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Last active March 17, 2024 16:28
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  • Save artzub/02b1b91e5c16a76bdf6c4710dbc105f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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YT Subs to WL
function findPlaylist(compare) {
let pageToken;
while(true) {
const list = YouTube.Playlists.list(['snippet'], {
"maxResults": 50,
"mine": true,
...(pageToken && { pageToken })
const item = list.items.find((row) => compare && compare(row));
if (item) {
return item;
if (!list.nextPageToken) {
return null;
pageToken = list.nextPageToken;
function addPlaylist() {
const title = `wl__${(new Date().getMonth()) + 1}`;
const item = findPlaylist(({ snippet }) => snippet.title === title);
if (item) {
return item;
return YouTube.Playlists.insert(
'snippet': {
'status': {
'privacyStatus': 'private'
function insertVideo(playlistId, videoId) {
return YouTube.PlaylistItems.insert(
"snippet": {
"resourceId": {
"kind": "youtube#video",
function run() {
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheets()[0];
const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
console.log({ lastRow });
if (lastRow < 1) {
// 199 because 1 request for insterting playlist
const lastIndex = lastRow > 199 ? 199 : lastRow;
console.log(`get range: A1:A${lastIndex}`);
spreadsheet.toast(`get range: A1:A${lastIndex}`, "fill playlist");
let range = sheet.getRange(`A1:A${lastIndex}`);
const rows = range.getValues().flat().filter(Boolean);
console.log({ willProcessing: rows.length });
if (rows.length) {
let lastAdded = 0;
let error;
let lastVideo;
try {
const pl = addPlaylist();
rows.forEach((videoId, index, arr) => {
if (!videoId) {
try {
insertVideo(, videoId, arr.length - index);
lastVideo = videoId;
catch(err) {
if (!err.message.includes('Video not found')) {
throw err;
console.log('video not found', videoId);
lastVideo = videoId;
lastAdded = index + 1;
} catch(err) {
error = err;
console.log({ lastAdded, lastVideo });
if (lastAdded > 0) {
if (!lastVideo) {
lastVideo = sheet.getRange('B1:B1').getValue();
const row = sheet.getLastRow() || 1;
if (lastAdded >= row) {
lastAdded = row - 1;
console.log({ row, lastAdded });
if (lastAdded > 0) {
sheet.deleteRows(1, lastAdded);
} else {
if (error) {
throw error;
function init() {
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
spreadsheet.addMenu('YouTube', [
name: 'fill playlist',
functionName: 'run',
function onOpen() {
const targetRootId = 'contents';
const lastVideoSelector = 'ytd-rich-grid-row:last-of-type ytd-rich-item-renderer:last-child';
const allVideosSelector = `.ytd-rich-grid-renderer#${targetRootId} ytd-rich-grid-media`;
const rootNodeSelector = `ytd-rich-grid-renderer > #${targetRootId}`;
const delay = (ms = 100) => new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, ms)
(async function() {
let neededVideoId = prompt('Enter id of the last video', '');
if (!neededVideoId) {
alert('The last vidoe id can not be empty');
const checkWatched = async () => {
await delay(3e3);
console.log('find video by id:', neededVideoId);
const found = document.querySelector(`a[href^="/watch?v=${neededVideoId}"]`);
if (found) {
console.log('found, stop observer');
const lastVideo = document.querySelector(lastVideoSelector);
console.log('last video:', lastVideo);
if (lastVideo) {
let timer;
const runWaiter = () => {
if (timer) {
timer = setTimeout(checkWatched, 2e3);
const stageSecond = async () => {
let videos = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(allVideosSelector));
if (neededVideoId) {
const index = videos.findIndex(item => === neededVideoId);
videos.splice(index, videos.length);
videos = videos
.filter(item => !
.map(video => `<tr><td>${}</td></tr>`)
document.body.innerHTML = `
<pre style="background: white; color: black">
const itemsContainer = document.querySelector(rootNodeSelector);
const mutationListener = (mutationList, observer) => {
const list = mutationList.filter(item => === targetRootId);
if (list.length > 0) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationListener);
observer.observe(itemsContainer, { childList: true, subtree: true });
await checkWatched();
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I-Jalal commented Mar 17, 2024

@artzub Now I get this error GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to youtube.playlistItems.insert failed with error: Precondition check failed.
I also created a new spreadsheet and new script but when I click the fill playlist option I get this error.

Could you check if that is the message about reaching the limit of API calls? Sometimes that happens.

I didn't notice anything about reaching the limit of API calls neither in the error message nor email that I got from Google, and I extracted around 5000 videos to my playlist from the subscription feed. I also run the script from another gmail and give it the remaining videos that I want to add them to the playlist but there I get the same error message.

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artzub commented Mar 17, 2024

To see that happened in the script need to visit to execution and open an execution with an error to see a reason.

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I-Jalal commented Mar 17, 2024


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artzub commented Mar 17, 2024

I don't know what is the reason for that error, you might add console.log to the script and try to debug by yourself.

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