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Artyom Pervukhin artyom

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Widdershin /
Last active May 1, 2024 17:36
The absurd complexity of server-side rendering

In the olden days, HTML was prepared by the server, and JavaScript was little more than a garnish, considered by some to have a soapy taste.

After a fashion, it was decided that sometimes our HTML is best rendered by JavaScript, running in a user's browser. While some would decry this new-found intimacy, the age of interactivity had begun.

But all was not right in the world. Somewhere along the way, we had slipped. Our pages went uncrawled by Bing, time to first meaningful paint grew faster than npm, and it became clear: something must be done.

And so it was decided that the applications first forged for the browser would also run on the server. We would render our HTML using the same logic on the server and the browser, and reap the advantages of both worlds. In a confusing series of events a name for this approach was agreed upon: Server-side rendering. What could go wrong?

In dark rooms, in hushed tones, we speak of colours.

christianparpart /
Last active February 22, 2025 05:08
Terminal Spec: Synchronized Output

Synchronized Output

Synchronized output is merely implementing the feature as inspired by iTerm2 synchronized output, except that it's not using the rare DCS but rather the well known SM ? and RM ?. iTerm2 has now also adopted to use the new syntax instead of using DCS.


When rendering the screen of the terminal, the Emulator usually iterates through each visible grid cell and renders its current state. With applications updating the screen a at higher frequency this can cause tearing.

This mode attempts to mitigate that.

hostmaster /
Last active April 28, 2020 10:44
get a list package versions in GitHub Package Repository
set -eo pipefail
TOKEN=${GITHUB_TOKEN:?environment variable is empty or unset}
[ -n "$1" ] && GITHUB_REPOSITORY=$1
GITHUB_REPOSITORY=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY:? please provide a name of a repository}
OWNER=$(echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY | cut -d/ -f1)
lestrrat /
Last active November 5, 2024 14:17
Seven Stages of Becoming a Go Programmer
  • stage 1: You believe you can make Go do object oriented programming. You want to do this by using clever struct embedding.
  • stage 2: You believe goroutines will solve all of your problems. You want to use goroutines for anything and everything that you can, who cares if the code becomes a bit more complicated
  • stage 3: You believe that instead of object oriented programming, interfaces will solve all of your problems. You want to define everything in terms of interfaces
  • stage 4: You believe channels will solve all of your problems. You want to do everything from synchronization, returning values, and flow control using channels.
  • stage 5: You now believe Go is not as powerful as people claim it to be. You feel like you're stripped of all of the nice tools and constructs that other languages provide.
  • stage 6: You realize that stages 1~5 were all just your imagination. You just didn't want to accept the Go way. Everything starts to make sense.
  • stage 7: You are now at peace
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
(?m)^hello world,338
nf / analyze.go
Last active January 12, 2016 21:14
'spent' script to log where time is spent
package main
import (
artyom /
Created November 29, 2014 11:37
Redirect script output to syslog from within script itself
#!/bin/sh -eu
mkfifo $LOGPIPE
logger -t "$0.$$" -f $LOGPIPE &
exec 1>$LOGPIPE
exec 2>&1
rm -f $LOGPIPE
echo "hello on stdout"
echo "hello on stderr" >&2
exec sleep 20
GABeech / haproxy.cfg
Created August 21, 2014 18:35
Stack Exchange HAProxy
# This is an example of the Stack Exchange Tier 1 HAProxy config
# The only things that have been changed from what we are running are:
# 1. User names have been removed
# 2. All Passwords have been remove
# 3. IPs have been changed to use the example/documentation ranges
# 4. Rate limit numbers have been changed to randome numbers, don't read into them
userlist stats-auth
group admin users $admin_user
user $admin_user insecure-password $some_password
tobert / mincore.go
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
mincore in Go
package main
import (
# Create display override file to force Mac OS X to use RGB mode for Display
# see
require 'base64'
data=`ioreg -l -d0 -w 0 -r -c AppleDisplay`