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Date.prototype.toDatetimeLocal =
function toDatetimeLocal() {
date = this,
ten = function (i) {
return (i < 10 ? '0' : '') + i;
YYYY = date.getFullYear(),
MM = ten(date.getMonth() + 1),
DD = ten(date.getDate()),
HH = ten(date.getHours()),
II = ten(date.getMinutes()),
SS = ten(date.getSeconds())
return YYYY + '-' + MM + '-' + DD + 'T' +
HH + ':' + II + ':' + SS;
Date.prototype.fromDatetimeLocal = (function (BST) {
// BST should not be present as UTC time
return new Date(BST).toISOString().slice(0, 16) === BST ?
// if it is, it needs to be removed
function () {
return new Date(
this.getTime() +
(this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)
} :
// otherwise can just be equivalent of toISOString
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