTime &) to ofTime
- bool operator>(const ofTime &) to ofTime
- bool operator<=(const ofTime &) to ofTime
- bool operator>=(const ofTime &) to ofTime
- ofTime operator+(const chrono::duration< rep, ratio > &duration) to ofTime
- ofTime & operator+=(const chrono::duration< rep, ratio > &duration) to ofTime
- uint64_t getLastFrameFilteredNanos() to ofFpsCounter
- double getLastFrameFilteredSecs() to ofFpsCounter
- void setFilterAlpha(float alpha) to ofFpsCounter
- bool hasModifier(int modifier) to ofKeyEventArgs
- ofMouseEventArgs(ofMouseEventArgs::Type type, float x, float y, int button, int modifiers) to ofMouseEventArgs
- bool hasModifier(int modifier) to ofMouseEventArgs
- ofWindowPosEventArgs() to ofWindowPosEventArgs
- ofWindowPosEventArgs(int x, int y) to ofWindowPosEventArgs
- void setTimeModeSystem() to ofCoreEvents
- void setTimeModeFixedRate(uint64_t nanosecsPerFrame) to ofCoreEvents
- void setTimeModeFiltered(float alpha) to ofCoreEvents
- int getModifiers() to ofCoreEvents
- void notifyTouchDown(int x, int y, int touchID) to ofCoreEvents
- void notifyTouchUp(int x, int y, int touchID) to ofCoreEvents
- void notifyTouchMoved(int x, int y, int touchID) to ofCoreEvents
- void notifyTouchCancelled(int x, int y, int touchID) to ofCoreEvents
- void notifyTouchDoubleTap(int x, int y, int touchID) to ofCoreEvents
- void notifyTouchEvent(ofTouchEventArgs &touchEvent) to ofCoreEvents
- bool notifyWindowMoved(int x, int y) to ofCoreEvents
- int handleRequestAsync(const ofHttpRequest &request) to ofURLFileLoader
- int handleRequestAsync(const ofHttpRequest &request) to ofBaseURLFileLoader
- void setThreadName(const string &name) to ofThread
- bool tryLock() to ofThread
- thread & getNativeThread() to ofThread
- const thread & getNativeThread() to ofThread
- ofVec2f(const int &v) to ofVec2f
- ofVec4f(const int &vec) to ofVec4f
- ofVec3f(const int &vec) to ofVec3f
- string valueType() to ofAbstractParameter
- ofReadOnlyParameter< ParameterType, Friend > & castReadOnly() to ofAbstractParameter
- const ofReadOnlyParameter< ParameterType, Friend > & castReadOnly() to ofAbstractParameter
- bool isReferenceTo(const ofAbstractParameter &other) to ofAbstractParameter
- const void * getInternalObject() to ofAbstractParameter
- void notifyParameterChanged(ofAbstractParameter &param) to ofParameterGroup::Value
- string valueType() to ofParameterGroup
- void remove(ofAbstractParameter &param) to ofParameterGroup
- void remove(size_t index) to ofParameterGroup
- void remove(const string &name) to ofParameterGroup
- const ofParameter< void > & getVoid(const string &name) to ofParameterGroup
- const ofParameter< void > & getVoid(size_t pos) to ofParameterGroup
- ofParameter< void > & getVoid(const string &name) to ofParameterGroup
- ofParameter< void > & getVoid(size_t pos) to ofParameterGroup
- const ofReadOnlyParameter< ParameterType, Friend > & getReadOnly(const string &name) to ofParameterGroup
- const ofReadOnlyParameter< ParameterType, Friend > & getReadOnly(size_t pos) to ofParameterGroup
- ofReadOnlyParameter< ParameterType, Friend > & getReadOnly(const string &name) to ofParameterGroup
- ofReadOnlyParameter< ParameterType, Friend > & getReadOnly(size_t pos) to ofParameterGroup
- const void * getInternalObject() to ofParameterGroup
- ofParameterGroup(shared_ptr< Value > obj) to ofParameterGroup
- int newListener() to ofParameter
- string valueType() to ofParameter
- size_t getNumListeners() to ofParameter
- const void * getInternalObject() to ofParameter
- int newListener() to ofReadOnlyParameter
- string valueType() to ofReadOnlyParameter
- const void * getInternalObject() to ofReadOnlyParameter
- Search() to ofXml::Search
- pugi::xpath_node_set::type_t type() to ofXml::Search
- size_t size() to ofXml::Search
- ofXml operator[](size_t index) to ofXml::Search
- ofXmlSearchIterator begin() to ofXml::Search
- ofXmlSearchIterator end() to ofXml::Search
- void sort(bool reverse=false) to ofXml::Search
- ofXml getFirst() to ofXml::Search
- bool empty() to ofXml::Search
- Search(shared_ptr< pugi::xml_document > doc, pugi::xpath_node_set set) to ofXml::Search
- Attribute() to ofXml::Attribute
- string getValue() to ofXml::Attribute
- void setName(const string &name) to ofXml::Attribute
- int getIntValue() to ofXml::Attribute
- unsigned int getUintValue() to ofXml::Attribute
- float getFloatValue() to ofXml::Attribute
- double getDoubleValue() to ofXml::Attribute
- bool getBoolValue() to ofXml::Attribute
- ofXml::Attribute getNextAttribute() to ofXml::Attribute
- ofXml::Attribute getPreviousAttribute() to ofXml::Attribute
- ofXml::Attribute & operator=(const T &value) to ofXml::Attribute
- ofXml::Attribute & set(const T &value) to ofXml::Attribute
- Attribute(const pugi::xml_attribute &attr) to ofXml::Attribute
- It begin() to ofXml::Range
- It end() to ofXml::Range
- Range(shared_ptr< pugi::xml_document > doc, pugi::xml_object_range< typename It::Base > range) to ofXml::Range
- bool load(const ofBuffer &buffer) to ofXml
- bool parse(const string &xmlStr) to ofXml
- ofXml getChild(const string &name) to ofXml
- Range<ofXmlIterator< pugi::xml_node_iterator> > getChildren() to ofXml
- Range<ofXmlIterator< pugi::xml_named_node_iterator> > getChildren(const string &name) to ofXml
- ofXml appendChild(const ofXml &xml) to ofXml
- ofXml prependChild(const ofXml &xml) to ofXml
- ofXml appendChild(ofXml &&xml) to ofXml
- ofXml prependChild(ofXml &&xml) to ofXml
- ofXml appendChild(const string &name) to ofXml
- ofXml prependChild(const string &name) to ofXml
- bool removeChild(const string &name) to ofXml
- ofXml insertChildAfter(const string &name, const ofXml &after) to ofXml
- ofXml insertChildBefore(const string &name, const ofXml &after) to ofXml
- ofXml getNextSibling() to ofXml
- ofXml getPreviousSibling() to ofXml
- ofXml getNextSibling(const string &name) to ofXml
- ofXml getPreviousSibling(const string &name) to ofXml
- ofXml getFirstChild() to ofXml
- ofXml getLastChild() to ofXml
- ofXml::Attribute getFirstAttribute() to ofXml
- ofXml::Attribute getLastAttribute() to ofXml
- ofXml::Attribute appendAttribute(const string &name) to ofXml
- ofXml::Attribute prependAttribute(const string &name) to ofXml
- ofXml findFirst(const string &path) to ofXml
- ofXml::Search find(const string &path) to ofXml
- void set(const T &value) to ofXml
- void set(const unsigned char &value) to ofXml
- void setName(const string &name) to ofXml
- unsigned int getUintValue() to ofXml
- double getDoubleValue() to ofXml
- ofXmlIterator() to ofXmlIterator
- bool operator==(const ofXmlIterator< It > &rhs) to ofXmlIterator
- bool operator!=(const ofXmlIterator< It > &rhs) to ofXmlIterator
- ofXml & operator*() to ofXmlIterator
- ofXml * operator->() to ofXmlIterator
- const ofXmlIterator< It > & operator++() to ofXmlIterator
- ofXmlIterator< It > operator++(int ) to ofXmlIterator
- const ofXmlIterator< It > & operator--() to ofXmlIterator
- ofXmlIterator< It > operator--(int ) to ofXmlIterator
- ofXmlIterator(ofXml xml) to ofXmlIterator
- ofXmlSearchIterator() to ofXmlSearchIterator
- bool operator==(const ofXmlSearchIterator &rhs) to ofXmlSearchIterator
- bool operator!=(const ofXmlSearchIterator &rhs) to ofXmlSearchIterator
- ofXml & operator*() to ofXmlSearchIterator
- ofXml * operator->() to ofXmlSearchIterator
- const ofXmlSearchIterator & operator++() to ofXmlSearchIterator
- ofXmlSearchIterator operator++(int ) to ofXmlSearchIterator
- const ofXmlSearchIterator & operator--() to ofXmlSearchIterator
- ofXmlSearchIterator operator--(int ) to ofXmlSearchIterator
- ofXmlSearchIterator(shared_ptr< pugi::xml_document > doc, const pugi::xpath_node *node) to ofXmlSearchIterator
- void rotateDeg(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateXDeg(float degrees) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateYDeg(float degrees) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateZDeg(float degrees) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateDeg(float degrees) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateRad(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateXRad(float degrees) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateYRad(float degrees) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateZRad(float degrees) to ofBaseRenderer
- void rotateRad(float degrees) to ofBaseRenderer
- int map() to ofRectangle
- ofRectangle map(const ofRectangle &coeff) to ofRectangle
- int mapClamp() to ofRectangle
- ofRectangle mapClamp(const ofRectangle &coeff) to ofRectangle
- ofMatrix3x3(const int &mat) to ofMatrix3x3
- ofQuaternion(const int &q) to ofQuaternion
- long readBytes(char *buffer, size_t length) to ofSerial
- long readBytes(ofBuffer &buffer, size_t length) to ofSerial
- long writeBytes(const char *buffer, size_t length) to ofSerial
- long writeBytes(const ofBuffer &buffer) to ofSerial
- bool writeByte(char singleByte) to ofSerial
- bool isAttached() to ofArduino
- void sendPinCofigurationRequest() to ofArduino
- void sendPinCapabilityRequest() to ofArduino
- void sendAnalogMappingRequest() to ofArduino
- void sendPinStateQuery(int pin) to ofArduino
- int getInvertedValueFromTwo7bitBytes(unsigned char lsb, unsigned char msb) to ofArduino
- void sendStepper2Wire(int dirPin, int stepPin, int stepsPerRev=200) to ofArduino
- void sendStepper4Wire(int pin1, int pin2, int pin3, int pin4, int stepsPerRev=200) to ofArduino
- void sendStepperMove(int stepperID, int direction, int steps, int speed=0, float acceleration, float deceleration) to ofArduino
- void sendI2CConfig(int delay) to ofArduino
- bool isI2CConfigured() to ofArduino
- void sendI2CWriteRequest(char slaveAddress, unsigned char *bytes, int numOfBytes, int reg) to ofArduino
- void sendI2CWriteRequest(char slaveAddress, const char *bytes, int numOfBytes, int reg) to ofArduino
- void sendI2CWriteRequest(char slaveAddress, char *bytes, int numOfBytes, int reg) to ofArduino
- void sendI2CWriteRequest(char slaveAddress, int bytes, int reg) to ofArduino
- void sendI2CReadRequest(char address, int numBytes, int reg) to ofArduino
- void sendI2ContinuousReadRequest(char address, int numBytes, int reg) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireConfig(int pin, bool enableParasiticPower) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireSearch(int pin) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireAlarmsSearch(int pin) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireSearch(char type, int pin) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireRead(int pin, int devices, int numBytesToRead) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireReset(int pin) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireWrite(int pin, int devices, int data) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireDelay(int pin, unsigned int delay) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireWriteAndRead(int pin, int devices, int data, int numBytesToRead) to ofArduino
- void sendOneWireRequest(int pin, unsigned char subcommand, int devices, int numBytesToRead, unsigned char correlationId, unsigned int delay, int dataToWrite) to ofArduino
- void attachEncoder(int pinA, int pinB) to ofArduino
- void getEncoderPosition(int encoderNum) to ofArduino
- void getAllEncoderPositions() to ofArduino
- void resetEncoderPosition(int encoderNum) to ofArduino
- void enableEncoderReporting() to ofArduino
- void disableEncoderReporting() to ofArduino
- void detachEncoder(int encoderNum) to ofArduino
- void sendSerialConfig(Firmata_Serial_Ports portID, int baud, int rxPin, int txPin) to ofArduino
- void serialWrite(Firmata_Serial_Ports port, unsigned char *bytes, int numOfBytes) to ofArduino
- void serialRead(Firmata_Serial_Ports port, int maxBytesToRead) to ofArduino
- void serialStop(Firmata_Serial_Ports portID) to ofArduino
- void serialClose(Firmata_Serial_Ports portID) to ofArduino
- void serialFlush(Firmata_Serial_Ports portID) to ofArduino
- void serialListen(Firmata_Serial_Ports portID) to ofArduino
- int getPinCapabilities() to ofArduino
- int getTotalPins() to ofArduino
- int getNumAnalogPins() to ofArduino
- void purge() to ofArduino
- bool isAnalogPin(int pin) to ofArduino
- bool isPin(int pin) to ofArduino
- int convertAnalogPinToDigital(size_t pin) to ofArduino
- int convertDigitalPinToAnalog(size_t pin) to ofArduino
- ofTexture(ofTexture &&mom) to ofTexture
- ofTexture & operator=(ofTexture &&mom) to ofTexture
- void loadData(const uint32_t *data, int w, int h, int glFormat) to ofTexture
- void loadData(const int8_t *data, int w, int h, int glFormat) to ofTexture
- void loadData(const int16_t *data, int w, int h, int glFormat) to ofTexture
- void loadData(const int32_t *data, int w, int h, int glFormat) to ofTexture
- void draw(const int &pos, float w, float h) to ofTexture
- void draw(const int &p1, const int &p2, const int &p3, const int &p4) to ofTexture
- void drawSubsection(const ofRectangle &drawBounds, const ofRectangle &subsectionBounds) to ofTexture
- bool hasMipmap() to ofTexture
- ofFboSettings(shared_ptr< ofBaseGLRenderer > renderer) to ofFboSettings
- bool operator!=(const ofFboSettings &other) to ofFboSettings
- ofFbo(ofFbo &&mom) to ofFbo
- ofFbo & operator=(ofFbo &&fbo) to ofFbo
- void clearColorBuffer(const ofFloatColor &color) to ofFbo
- void clearColorBuffer(size_t buffer_idx, const ofFloatColor &color) to ofFbo
- void clearDepthBuffer(float value) to ofFbo
- void clearStencilBuffer(int value) to ofFbo
- void clearDepthStencilBuffer(float depth, int stencil) to ofFbo
- void copyTo(ofBufferObject &buffer) to ofFbo
- void setSize(int width, int height) to ofWindowSettings
- bool isSizeSet() to ofWindowSettings
- int getWidth() to ofWindowSettings
- int getHeight() to ofWindowSettings
- void pollEvents() to ofMainLoop
- ofNode(const ofNode &node) to ofNode
- ofNode(ofNode &&node) to ofNode
- ofNode & operator=(const ofNode &node) to ofNode
- ofNode & operator=(ofNode &&node) to ofNode
- float getPitchDeg() to ofNode
- float getHeadingDeg() to ofNode
- float getRollDeg() to ofNode
- float getPitchRad() to ofNode
- float getHeadingRad() to ofNode
- float getRollRad() to ofNode
- int getOrientationEulerDeg() to ofNode
- int getOrientationEulerRad() to ofNode
- void tiltDeg(float degrees) to ofNode
- void tiltRad(float radians) to ofNode
- void panDeg(float degrees) to ofNode
- void panRad(float radians) to ofNode
- void rollDeg(float degrees) to ofNode
- void rollRad(float radians) to ofNode
- void rotateDeg(float degrees, const int &v) to ofNode
- void rotateRad(float radians, const int &v) to ofNode
- void rotateDeg(float degrees, float vx, float vy, float vz) to ofNode
- void rotateRad(float radians, float vx, float vy, float vz) to ofNode
- void rotateAroundDeg(float degrees, const int &axis, const int &point) to ofNode
- void rotateAroundRad(float radians, const int &axis, const int &point) to ofNode
- void lookAt(const ofNode &lookAtNode) to ofNode
- void lookAt(const ofNode &lookAtNode, const int &upVector) to ofNode
- void orbitDeg(float longitude, float latitude, float radius, const int &centerPoint) to ofNode
- void orbitDeg(float longitude, float latitude, float radius, ofNode &centerNode) to ofNode
- void orbitRad(float longitude, float latitude, float radius, const int &centerPoint) to ofNode
- void orbitRad(float longitude, float latitude, float radius, ofNode &centerNode) to ofNode
- void onParentPositionChanged(int &position) to ofNode
- void onParentOrientationChanged(int &orientation) to ofNode
- void onParentScaleChanged(int &scale) to ofNode
- void addListener(ofNode &node) to ofNode
- void removeListener(ofNode &node) to ofNode
- ofPixels_(ofPixels_< PixelType > &&mom) to ofPixels_
- ofPixels_< PixelType > & operator=(ofPixels_< PixelType > &&mom) to ofPixels_
- size_t pixelBitsFromPixelFormat(ofPixelFormat format) to ofPixels_
- size_t bytesFromPixelFormat(size_t w, size_t h, ofPixelFormat format) to ofPixels_
- void setRenderSurfaceNoMatrixFlip(const ofBaseDraws &fbo) to ofMatrixStack
- const int & getViewInverse() to ofMatrixStack
- const int & getModelMatrix() to ofMatrixStack
- void rotateRad(float radians, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofMatrixStack
- void copyTo(ofBufferObject &dstBuffer, int readOffset, int writeOffset, size_t size) to ofBufferObject
- void invalidate() to ofBufferObject
- VertexAttribute() to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- bool isAllocated() to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void allocate() to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void bind() to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void unbind() to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void setData(GLsizeiptr bytes, const void *data, GLenum usage) to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void updateData(GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr bytes, const void *data) to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void setData(const float *attrib0x, int numCoords, int total, int usage, int stride, bool normalize=false) to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void setBuffer(ofBufferObject &buffer, int numCoords, int stride, int offset) to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void enable() to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- void disable() to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- GLuint getId() to ofVbo::VertexAttribute
- IndexAttribute() to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- bool isAllocated() to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- void allocate() to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- void bind() to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- void unbind() to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- void setData(GLsizeiptr bytes, const void *data, GLenum usage) to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- void updateData(GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr bytes, const void *data) to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- GLuint getId() to ofVbo::IndexAttribute
- void setVertexData(const int *verts, int total, int usage) to ofVbo
- void setNormalData(const int *normals, int total, int usage) to ofVbo
- void setTexCoordData(const int *texCoords, int total, int usage) to ofVbo
- void updateVertexData(const int *verts, int total) to ofVbo
- void updateNormalData(const int *normals, int total) to ofVbo
- void updateTexCoordData(const int *texCoords, int total) to ofVbo
- void rotateDeg(float degrees, const int &axis) to ofPath
- void rotateRad(float radians, const int &axis) to ofPath
- void rotateDeg(float radians, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateXDeg(float radians) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateYDeg(float radians) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateZDeg(float radians) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateDeg(float radians) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateRad(float radians, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateXRad(float radians) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateYRad(float radians) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateZRad(float radians) to ofGLRenderer
- void rotateRad(float radians) to ofGLRenderer
- Source(GLuint type, const string &source, const filesystem::path &directoryPath) to ofShader::Source
- Source() to ofShader::Source
- TransformFeedbackRangeBinding(const ofBufferObject &buffer, GLuint offset, GLuint size) to ofShader::TransformFeedbackRangeBinding
- TransformFeedbackBaseBinding(const ofBufferObject &buffer) to ofShader::TransformFeedbackBaseBinding
- ofShader(ofShader &&shader) to ofShader
- ofShader & operator=(ofShader &&shader) to ofShader
- bool loadCompute(const filesystem::path &shaderName) to ofShader
- bool setup(const ofShaderSettings &settings) to ofShader
- bool setup(const ofShader::TransformFeedbackSettings &settings) to ofShader
- void beginTransformFeedback(GLenum mode) to ofShader
- void beginTransformFeedback(GLenum mode, const ofShader::TransformFeedbackRangeBinding &binding) to ofShader
- void beginTransformFeedback(GLenum mode, const int &binding) to ofShader
- void beginTransformFeedback(GLenum mode, const ofShader::TransformFeedbackBaseBinding &binding) to ofShader
- void endTransformFeedback() to ofShader
- void endTransformFeedback(const ofShader::TransformFeedbackRangeBinding &binding) to ofShader
- void endTransformFeedback(const int &binding) to ofShader
- void endTransformFeedback(const ofShader::TransformFeedbackBaseBinding &binding) to ofShader
- GLint getUniformBlockIndex(const string &name) to ofShader
- GLint getUniformBlockBinding(const string &name) to ofShader
- void bindUniformBlock(GLuint bindind, const string &name) to ofShader
- void printActiveUniformBlocks() to ofShader
- bool setupShaderFromSource(ofShader::Source &&source) to ofShader
- ofShader::Source sourceFromFile(GLenum type, const filesystem::path &filename) to ofShader
- void setDefineConstantTemp(const string &name, T value) to ofShader
- void setConstantTemp(const string &name, const string &type, T value) to ofShader
- void setup(const ofMaterialSettings &settings) to ofMaterial
- ofMaterialSettings getSettings() to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniform1f(const string &name, float value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniform2f(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniform3f(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniform4f(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniformMatrix4f(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniformMatrix3f(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniform1i(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniform2i(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniform3i(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniform4i(const string &name, int value) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniformTexture(const string &name, const ofTexture &value, int textureLocation) to ofMaterial
- void setCustomUniformTexture(const string &name, int textureTarget, GLint textureID, int textureLocation) to ofMaterial
- void rotateRad(float radians, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofCairoRenderer
- void rotateXRad(float radians) to ofCairoRenderer
- void rotateYRad(float radians) to ofCairoRenderer
- void rotateZRad(float radians) to ofCairoRenderer
- void rotateRad(float radians) to ofCairoRenderer
- void draw(const int &pos) to ofImage_
- void draw(const int &pos, float w, float h) to ofImage_
- ofImage_< PixelType > & operator=(ofImage_< PixelType > &&mom) to ofImage_
- void rotateDeg(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateXDeg(float degrees) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateYDeg(float degrees) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateZDeg(float degrees) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateDeg(float degrees) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateRad(float radians, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateXRad(float radians) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateYRad(float radians) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateZRad(float radians) to ofRendererCollection
- void rotateRad(float radians) to ofRendererCollection
- uint32_t getNumGlyphs() to ofUnicode::range
- ofTrueTypeFontSettings(const filesystem::path &name, int size) to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- void addRanges(initializer_list< ofUnicode::range > alphabet) to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- void addRange(const ofUnicode::range &range) to ofTrueTypeFontSettings
- ofTrueTypeFont(const ofTrueTypeFont &mom) to ofTrueTypeFont
- ofTrueTypeFont & operator=(const ofTrueTypeFont &mom) to ofTrueTypeFont
- ofTrueTypeFont(ofTrueTypeFont &&mom) to ofTrueTypeFont
- ofTrueTypeFont & operator=(ofTrueTypeFont &&mom) to ofTrueTypeFont
- bool load(const ofTrueTypeFontSettings &settings) to ofTrueTypeFont
- ofTexture getStringTexture(const string &s, bool vflip=true) to ofTrueTypeFont
- int getFirstGlyphPosForTexture() to ofTrueTypeFont
- bool isValidGlyph(uint32_t ) to ofTrueTypeFont
- void setDirection(ofTrueTypeFontDirection direction) to ofTrueTypeFont
- ofTrueTypeFont::glyph loadGlyph(uint32_t utf8) to ofTrueTypeFont
- const ofTrueTypeFont::glyphProps & getGlyphProperties(uint32_t glyph) to ofTrueTypeFont
- void iterateString(const string &str, float x, float y, bool vFlipped, function< void (uint32_t, int) > f) to ofTrueTypeFont
- size_t indexForGlyph(uint32_t glyph) to ofTrueTypeFont
- ~ofSoundStreamSettings() to ofSoundStreamSettings
- bool setInDevice(const ofSoundDevice &device) to ofSoundStreamSettings
- bool setOutDevice(const ofSoundDevice &device) to ofSoundStreamSettings
- bool setApi(ofSoundDevice::Api api) to ofSoundStreamSettings
- const ofSoundDevice * getInDevice() to ofSoundStreamSettings
- const ofSoundDevice * getOutDevice() to ofSoundStreamSettings
- ofSoundDevice::Api getApi() to ofSoundStreamSettings
- void setInListener(Listener *inListener) to ofSoundStreamSettings
- void setOutListener(Listener *outListener) to ofSoundStreamSettings
- ofSoundDevice getInDevice() to ofBaseSoundStream
- ofSoundDevice getOutDevice() to ofBaseSoundStream
- void swapBuffers() to ofAppBaseWindow
- void startRender() to ofAppBaseWindow
- void finishRender() to ofAppBaseWindow
- ofGLFWWindowSettings getSettings() to ofAppGLFWWindow
- void swapBuffers() to ofAppGLFWWindow
- void startRender() to ofAppGLFWWindow
- void finishRender() to ofAppGLFWWindow
- XIC getX11XIC() to ofAppGLFWWindow
- void char_cb(GLFWwindow *windowP_, uint32_t key) to ofAppGLFWWindow
- void framebuffer_size_cb(GLFWwindow *windowP_, int w, int h) to ofAppGLFWWindow
- void swapBuffers() to ofAppGlutWindow
- void startRender() to ofAppGlutWindow
- void finishRender() to ofAppGlutWindow
- int special_key_to_of(int key) to ofAppGlutWindow
- void begin(const ofRectangle &viewport) to ofCamera
- void drawFrustum(const ofRectangle &viewport) to ofCamera
- void drawFrustum() to ofCamera
- void begin() to ofEasyCam
- void setRotationSensitivity(float x, float y, float z) to ofEasyCam
- void setRotationSensitivity(const int &sensitivity) to ofEasyCam
- void setTranslationSensitivity(float x, float y, float z) to ofEasyCam
- void setTranslationSensitivity(const int &sensitivity) to ofEasyCam
- void setRelativeYAxis(bool relative=true) to ofEasyCam
- bool getRelativeYAxis() to ofEasyCam
- void setUpAxis(const int &up) to ofEasyCam
- const int & getUpAxis() to ofEasyCam
- void enableInertia() to ofEasyCam
- void disableInertia() to ofEasyCam
- bool getInertiaEnabled() to ofEasyCam
- void setControlArea(const ofRectangle &controlArea) to ofEasyCam
- void clearControlArea() to ofEasyCam
- ofRectangle getControlArea() to ofEasyCam
- void addInteraction(ofEasyCam::TransformType type, int mouseButton, int key) to ofEasyCam
- void removeInteraction(ofEasyCam::TransformType type, int mouseButton, int key) to ofEasyCam
- bool hasInteraction(ofEasyCam::TransformType type, int mouseButton, int key) to ofEasyCam
- bool hasInteraction(int mouseButton, int key) to ofEasyCam
- void removeAllInteractions() to ofEasyCam
- int up() to ofEasyCam
- ofDirectShowPlayer(const ofDirectShowPlayer &) to ofDirectShowPlayer
- ofDirectShowPlayer & operator=(const ofDirectShowPlayer &) to ofDirectShowPlayer
- ofDirectShowPlayer(ofDirectShowPlayer &&) to ofDirectShowPlayer
- ofDirectShowPlayer & operator=(ofDirectShowPlayer &&) to ofDirectShowPlayer
- ofAVFoundationPlayer & operator=(ofAVFoundationPlayer other) to ofAVFoundationPlayer
- bool isReady() to ofAVFoundationPlayer
- ofSoundDevice getInDevice() to ofRtAudioSoundStream
- ofSoundDevice getOutDevice() to ofRtAudioSoundStream
- ofAppEGLWindowSettings() to ofAppEGLWindowSettings
- ofAppEGLWindowSettings(const ofGLESWindowSettings &settings) to ofAppEGLWindowSettings
- void swapBuffers() to ofAppEGLWindow
- void startRender() to ofAppEGLWindow
- void finishRender() to ofAppEGLWindow
- void rotateRad(float radians, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ) to ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- void rotateXRad(float radians) to ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- void rotateYRad(float radians) to ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- void rotateZRad(float radians) to ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- void rotateRad(float radians) to ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- bool isSurfaceDestroyed() to ofAppAndroidWindow
- void deviceOrientationChanged(ofOrientation newOrientation) to ofxAndroidApp
- void deviceOrientationChangedEvent(ofOrientation &newOrientation) to ofxAndroidApp
- ofSoundDevice getInDevice() to ofxEmscriptenSoundStream
- ofSoundDevice getOutDevice() to ofxEmscriptenSoundStream
- int touch_cb(int eventType, const int *touchEvent, void *userData) to ofxAppEmscriptenWindow
- int handleRequestAsync(const ofHttpRequest &request) to ofxEmscriptenURLFileLoader
- void setDefaultEventsPriority(ofEventOrder eventsPriority) to ofxBaseGui
- void loadFont(const ofTrueTypeFontSettings &fontSettings) to ofxBaseGui
- ofxInputField() to ofxInputField
- ofxInputField(ofParameter< Type > _val, float width, float height) to ofxInputField
- ofxInputField< Type > * setup(ofParameter< Type > _val, float width, float height) to ofxInputField
- ofxInputField< Type > * setup(const string &_name, Type _val, Type _min, Type _max, float width, float height) to ofxInputField
- ofxInputField< Type > * setup(const string &_name, Type _val) to ofxInputField
- void setMin(Type min) to ofxInputField
- Type getMin() to ofxInputField
- void setMax(Type max) to ofxInputField
- Type getMax() to ofxInputField
- void setBlinkingCursor(bool blink) to ofxInputField
- void setShowLabelWhileEditing(bool show) to ofxInputField
- bool mouseMoved(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxInputField
- bool mousePressed(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxInputField
- bool mouseDragged(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxInputField
- bool mouseReleased(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxInputField
- bool mouseScrolled(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxInputField
- bool keyPressed(ofKeyEventArgs &args) to ofxInputField
- bool charPressed(uint32_t &key) to ofxInputField
- bool containsValidValue() to ofxInputField
- void addListener(ListenerClass *listener, ListenerMethod method) to ofxInputField
- void removeListener(ListenerClass *listener, ListenerMethod method) to ofxInputField
- Type operator=(Type v) to ofxInputField
- ofAbstractParameter & getParameter() to ofxInputField
- void ofxSlider(ofxInputField::Inside ) to ofxInputField
- void render() to ofxInputField
- bool setValue(float mx, float my, bool bCheck) to ofxInputField
- void generateDraw() to ofxInputField
- void valueChanged(Type &value) to ofxInputField
- void parseInput() to ofxInputField
- int insertKeystroke(uint32_t character) to ofxInputField
- int insertAlphabetic(uint32_t character) to ofxInputField
- bool hasSelectedText() to ofxInputField
- void calculateSelectionArea(int selectIdx1, int selectIdx2) to ofxInputField
- void moveCursor(int cursorPos) to ofxInputField
- void drawCursor() to ofxInputField
- void leaveFocus() to ofxInputField
- void setPosition(const ofPoint &p) to ofxSlider
- void setPosition(float x, float y) to ofxSlider
- void setSize(float w, float h) to ofxSlider
- void setShape(ofRectangle r) to ofxSlider
- void setShape(float x, float y, float w, float h) to ofxSlider
- ofxButton(ofParameter< void > _bVal, float width, float height) to ofxButton
- ofxButton * setup(ofParameter< void > _bVal, float width, float height) to ofxButton
- ofAbstractParameter & getParameter() to ofxButton
- ofxLabel(ofReadOnlyParameter< string, F > _label, float width, float height) to ofxLabel
- ofxLabel * setup(ofReadOnlyParameter< string, F > _label, float width, float height) to ofxLabel
- void add(ofParameter< void > &parameter) to ofxGuiGroup
- void add(ofReadOnlyParameter< string, F > &parameter) to ofxGuiGroup
- void add(int &parameter) to ofxGuiGroup
- bool isMinimized() to ofxGuiGroup
- void onMinimize() to ofxGuiGroup
- void onMaximize() to ofxGuiGroup
- ofxColorPicker_() to ofxColorPicker_
- ofxColorPicker_(ofParameter<ofColor_< ColorType> > parameter, float w, float h) to ofxColorPicker_
- ofxColorPicker_< ColorType > * setup(ofParameter<ofColor_< ColorType> > parameter, float w, float h) to ofxColorPicker_
- void setShape(float x, float y, float w, float h) to ofxColorPicker_
- void setShape(ofRectangle r) to ofxColorPicker_
- void setColorScale(float value) to ofxColorPicker_
- float getColorScale() to ofxColorPicker_
- void setColorRadius(float value) to ofxColorPicker_
- float getColorRadius() to ofxColorPicker_
- void setColorAngle(float value) to ofxColorPicker_
- float getColorAngle() to ofxColorPicker_
- ofAbstractParameter & getParameter() to ofxColorPicker_
- void render() to ofxColorPicker_
- bool setValue(float mx, float my, bool bCheckBounds) to ofxColorPicker_
- void generateDraw() to ofxColorPicker_
- int getBackground() to ofxColorPicker_
- int getColorPoint() to ofxColorPicker_
- int getColorWheel() to ofxColorPicker_
- int getColorScaleBar() to ofxColorPicker_
- bool mouseMoved(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxColorPicker_
- bool mousePressed(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxColorPicker_
- bool mouseDragged(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxColorPicker_
- bool mouseReleased(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxColorPicker_
- bool mouseScrolled(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxColorPicker_
- bool mouseUpdate(ofMouseEventArgs &args) to ofxColorPicker_
- size_t dim() to ofxVecSlider_
- void onMinimize() to ofxColorSlider_
- void onMaximize() to ofxColorSlider_
- bool IsNonBlocking() to ofxTCPManager
- bool CheckIsConnected() to ofxTCPManager
- int WaitReceive(time_t timeoutSeconds, time_t timeoutMillis) to ofxTCPManager
- int WaitSend(time_t timeoutSeconds, time_t timeoutMillis) to ofxTCPManager
- ofxTCPSettings(string _address, int _port) to ofxTCPSettings
- ofxTCPSettings(int _port) to ofxTCPSettings
- bool setup(const ofxTCPSettings &settings) to ofxTCPServer
- bool disconnectAllClients() to ofxTCPServer
- void waitConnectedClient() to ofxTCPServer
- void waitConnectedClient(int ms) to ofxTCPServer
- bool setupConnectionIdx(int _index, bool blocking) to ofxTCPClient
- bool isClosingCondition(int messageSize, int errorCode) to ofxTCPClient
- void sendTo(int address, unsigned short port) to ofxUDPSettings
- void receiveOn(int address, unsigned short port) to ofxUDPSettings
- void receiveOn(unsigned short port) to ofxUDPSettings
- bool Setup(const ofxUDPSettings &settings) to ofxUDPManager
- int WaitReceive(time_t timeoutSeconds, time_t timeoutMillis) to ofxUDPManager
- int WaitSend(time_t timeoutSeconds, time_t timeoutMillis) to ofxUDPManager
- void operator=(const int *mom) to ofxCvImage
- const int * getCvImage() to ofxCvImage
- void rangeMap(int *mom, int *kid, float min1, float max1, float min2, float max2) to ofxCvImage
- void operator=(const int *mom) to ofxCvGrayscaleImage
- void operator=(const int *mom) to ofxCvColorImage
- void operator=(const int *mom) to ofxCvFloatImage
- void operator=(const int *mom) to ofxCvShortImage
- uint32_t get() to ofxOscArgMidiMessage
- void set(uint32_t value) to ofxOscArgMidiMessage
- ofxOscArgNone() to ofxOscArgNone
- ofxOscArgType getType() to ofxOscArgNone
- string getTypeName() to ofxOscArgNone
- uint64_t get() to ofxOscArgTimetag
- void set(uint64_t value) to ofxOscArgTimetag
- string getRemoteHost() to ofxOscMessage
- string getTypeString() to ofxOscMessage
- bool getArgAsNone(size_t index) to ofxOscMessage
- void addNoneArg() to ofxOscMessage
- ofxOscBundle & getBundleAt(size_t i) to ofxOscBundle
- ofxOscMessage & getMessageAt(size_t i) to ofxOscBundle
- ~ofxOscSender() to ofxOscSender
- ofxOscSender & copy(const ofxOscSender &other) to ofxOscSender
- void clear() to ofxOscSender
- string getHost() to ofxOscSender
- int getPort() to ofxOscSender
- const ofxOscSenderSettings & getSettings() to ofxOscSender
- ~ofxOscReceiver() to ofxOscReceiver
- ofxOscReceiver & copy(const ofxOscReceiver &other) to ofxOscReceiver
- bool setup(const ofxOscReceiverSettings &settings) to ofxOscReceiver
- bool start() to ofxOscReceiver
- void stop() to ofxOscReceiver
- bool isListening() to ofxOscReceiver
- int getPort() to ofxOscReceiver
- const ofxOscReceiverSettings & getSettings() to ofxOscReceiver
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