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Created November 20, 2020 02:56
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Type Definitions for Vue2 Google Map
/* eslint-disable */
declare module 'vue2-google-maps' {
import { PluginFunction } from 'vue'
export const install: PluginFunction<{}>
export type googleMaps = typeof google.maps
namespace google.maps {
/** *** Map *****/
class Map extends MVCObject {
constructor(mapDiv: Element | null, opts?: MapOptions)
bounds: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral,
padding?: number | Padding
): void
getBounds(): LatLngBounds | null | undefined
getCenter(): LatLng
getDiv(): Element
getHeading(): number
getMapTypeId(): MapTypeId
getProjection(): Projection | null
getStreetView(): StreetViewPanorama
getTilt(): number
getZoom(): number
panBy(x: number, y: number): void
panTo(latLng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): void
latLngBounds: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral,
padding?: number | Padding
): void
setCenter(latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): void
setHeading(heading: number): void
setMapTypeId(mapTypeId: MapTypeId | string): void
setOptions(options: MapOptions): void
setStreetView(panorama: StreetViewPanorama): void
setTilt(tilt: number): void
setZoom(zoom: number): void
controls: Array<MVCArray<Node>>
data: Data
mapTypes: MapTypeRegistry
overlayMapTypes: MVCArray<MapType>
setClickableIcons(clickable: boolean): void
$mapObject: google.maps.Map
$mapPromise: Promise<any>
interface Padding {
bottom: number
left: number
right: number
top: number
interface MapOptions {
* Color used for the background of the Map div. This color will be visible
* when tiles have not yet loaded as the user pans. This option can only be
* set when the map is initialized.
backgroundColor?: string
/** The initial Map center. Required. */
center?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
* When false, map icons are not clickable. A map icon represents a point of
* interest, also known as a POI. By default map icons are clickable.
clickableIcons?: boolean
* Size in pixels of the controls appearing on the map. This value must be
* supplied directly when creating the Map, updating this value later may
* bring the controls into an undefined state. Only governs the controls
* made by the Maps API itself. Does not scale developer created custom
* controls.
controlSize?: number
/** Enables/disables all default UI. May be overridden individually. */
disableDefaultUI?: boolean
/** Enables/disables zoom and center on double click. Enabled by default. */
disableDoubleClickZoom?: boolean
* If false, prevents the map from being dragged. Dragging is enabled by
* default.
draggable?: boolean
* The name or url of the cursor to display when mousing over a draggable
* map. This property uses the css cursor attribute to change the icon. As
* with the css property, you must specify at least one fallback cursor that
* is not a URL. For example: draggableCursor:
* 'url(, auto;'.
draggableCursor?: string
* The name or url of the cursor to display when the map is being dragged.
* This property uses the css cursor attribute to change the icon. As with
* the css property, you must specify at least one fallback cursor that is
* not a URL. For example: draggingCursor:
* 'url(, auto;'.
draggingCursor?: string
/** The enabled/disabled state of the Fullscreen control. */
fullscreenControl?: boolean
/** The display options for the Fullscreen control. */
fullscreenControlOptions?: FullscreenControlOptions
* This setting controls how gestures on the map are handled.
gestureHandling?: GestureHandlingOptions
* The heading for aerial imagery in degrees measured clockwise from
* cardinal direction North. Headings are snapped to the nearest available
* angle for which imagery is available.
heading?: number
* If false, prevents the map from being controlled by the keyboard.
* Keyboard shortcuts are enabled by default.
keyboardShortcuts?: boolean
/** The initial enabled/disabled state of the Map type control. */
mapTypeControl?: boolean
/** The initial display options for the Map type control. */
mapTypeControlOptions?: MapTypeControlOptions
/** The initial Map mapTypeId. Defaults to ROADMAP. */
mapTypeId?: MapTypeId | string
* The maximum zoom level which will be displayed on the map. If omitted, or
* set to null, the maximum zoom from the current map type is used instead.
* Valid values: Integers between zero, and up to the supported maximum zoom
* level.
maxZoom?: number
* The minimum zoom level which will be displayed on the map. If omitted, or
* set to null, the minimum zoom from the current map type is used instead.
* Valid values: Integers between zero, and up to the supported maximum zoom
* level.
minZoom?: number
/** If true, do not clear the contents of the Map div. */
noClear?: boolean
* The enabled/disabled state of the Pan control.
* Note: The Pan control is not available in the new set of controls
* introduced in v3.22 of the Google Maps JavaScript API. While using v3.22
* and v3.23, you can choose to use the earlier set of controls rather than
* the new controls, thus making the Pan control available as part of the
* old control set. See {@link
*|What's New
* in the v3.22 Map Controls}.
panControl?: boolean
* The display options for the Pan control.
* Note: The Pan control is not available in the new set of controls
* introduced in v3.22 of the Google Maps JavaScript API. While using v3.22
* and v3.23, you can choose to use the earlier set of controls rather than
* the new controls, thus making the Pan control available as part of the
* old control set. See {@link
*|What's New
* in the v3.22 Map Controls}.
panControlOptions?: PanControlOptions
* Defines a boundary that restricts the area of the map accessible to users.
* When set, a user can only pan and zoom while the camera view stays inside the
* limits of the boundary.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
restriction?: MapRestriction
/** The enabled/disabled state of the Rotate control. */
rotateControl?: boolean
/** The display options for the Rotate control. */
rotateControlOptions?: RotateControlOptions
/** The initial enabled/disabled state of the Scale control. */
scaleControl?: boolean
/** The initial display options for the Scale control. */
scaleControlOptions?: ScaleControlOptions
* If false, disables scrollwheel zooming on the map. The scrollwheel is
* enabled by default.
scrollwheel?: boolean
* A StreetViewPanorama to display when the Street View pegman is dropped on
* the map. If no panorama is specified, a default StreetViewPanorama will
* be displayed in the map's div when the pegman is dropped.
streetView?: StreetViewPanorama
* The initial enabled/disabled state of the Street View Pegman control.
* This control is part of the default UI, and should be set to false when
* displaying a map type on which the Street View road overlay should not
* appear (e.g. a non-Earth map type).
streetViewControl?: boolean
/** The initial display options for the Street View Pegman control. */
streetViewControlOptions?: StreetViewControlOptions
* Styles to apply to each of the default map types. Note that for
* satellite/hybrid and terrain modes, these styles will only apply to
* labels and geometry.
styles?: MapTypeStyle[]
* Controls the automatic switching behavior for the angle of incidence of
* the map. The only allowed values are 0 and 45. The value 0 causes the map
* to always use a 0° overhead view regardless of the zoom level and
* viewport. The value 45 causes the tilt angle to automatically switch to
* 45 whenever 45° imagery is available for the current zoom level and
* viewport, and switch back to 0 whenever 45° imagery is not available
* (this is the default behavior). 45° imagery is only available for
* satellite and hybrid map types, within some locations, and at some zoom
* levels. Note: getTilt returns the current tilt angle, not the value
* specified by this option. Because getTilt and this option refer to
* different things, do not bind() the tilt property; doing so may yield
* unpredictable effects.
tilt?: number
* The initial Map zoom level. Required. Valid values: Integers between
* zero, and up to the supported maximum zoom level.
zoom?: number
/** The enabled/disabled state of the Zoom control. */
zoomControl?: boolean
/** The display options for the Zoom control. */
zoomControlOptions?: ZoomControlOptions
* Identifiers for common MapTypes. Specify these by value, or by using the
* constant's name. For example, 'satellite' or
* google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE.
enum MapTypeId {
/** This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images. */
HYBRID = 'hybrid',
/** This map type displays a normal street map. */
ROADMAP = 'roadmap',
/** This map type displays satellite images. */
SATELLITE = 'satellite',
/** This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation. */
TERRAIN = 'terrain'
/** *** Controls *****/
/** Options for the rendering of the map type control. */
interface MapTypeControlOptions {
/** IDs of map types to show in the control. */
mapTypeIds?: Array<MapTypeId | string>
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map.
* The default position is TOP_RIGHT.
position?: ControlPosition
/** Style id. Used to select what style of map type control to display. */
style?: MapTypeControlStyle
enum MapTypeControlStyle {
INSET = 3,
type GestureHandlingOptions = 'cooperative' | 'greedy' | 'none' | 'auto'
/** Options for the rendering of the pan control. */
interface PanControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map.
* The default position is TOP_LEFT.
position?: ControlPosition
/** Options for the rendering of the rotate control. */
interface RotateControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map.
* The default position is TOP_LEFT.
position?: ControlPosition
* A restriction that can be applied to the Map. The map's viewport will not
* exceed these restrictions.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
interface MapRestriction {
* When set, a user can only pan and zoom inside the given bounds.
* Bounds can restrict both longitude and latitude, or can restrict
* latitude only. For latitude-only bounds use west and east longitudes
* of -180 and 180, respectively.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
latLngBounds: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
* By default bounds are relaxed, meaning that a user can zoom out
* until the entire bounded area is in view. Bounds can be made more
* restrictive by setting the strictBounds flag to true. This reduces
* how far a user can zoom out, ensuring that everything outside of the
* restricted bounds stays hidden.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
strictBounds?: boolean
/** Options for the rendering of the scale control. */
interface ScaleControlOptions {
/** Style id. Used to select what style of scale control to display. */
style?: ScaleControlStyle
enum ScaleControlStyle {
/** Options for the rendering of the Street View pegman control on the map. */
interface StreetViewControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The
* default position is embedded within the navigation (zoom and pan)
* controls. If this position is empty or the same as that specified in the
* zoomControlOptions or panControlOptions, the Street View control will be
* displayed as part of the navigation controls. Otherwise, it will be
* displayed separately.
position?: ControlPosition
/** Options for the rendering of the zoom control. */
interface ZoomControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map.
* The default position is TOP_LEFT.
position?: ControlPosition
style?: ZoomControlStyle
enum ZoomControlStyle {
SMALL = 1,
* Identifiers used to specify the placement of controls on the map. Controls
* are positioned relative to other controls in the same layout position.
* Controls that are added first are positioned closer to the edge of the map.
enum ControlPosition {
/** Elements are positioned in the center of the bottom row. */
* Elements are positioned in the bottom left and flow towards the middle.
* Elements are positioned to the right of the Google logo.
* Elements are positioned in the bottom right and flow towards the middle.
* Elements are positioned to the left of the copyrights.
* Elements are positioned on the left, above bottom-left elements, and flow
* upwards.
/** Elements are positioned in the center of the left side. */
* Elements are positioned on the left, below top-left elements, and flow
* downwards.
* Elements are positioned on the right, above bottom-right elements, and
* flow upwards.
/** Elements are positioned in the center of the right side. */
/** Elements are positioned on the right, below top-right elements, and flow downwards. */
/** Elements are positioned in the center of the top row. */
/** Elements are positioned in the top right and flow towards the middle. */
/** Elements are positioned in the top right and flow towards the middle. */
type DrawingMode = 'Point' | 'LineString' | 'Polygon'
/** *** Data *****/
class Data extends MVCObject {
constructor(options?: Data.DataOptions)
add(feature: Data.Feature | Data.FeatureOptions): Data.Feature
addGeoJson(geoJson: object, options?: Data.GeoJsonOptions): Data.Feature[]
contains(feature: Data.Feature): boolean
forEach(callback: (feature: Data.Feature) => void): void
getControlPosition(): ControlPosition
getControls(): DrawingMode[]
getDrawingMode(): DrawingMode | null
getFeatureById(id: number | string): Data.Feature
getMap(): Map
getStyle(): Data.StylingFunction | Data.StyleOptions
url: string,
options?: Data.GeoJsonOptions,
callback?: (features: Data.Feature[]) => void
): void
overrideStyle(feature: Data.Feature, style: Data.StyleOptions): void
remove(feature: Data.Feature): void
revertStyle(feature?: Data.Feature): void
setControlPosition(controlPosition: ControlPosition): void
setControls(controls: DrawingMode[] | null): void
setDrawingMode(drawingMode: DrawingMode | null): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setStyle(style: Data.StylingFunction | Data.StyleOptions): void
toGeoJson(callback: (feature: object) => void): void
namespace Data {
interface DataOptions {
controlPosition?: ControlPosition
controls?: DrawingMode[] | null
drawingMode?: DrawingMode | null
featureFactory?: (geometry: Geometry) => Feature
map?: Map
style?: StylingFunction | StyleOptions
interface GeoJsonOptions {
idPropertyName?: string
interface StyleOptions {
clickable?: boolean
cursor?: string
draggable?: boolean
editable?: boolean
fillColor?: string
fillOpacity?: number
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-qualifier
icon?: string | Icon | google.maps.Symbol
shape?: MarkerShape
strokeColor?: string
strokeOpacity?: number
strokeWeight?: number
title?: string
visible?: boolean
zIndex?: number
type StylingFunction = (feature: Feature) => StyleOptions
class Feature {
constructor(options?: FeatureOptions)
forEachProperty(callback: (value: any, name: string) => void): void
getGeometry(): Geometry
getId(): number | string
getProperty(name: string): any
removeProperty(name: string): void
setGeometry(newGeometry: Geometry | LatLng | LatLngLiteral): void
setProperty(name: string, newValue: any): void
toGeoJson(callback: (feature: object) => void): void
interface FeatureOptions {
geometry?: Geometry | LatLng | LatLngLiteral
id?: number | string
properties?: object
class Geometry {
getType(): string
forEachLatLng(callback: (latLng: LatLng) => void): void
class Point extends Geometry {
constructor(latLng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral)
get(): LatLng
class MultiPoint extends Geometry {
constructor(elements: Array<LatLng | LatLngLiteral>)
getArray(): LatLng[]
getAt(n: number): LatLng
getLength(): number
class LineString extends Geometry {
constructor(elements: Array<LatLng | LatLngLiteral>)
getArray(): LatLng[]
getAt(n: number): LatLng
getLength(): number
class MultiLineString extends Geometry {
constructor(elements: Array<LineString | Array<LatLng | LatLngLiteral>>)
getArray(): LineString[]
getAt(n: number): LineString
getLength(): number
class LinearRing extends Geometry {
constructor(elements: Array<LatLng | LatLngLiteral>)
getArray(): LatLng[]
getAt(n: number): LatLng
getLength(): number
class Polygon extends Geometry {
constructor(elements: Array<LinearRing | Array<LatLng | LatLngLiteral>>)
getArray(): LinearRing[]
getAt(n: number): LinearRing
getLength(): number
class MultiPolygon extends Geometry {
elements: Array<
Polygon | Array<LinearRing | Array<LatLng | LatLngLiteral>>
getArray(): Polygon[]
getAt(n: number): Polygon
getLength(): number
class GeometryCollection extends Geometry {
constructor(elements: Array<Geometry[] | LatLng[] | LatLngLiteral>)
getArray(): Geometry[]
getAt(n: number): Geometry
getLength(): number
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-qualifier
interface MouseEvent extends google.maps.MouseEvent {
feature: Feature
interface AddFeatureEvent {
feature: Feature
interface RemoveFeatureEvent {
feature: Feature
interface SetGeometryEvent {
feature: Feature
newGeometry: Geometry
oldGeometry: Geometry
interface SetPropertyEvent {
feature: Feature
name: string
newValue: any
oldValue: any
interface RemovePropertyEvent {
feature: Feature
name: string
oldValue: any
/** *** Overlays *****/
type MarkerChangeOptionEventNames =
| 'animation_changed'
| 'clickable_changed'
| 'cursor_changed'
| 'draggable_changed'
| 'flat_changed'
| 'icon_changed'
| 'position_changed'
| 'shape_changed'
| 'title_changed'
| 'visible_changed'
| 'zindex_changed'
type MarkerMouseEventNames =
| 'click'
| 'dblclick'
| 'drag'
| 'dragend'
| 'dragstart'
| 'mousedown'
| 'mouseout'
| 'mouseover'
| 'mouseup'
| 'rightclick'
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
class Marker extends MVCObject {
* The maximum default `z-index` that the API will assign to a marker. You
* may set a higher `z-index` to bring a marker to the front.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
static readonly MAX_ZINDEX: number
* Creates a marker with the options specified. If a map is specified, the
* marker is added to the map upon construction. Note that the position must
* be set for the marker to display.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
constructor(opts?: ReadonlyMarkerOptions)
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getAnimation(): Animation | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getClickable(): boolean
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getCursor(): string | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getDraggable(): boolean | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getIcon(): string | ReadonlyIcon | ReadonlySymbol | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getLabel(): ReadonlyMarkerLabel | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getMap(): Map | StreetViewPanorama | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getOpacity(): number | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getPosition(): LatLng | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getShape(): MarkerShape | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getTitle(): string | null | undefined
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getVisible(): boolean
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
getZIndex(): number | null | undefined
* Start an animation. Any ongoing animation will be cancelled. Currently
* supported animations are: {@link Animation.BOUNCE BOUNCE},
* {@link Animation.DROP DROP}. Passing in `null` will cause any animation
* to stop.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
setAnimation(animation: Animation | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setClickable(flag: boolean): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setCursor(cursor: string | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setDraggable(flag: boolean | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setIcon(icon: string | ReadonlyIcon | ReadonlySymbol | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setLabel(label: string | ReadonlyMarkerLabel | null): void
* Renders the marker on the specified map or panorama. If map is set to
* `null`, the marker will be removed.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
setMap(map: Map | StreetViewPanorama | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setOpacity(opacity: number | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setOptions(options: ReadonlyMarkerOptions): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setPosition(latlng: LatLng | ReadonlyLatLngLiteral | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setShape(shape: MarkerShape | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setTitle(title: string | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setVisible(visible: boolean): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
setZIndex(zIndex: number | null): void
eventName: MarkerChangeOptionEventNames,
handler: (this: Marker) => void
): MapsEventListener
eventName: MarkerMouseEventNames,
handler: (this: Marker, event: MouseEvent) => void
): MapsEventListener
/** @deprecated */
eventName: string,
handler: (this: Marker, ...args: any[]) => void
): MapsEventListener
* `MarkerOptions` object used to define the properties that can be set on a
* {@link Marker}.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
interface MarkerOptions {
* The offset from the marker's position to the tip of an InfoWindow that
* has been opened with the marker as anchor.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
anchorPoint?: Point
* Which animation to play when marker is added to a map.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
animation?: Animation
* If `true`, the marker receives mouse and touch events.
* @default true
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
clickable?: boolean
* If `false`, disables cross that appears beneath the marker when dragging.
* @default true
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
crossOnDrag?: boolean
* Mouse cursor to show on hover.
* @default 'pointer'
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* @see {@link CSSStyleDeclaration#cursor}
cursor?: string
* If `true`, the marker can be dragged.
* @default false
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
draggable?: boolean
* Icon for the foreground. If a `string` is provided, it is treated as
* though it were an {@link Icon} with the `string` as {@link Icon#url url}.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-qualifier
icon?: string | Icon | google.maps.Symbol
* Adds a label to the marker. The label can either be a `string`, or a
* {@link MarkerLabel} object.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
label?: string | MarkerLabel
* Map on which to display Marker.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
map?: Map | StreetViewPanorama
* The marker's opacity between 0.0 and 1.0.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* @default 1.0
opacity?: number
* Optimization renders many markers as a single static element. Optimized
* rendering is enabled by default. Disable optimized rendering for animated
* GIFs or PNGs, or when each marker must be rendered as a separate DOM
* element (advanced usage only).
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
optimized?: boolean
* Marker position.
* **Note that the `position` must be set for the marker to display.**
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
position?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
* Image map region definition used for drag/click.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
shape?: MarkerShape
* Rollover text.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* @see {@link HTMLElement#title}
title?: string
* If `true`, the marker is visible.
* @default true
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
visible?: boolean
* All markers are displayed on the map in order of their `zIndex`, with
* higher values displaying in front of markers with lower values. By
* default, markers are displayed according to their vertical position on
* screen, with lower markers appearing in front of markers further up the
* screen.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
zIndex?: number
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions} */
interface ReadonlyMarkerOptions {
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#anchorPoint} */
readonly anchorPoint?: Point
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#animation} */
readonly animation?: Animation
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#clickable} */
readonly clickable?: boolean
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#crossOnDrag} */
readonly crossOnDrag?: boolean
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#cursor} */
readonly cursor?: string
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#draggable} */
readonly draggable?: boolean
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#icon} */
readonly icon?: string | ReadonlyIcon | ReadonlySymbol
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#label} */
readonly label?: string | ReadonlyMarkerLabel
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#map} */
readonly map?: Map | StreetViewPanorama
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#opacity} */
readonly opacity?: number
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#optimized} */
readonly optimized?: boolean
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#place} */
readonly place?: Place
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#position} */
readonly position?: LatLng | ReadonlyLatLngLiteral
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#shape} */
readonly shape?: MarkerShape
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#title} */
readonly title?: string
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#visible} */
readonly visible?: boolean
/** @see {@link MarkerOptions#zIndex} */
readonly zIndex?: number
* A structure representing a Marker icon image.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
interface Icon {
* The position at which to anchor an image in correspondence to the
* location of the marker on the map. By default, the anchor is located
* along the center point of the bottom of the image.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
anchor?: Point
* The origin of the label relative to the top-left corner of the icon
* image, if a label is supplied by the marker. By default, the origin is
* located in the center point of the image.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
labelOrigin?: Point
* The position of the image within a sprite, if any.
* @default new google.maps.Point(0, 0)
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
origin?: Point
* The size of the entire image after scaling, if any. Use this property to
* stretch/shrink an image or a sprite.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
scaledSize?: Size
* The display size of the sprite or image. When using sprites, you must
* specify the sprite size. If the size is not provided, it will be set when
* the image loads.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
size?: Size
* The URL of the image or sprite sheet.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
url: string
/** @see {@link Icon} */
interface ReadonlyIcon {
/** @see {@link Icon#anchor} */
readonly anchor?: Point
/** @see {@link Icon#labelOrigin} */
readonly labelOrigin?: Point
/** @see {@link Icon#origin} */
readonly origin?: Point
/** @see {@link Icon#scaledSize} */
readonly scaledSize?: Size
/** @see {@link Icon#size} */
readonly size?: Size
/** @see {@link Icon#url} */
readonly url: string
* These options specify the appearance of a marker label. A marker label is a
* single character of text which will appear inside the marker. If you are
* using it with a custom marker, you can reposition it with the
* {@link Icon#labelOrigin labelOrigin} property in the {@link Icon} class.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
interface MarkerLabel {
* The color of the label text.
* @default 'black'
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* @see {@link CSSStyleDeclaration#color}
color?: string
* The font family of the label text.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* @see {@link CSSStyleDeclaration#fontFamily}
fontFamily?: string
* The font size of the label text.
* @default '14px'
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* @see {@link CSSStyleDeclaration#fontSize}
fontSize?: string
* The font weight of the label text.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* @see {@link CSSStyleDeclaration#fontWeight}
fontWeight?: string
* The text to be displayed in the label.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
text: string
/** @see {@link MarkerLabel} */
interface ReadonlyMarkerLabel {
/** @see {@link MarkerLabel#color} */
color?: string
/** @see {@link MarkerLabel#fontFamily} */
fontFamily?: string
/** @see {@link MarkerLabel#fontSize} */
fontSize?: string
/** @see {@link MarkerLabel#fontWeight} */
fontWeight?: string
/** @see {@link MarkerLabel#text} */
text: string
interface MarkerShapePolyCoords extends Array<number> {
0: number
1: number
2: number
3: number
interface MarkerShapeCircle {
type: 'circle'
* Coords is **[x1,y1,r]** where x1,y2 are the coordinates of the center of
* the circle, and r is the radius of the circle.
coords: [number, number, number]
interface MarkerShapeRect {
type: 'rect'
* Coords is **[x1,y1,x2,y2]** where x1,y1 are the coordinates of the
* upper-left corner of the rectangle and x2,y2 are the coordinates of the
* lower-right coordinates of the rectangle.
coords: [number, number, number, number]
interface MarkerShapePoly {
type: 'poly'
* Coords is **[x1,y1,x2,y2...xn,yn]** where each x,y pair contains the
* coordinates of one vertex of the polygon.
coords: MarkerShapePolyCoords
* This object defines the clickable region of a marker image. The shape
* consists of two properties — `type` and `coord` — which define the
* non-transparent region of an image.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
type MarkerShape = MarkerShapeCircle | MarkerShapeRect | MarkerShapePoly
* Describes a symbol, which consists of a vector path with styling. A symbol
* can be used as the icon of a marker, or placed on a polyline.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
interface Symbol {
* The position of the symbol relative to the marker or polyline. The
* coordinates of the symbol's path are translated left and up by the
* anchor's x and y coordinates respectively. The position is expressed in
* the same coordinate system as the symbol's path.
* @default new google.maps.Point(0, 0)
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
anchor?: Point
* The symbol's fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for
* extended named colors. For symbol markers, this defaults to 'black'.
* For symbols on polylines, this defaults to the stroke color of the
* corresponding polyline.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
fillColor?: string
* The symbol's fill opacity.
* @default 1
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
fillOpacity?: number
* The origin of the label relative to the origin of the path, if label is
* supplied by the marker. The origin is expressed in the same coordinate
* system as the symbol's path. This property is unused for symbols on
* polylines.
* @default new google.maps.Point(0, 0)
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
labelOrigin?: Point
* The symbol's path, which is a built-in symbol path, or a custom path
* expressed using
* {@link SVG path notation}.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
path: SymbolPath | string
* The angle by which to rotate the symbol, expressed clockwise in degrees.
* A symbol in an {@link IconSequence} where
* {@link IconSequence#fixedRotation fixedRotation} is false is rotated
* relative to the angle of the edge on which it lies.
* @default 0
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
rotation?: number
* The amount by which the symbol is scaled in size. For symbol markers,
* this defaults to 1; after scaling, the symbol may be of any size. For
* symbols on a polyline, this defaults to the stroke weight of the
* polyline; after scaling, the symbol must lie inside a square 22 pixels in
* size centered at the symbol's anchor.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
scale?: number
* The symbol's stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for
* extended named colors. For symbol markers, this defaults to 'black'. For
* symbols on a polyline, this defaults to the stroke color of the polyline.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
strokeColor?: string
* The symbol's stroke opacity. For symbol markers, this defaults to 1. For
* symbols on a polyline, this defaults to the stroke opacity of the
* polyline.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
strokeOpacity?: number
* The symbol's stroke weight. Defaults to the scale of the symbol.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
strokeWeight?: number
/** @see {@link Symbol} */
interface ReadonlySymbol {
/** @see {@link Symbol#anchor} */
readonly anchor?: Point
/** @see {@link Symbol#fillColor} */
readonly fillColor?: string
/** @see {@link Symbol#fillOpacity} */
readonly fillOpacity?: number
/** @see {@link Symbol#labelOrigin} */
readonly labelOrigin?: Point
/** @see {@link Symbol#path} */
readonly path: SymbolPath | string
/** @see {@link Symbol#rotation} */
readonly rotation?: number
/** @see {@link Symbol#scale} */
readonly scale?: number
/** @see {@link Symbol#strokeColor} */
readonly strokeColor?: string
/** @see {@link Symbol#strokeOpacity} */
readonly strokeOpacity?: number
/** @see {@link Symbol#strokeWeight} */
readonly strokeWeight?: number
* Built-in symbol paths.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
enum SymbolPath {
* A backward-pointing closed arrow.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* A backward-pointing open arrow.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* A circle.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* A forward-pointing closed arrow.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* A forward-pointing open arrow.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* Animations that can be played on a marker. Use the
* {@link Marker#setAnimation setAnimation} method on Marker or the
* {@link MarkerOptions#animation animation} option to play an animation.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
enum Animation {
* Marker bounces until animation is stopped.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
* Marker falls from the top of the map ending with a small bounce.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
DROP = 2
* An overlay that looks like a bubble and is often connected to a marker.
* This class extends MVCObject.
class InfoWindow extends MVCObject {
* Creates an info window with the given options. An InfoWindow can be
* placed on a map at a particular position or above a marker,
* depending on what is specified in the options. Unless auto-pan is
* disabled, an InfoWindow will pan the map to make itself visible
* when it is opened. After constructing an InfoWindow, you must call
* open to display it on the map. The user can click the close button
* on the InfoWindow to remove it from the map, or the developer can
* call close() for the same effect.
constructor(opts?: InfoWindowOptions)
/** Closes this InfoWindow by removing it from the DOM structure. */
close(): void
getContent(): string | Element
getPosition(): LatLng
getZIndex(): number
* Opens this InfoWindow on the given map. Optionally, an InfoWindow can be
* associated with an anchor. In the core API, the only anchor is the Marker
* class. However, an anchor can be any MVCObject that exposes a LatLng
* position property and optionally a Point anchorPoint property for
* calculating the pixelOffset (see InfoWindowOptions). The anchorPoint is
* the offset from the anchor's position to the tip of the InfoWindow.
open(map?: Map | StreetViewPanorama, anchor?: MVCObject): void
setContent(content: string | Node): void
setOptions(options: InfoWindowOptions): void
setPosition(position: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): void
setZIndex(zIndex: number): void
interface InfoWindowOptions {
* Content to display in the InfoWindow. This can be an HTML element, a
* plain-text string, or a string containing HTML. The InfoWindow will be
* sized according to the content. To set an explicit size for the content,
* set content to be a HTML element with that size.
content?: string | Node
* Disable auto-pan on open. By default, the info window will pan the map so
* that it is fully visible when it opens.
disableAutoPan?: boolean
* Maximum width of the infowindow, regardless of content's width.
* This value is only considered if it is set before a call to open.
* To change the maximum width when changing content, call close,
* setOptions, and then open.
maxWidth?: number
* The offset, in pixels, of the tip of the info window from the point on
* the map at whose geographical coordinates the info window is anchored. If
* an InfoWindow is opened with an anchor, the pixelOffset will be
* calculated from the anchor's anchorPoint property.
pixelOffset?: Size
* The LatLng at which to display this InfoWindow. If the InfoWindow is
* opened with an anchor, the anchor's position will be used instead.
position?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
* All InfoWindows are displayed on the map in order of their zIndex,
* with higher values displaying in front of InfoWindows with lower values.
* By default, InfoWindows are displayed according to their latitude,
* with InfoWindows of lower latitudes appearing in front of InfoWindows at
* higher latitudes. InfoWindows are always displayed in front of markers.
zIndex?: number
class Polyline extends MVCObject {
constructor(opts?: PolylineOptions)
getDraggable(): boolean
getEditable(): boolean
getMap(): Map
getPath(): MVCArray<LatLng>
getVisible(): boolean
setDraggable(draggable: boolean): void
setEditable(editable: boolean): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: PolylineOptions): void
setPath(path: MVCArray<LatLng> | LatLng[] | LatLngLiteral[]): void
setVisible(visible: boolean): void
interface PolylineOptions {
* Indicates whether this Polyline handles mouse events. Defaults to true.
clickable?: boolean
* If set to true, the user can drag this shape over the map.
* The geodesic property defines the mode of dragging. Defaults to false.
draggable?: boolean
* If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the control
* points shown at the vertices and on each segment. Defaults to false.
editable?: boolean
* When true, edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and will
* follow the curvature of the Earth. When false, edges of the polygon are
* rendered as straight lines in screen space. Note that the shape of a
* geodesic polygon may appear to change when dragged, as the dimensions are
* maintained relative to the surface of the earth. Defaults to false.
geodesic?: boolean
/** The icons to be rendered along the polyline. */
icons?: IconSequence[]
/** Map on which to display Polyline. */
map?: Map
* The ordered sequence of coordinates of the Polyline.
* This path may be specified using either a simple array of LatLngs, or an
* MVCArray of LatLngs. Note that if you pass a simple array, it will be
* converted to an MVCArray Inserting or removing LatLngs in the MVCArray
* will automatically update the polyline on the map.
path?: MVCArray<LatLng> | LatLng[] | LatLngLiteral[]
* The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended
* named colors.
strokeColor?: string
/** The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. */
strokeOpacity?: number
/** The stroke width in pixels. */
strokeWeight?: number
/** Whether this polyline is visible on the map. Defaults to true. */
visible?: boolean
/** The zIndex compared to other polys. */
zIndex?: number
interface IconSequence {
fixedRotation?: boolean
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-qualifier
icon?: google.maps.Symbol
offset?: string
repeat?: string
class Polygon extends MVCObject {
constructor(opts?: PolygonOptions)
getDraggable(): boolean
getEditable(): boolean
getMap(): Map
/** Retrieves the first path. */
getPath(): MVCArray<LatLng>
/** Retrieves the paths for this polygon. */
getPaths(): MVCArray<MVCArray<LatLng>>
getVisible(): boolean
setDraggable(draggable: boolean): void
setEditable(editable: boolean): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: PolygonOptions): void
setPath(path: MVCArray<LatLng> | LatLng[] | LatLngLiteral[]): void
| MVCArray<MVCArray<LatLng>>
| MVCArray<LatLng>
| LatLng[][]
| LatLngLiteral[][]
| LatLng[]
| LatLngLiteral[]
): void
setVisible(visible: boolean): void
interface PolygonOptions {
* Indicates whether this Polygon handles mouse events. Defaults to true.
clickable?: boolean
* If set to true, the user can drag this shape over the map.
* The geodesic property defines the mode of dragging. Defaults to false.
draggable?: boolean
* If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the control
* points shown at the vertices and on each segment. Defaults to false.
editable?: boolean
* The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named
* colors.
fillColor?: string
/** The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0 */
fillOpacity?: number
* When true, edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and will
* follow the curvature of the Earth. When false, edges of the polygon are
* rendered as straight lines in screen space. Note that the shape of a
* geodesic polygon may appear to change when dragged, as the dimensions are
* maintained relative to the surface of the earth. Defaults to false.
geodesic?: boolean
/** Map on which to display Polygon. */
map?: Map
* The ordered sequence of coordinates that designates a closed loop. Unlike
* polylines, a polygon may consist of one or more paths. As a result, the
* paths property may specify one or more arrays of LatLng coordinates.
* Paths are closed automatically; do not repeat the first vertex of the
* path as the last vertex. Simple polygons may be defined using a single
* array of LatLngs. More complex polygons may specify an array of arrays.
* Any simple arrays are converted into MVCArrays. Inserting or removing
* LatLngs from the MVCArray will automatically update the polygon on the
* map.
| MVCArray<MVCArray<LatLng>>
| MVCArray<LatLng>
| LatLng[][]
| LatLngLiteral[][]
| LatLng[]
| LatLngLiteral[]
* The stroke color.
* All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors.
strokeColor?: string
/** The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0 */
strokeOpacity?: number
* The stroke position. Defaults to CENTER.
* This property is not supported on Internet Explorer 8 and earlier.
strokePosition?: StrokePosition
/** The stroke width in pixels. */
strokeWeight?: number
/** Whether this polygon is visible on the map. Defaults to true. */
visible?: boolean
/** The zIndex compared to other polys. */
zIndex?: number
interface PolyMouseEvent extends MouseEvent {
edge?: number
path?: number
vertex?: number
class Rectangle extends MVCObject {
constructor(opts?: RectangleOptions)
getBounds(): LatLngBounds
getDraggable(): boolean
getEditable(): boolean
getMap(): Map
getVisible(): boolean
setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral): void
setDraggable(draggable: boolean): void
setEditable(editable: boolean): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: RectangleOptions): void
setVisible(visible: boolean): void
interface RectangleOptions {
bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
clickable?: boolean
draggable?: boolean
editable?: boolean
fillColor?: string
fillOpacity?: number
map?: Map
strokeColor?: string
strokeOpacity?: number
strokePosition?: StrokePosition
strokeWeight?: number
visible?: boolean
zIndex?: number
/** A circle on the Earth's surface; also known as a "spherical cap". */
class Circle extends MVCObject {
* Create a circle using the passed CircleOptions, which specify the
* center, radius, and style.
constructor(opts?: CircleOptions)
/** Gets the LatLngBounds of this Circle. */
getBounds(): LatLngBounds
/** Returns the center of this circle. */
getCenter(): LatLng
/** Returns whether this circle can be dragged by the user. */
getDraggable(): boolean
/** Returns whether this circle can be edited by the user. */
getEditable(): boolean
/** Returns the map on which this circle is displayed. */
getMap(): Map
/** Returns the radius of this circle (in meters). */
getRadius(): number
/** Returns whether this circle is visible on the map. */
getVisible(): boolean
/** Sets the center of this circle. */
setCenter(center: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): void
/** If set to true, the user can drag this circle over the map. */
setDraggable(draggable: boolean): void
* If set to true, the user can edit this circle by dragging the control
* points shown at the center and around the circumference of the circle.
setEditable(editable: boolean): void
* Renders the circle on the specified map. If map is set to null, the
* circle will be removed.
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: CircleOptions): void
/** Sets the radius of this circle (in meters). */
setRadius(radius: number): void
/** Hides this circle if set to false. */
setVisible(visible: boolean): void
interface CircleOptions {
/** The center */
center?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
/** Indicates whether this Circle handles mouse events. Defaults to true. */
clickable?: boolean
* If set to true, the user can drag this circle over the map. Defaults to
* false.
draggable?: boolean
* If set to true, the user can edit this circle by dragging the control
* points shown at the center and around the circumference of the circle.
* Defaults to false.
editable?: boolean
* The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named
* colors.
fillColor?: string
/** The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0 */
fillOpacity?: number
/** Map on which to display Circle. */
map?: Map
/** The radius in meters on the Earth's surface */
radius?: number
* The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended
* named colors.
strokeColor?: string
/** The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0 */
strokeOpacity?: number
* The stroke position. Defaults to CENTER. This property is not supported
* on Internet Explorer 8 and earlier.
strokePosition?: StrokePosition
/** The stroke width in pixels. */
strokeWeight?: number
/** Whether this circle is visible on the map. Defaults to true. */
visible?: boolean
/** The zIndex compared to other polys. */
zIndex?: number
interface CircleLiteral extends CircleOptions {
/** The center of the Circle. */
center?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
/** The radius in meters on the Earth's surface. */
radius?: number
* The possible positions of the stroke on a polygon.
enum StrokePosition {
* The stroke is centered on the polygon's path, with half the stroke inside
* the polygon and half the stroke outside the polygon.
/** The stroke lies inside the polygon. */
/** The stroke lies outside the polygon. */
class GroundOverlay extends MVCObject {
url: string,
bounds: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral,
opts?: GroundOverlayOptions
getBounds(): LatLngBounds
getMap(): Map
getOpacity(): number
getUrl(): string
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOpacity(opacity: number): void
interface GroundOverlayOptions {
clickable?: boolean
map?: Map
opacity?: number
class OverlayView extends MVCObject {
draw(): void
getMap(): Map | StreetViewPanorama
getPanes(): MapPanes
getProjection(): MapCanvasProjection
onAdd(): void
onRemove(): void
setMap(map: Map | StreetViewPanorama | null): void
/** @see {@link Maps JavaScript API} */
interface MapPanes {
* This pane contains the info window. (Pane 4).
* It is above all map overlays.
* @see {@link overlayMouseTarget pane below}
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
readonly floatPane: Element
* This pane is the lowest pane and is above the tiles. (Pane 0).
* It may not receive DOM events.
* @see {@link overlayLayer pane above}
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
readonly mapPane: Element
* This pane contains markers. (Pane 2).
* It may not receive DOM events.
* @see {@link floatPane pane above}
* @see {@link overlayLayer pane below}
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
readonly markerLayer: Element
* This pane contains polylines, polygons, ground overlays and tile layer overlays. (Pane 1).
* It may not receive DOM events.
* @see {@link markerLayer pane above}
* @see {@link mapPane pane below}
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
readonly overlayLayer: Element
* This pane contains elements that receive DOM events. (Pane 3).
* @see {@link floatPane pane above}
* @see {@link markerLayer pane below}
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
readonly overlayMouseTarget: Element
class MapCanvasProjection extends MVCObject {
fromContainerPixelToLatLng(pixel: Point, nowrap?: boolean): LatLng
fromDivPixelToLatLng(pixel: Point, nowrap?: boolean): LatLng
fromLatLngToContainerPixel(latLng: LatLng): Point
fromLatLngToDivPixel(latLng: LatLng): Point
getWorldWidth(): number
/** *** Services *****/
class Geocoder {
request: GeocoderRequest,
callback: (results: GeocoderResult[], status: GeocoderStatus) => void
): void
interface GeocoderRequest {
address?: string
bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
componentRestrictions?: GeocoderComponentRestrictions
location?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
placeId?: string
region?: string
interface GeocoderComponentRestrictions {
administrativeArea?: string
country?: string | string[]
locality?: string
postalCode?: string
route?: string
enum GeocoderStatus {
OK = 'OK',
interface GeocoderResult {
address_components: GeocoderAddressComponent[]
formatted_address: string
geometry: GeocoderGeometry
partial_match: boolean
place_id: string
postcode_localities: string[]
types: string[]
interface GeocoderAddressComponent {
long_name: string
short_name: string
types: string[]
interface GeocoderGeometry {
bounds: LatLngBounds
location: LatLng
location_type: GeocoderLocationType
viewport: LatLngBounds
enum GeocoderLocationType {
class DirectionsRenderer extends MVCObject {
constructor(opts?: DirectionsRendererOptions)
getDirections(): DirectionsResult
getMap(): Map
getPanel(): Element
getRouteIndex(): number
setDirections(directions: DirectionsResult): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: DirectionsRendererOptions): void
setPanel(panel: Element): void
setRouteIndex(routeIndex: number): void
interface DirectionsRendererOptions {
directions?: DirectionsResult
draggable?: boolean
hideRouteList?: boolean
infoWindow?: InfoWindow
map?: Map
markerOptions?: MarkerOptions
panel?: Element
polylineOptions?: PolylineOptions
preserveViewport?: boolean
routeIndex?: number
suppressBicyclingLayer?: boolean
suppressInfoWindows?: boolean
suppressMarkers?: boolean
suppressPolylines?: boolean
class DirectionsService {
request: DirectionsRequest,
callback: (result: DirectionsResult, status: DirectionsStatus) => void
): void
/** A directions query to be sent to the DirectionsService. */
interface DirectionsRequest {
* If true, instructs the Directions service to avoid ferries where
* possible. Optional.
avoidFerries?: boolean
* If true, instructs the Directions service to avoid highways where
* possible. Optional.
avoidHighways?: boolean
* If true, instructs the Directions service to avoid toll roads where
* possible. Optional.
avoidTolls?: boolean
* Location of destination. This can be specified as either a string to be
* geocoded, or a LatLng, or a Place. Required.
destination?: string | LatLng | LatLngLiteral | Place
/** Deprecated. Use drivingOptions field instead */
durationInTraffic?: boolean
* Settings that apply only to requests where travelMode is DRIVING. This
* object will have no effect for other travel modes.
drivingOptions?: DrivingOptions
* If set to true, the DirectionService will attempt to re-order the
* supplied intermediate waypoints to minimize overall cost of the route. If
* waypoints are optimized, inspect DirectionsRoute.waypoint_order in the
* response to determine the new ordering.
optimizeWaypoints?: boolean
* Location of origin. This can be specified as either a string to be
* geocoded, or a LatLng, or a Place. Required.
origin?: string | LatLng | LatLngLiteral | Place
/** Whether or not route alternatives should be provided. Optional. */
provideRouteAlternatives?: boolean
/** Region code used as a bias for geocoding requests. Optional. */
region?: string
* Settings that apply only to requests where travelMode is TRANSIT. This
* object will have no effect for other travel modes.
transitOptions?: TransitOptions
/** Type of routing requested. Required. */
travelMode?: TravelMode
* Preferred unit system to use when displaying distance. Defaults to the
* unit system used in the country of origin.
unitSystem?: UnitSystem
* Array of intermediate waypoints. Directions will be calculated from the
* origin to the destination by way of each waypoint in this array. The
* maximum allowed waypoints is 8, plus the origin, and destination. Premium
* Plan customers are allowed 23 waypoints, plus the origin, and
* destination. Waypoints are not supported for transit directions.
* Optional.
waypoints?: DirectionsWaypoint[]
enum TravelMode {
enum UnitSystem {
interface TransitOptions {
arrivalTime?: Date
departureTime?: Date
modes?: TransitMode[]
routingPreference?: TransitRoutePreference
enum TransitMode {
BUS = 'BUS',
enum TransitRoutePreference {
interface TransitFare {
currency: string
value: number
interface DrivingOptions {
departureTime: Date
trafficModel?: TrafficModel
enum TrafficModel {
BEST_GUESS = 'bestguess',
OPTIMISTIC = 'optimistic',
PESSIMISTIC = 'pessimistic'
* A DirectionsWaypoint represents a location between origin and destination
* through which the trip should be routed.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
interface DirectionsWaypoint {
* Waypoint location. Can be an address string, a {@link LatLng}, or a
* {@link Place}.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
location?: string | LatLng | Place
* If `true`, indicates that this waypoint is a stop between the origin and
* destination. This has the effect of splitting the route into two legs. If
* `false`, indicates that the route should be biased to go through this
* waypoint, but not split into two legs. This is useful if you want to
* create a route in response to the user dragging waypoints on a map.
* @default true
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
stopover?: boolean
enum DirectionsStatus {
OK = 'OK',
interface DirectionsResult {
geocoded_waypoints: DirectionsGeocodedWaypoint[]
routes: DirectionsRoute[]
* A single geocoded waypoint.
interface DirectionsGeocodedWaypoint {
partial_match: boolean
place_id: string
types: string[]
* A single route containing a set of legs in a DirectionsResult.
* Note that though this object is "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON,
* as it directly and indirectly includes LatLng objects.
interface DirectionsRoute {
/** The bounds for this route. */
bounds: LatLngBounds
/** Copyrights text to be displayed for this route. */
copyrights: string
* The total fare for the whole transit trip. Only applicable to transit
* requests.
fare: TransitFare
* An array of DirectionsLegs, each of which contains information about the
* steps of which it is composed. There will be one leg for each stopover
* waypoint or destination specified. So a route with no stopover waypoints
* will contain one DirectionsLeg and a route with one stopover waypoint
* will contain two.
legs: DirectionsLeg[]
* An array of LatLngs representing the entire course of this route. The
* path is simplified in order to make it suitable in contexts where a small
* number of vertices is required (such as Static Maps API URLs).
overview_path: LatLng[]
* An encoded polyline representation of the route in overview_path.
* This polyline is an approximate (smoothed) path of the resulting
* directions.
overview_polyline: string
/** Warnings to be displayed when showing these directions. */
warnings: string[]
* If optimizeWaypoints was set to true, this field will contain the
* re-ordered permutation of the input waypoints. For example, if the input
* was: Origin: Los Angeles Waypoints: Dallas, Bangor, Phoenix Destination:
* New York and the optimized output was ordered as follows: Origin: Los
* Angeles Waypoints: Phoenix, Dallas, Bangor Destination: New York then
* this field will be an Array containing the values [2, 0, 1]. Note that
* the numbering of waypoints is zero-based. If any of the input waypoints
* has stopover set to false, this field will be empty, since route
* optimization is not available for such queries.
waypoint_order: number[]
interface DirectionsLeg {
arrival_time: Time
departure_time: Time
distance: Distance
duration: Duration
duration_in_traffic: Duration
end_address: string
end_location: LatLng
start_address: string
start_location: LatLng
steps: DirectionsStep[]
via_waypoints: LatLng[]
interface BaseDirectionsStep {
distance: Distance
duration: Duration
end_location: LatLng
instructions: string
path: LatLng[]
start_location: LatLng
transit: TransitDetails
travel_mode: TravelMode
interface DirectionsStep extends BaseDirectionsStep {
* This field will only be available if travel_mode is set to TRANSIT.
steps: BaseDirectionsStep[]
interface Distance {
text: string
value: number
interface Duration {
text: string
value: number
interface Time {
text: string
time_zone: string
value: Date
interface TransitDetails {
arrival_stop: TransitStop
arrival_time: Time
departure_stop: TransitStop
departure_time: Time
headsign: string
headway: number
line: TransitLine
num_stops: number
interface TransitStop {
location: LatLng
name: string
interface TransitLine {
agencies: TransitAgency[]
color: string
icon: string
name: string
short_name: string
text_color: string
url: string
vehicle: TransitVehicle
interface TransitAgency {
name: string
phone: string
url: string
interface TransitVehicle {
icon: string
local_icon: string
name: string
type: VehicleType
enum VehicleType {
class ElevationService {
request: PathElevationRequest,
callback: (results: ElevationResult[], status: ElevationStatus) => void
): void
request: LocationElevationRequest,
callback: (results: ElevationResult[], status: ElevationStatus) => void
): void
interface LocationElevationRequest {
locations: LatLng[]
interface PathElevationRequest {
path?: LatLng[]
samples?: number
interface ElevationResult {
elevation: number
location: LatLng
resolution: number
enum ElevationStatus {
OK = 'OK',
class MaxZoomService {
latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral,
callback: (result: MaxZoomResult) => void
): void
interface MaxZoomResult {
status: MaxZoomStatus
zoom: number
enum MaxZoomStatus {
OK = 'OK'
class DistanceMatrixService {
request: DistanceMatrixRequest,
callback: (
response: DistanceMatrixResponse,
status: DistanceMatrixStatus
) => void
): void
interface DistanceMatrixRequest {
avoidFerries?: boolean
avoidHighways?: boolean
avoidTolls?: boolean
destinations?: string[] | LatLng[] | LatLngLiteral[] | Place[]
drivingOptions?: DrivingOptions
durationInTraffic?: boolean
origins?: string[] | LatLng[] | LatLngLiteral[] | Place[]
region?: string
transitOptions?: TransitOptions
travelMode?: TravelMode
unitSystem?: UnitSystem
interface DistanceMatrixResponse {
destinationAddresses: string[]
originAddresses: string[]
rows: DistanceMatrixResponseRow[]
interface DistanceMatrixResponseRow {
elements: DistanceMatrixResponseElement[]
interface DistanceMatrixResponseElement {
distance: Distance
duration: Duration
duration_in_traffic: Duration
fare: TransitFare
status: DistanceMatrixElementStatus
enum DistanceMatrixStatus {
OK = 'OK',
enum DistanceMatrixElementStatus {
OK = 'OK',
/** *** Save to Google Maps *****/
interface Attribution {
iosDeepLinkId?: string
source?: string
webUrl?: string
interface Place {
location?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
placeId?: string
query?: string
class SaveWidget {
constructor(container: Node, opts?: SaveWidgetOptions)
getAttribution(): Attribution
getPlace(): Place
setAttribution(attribution: Attribution): void
setOptions(opts: SaveWidgetOptions): void
setPlace(place: Place): void
interface SaveWidgetOptions {
attribution?: Attribution
place?: Place
/** *** Map Types *****/
interface MapType {
getTile(tileCoord: Point, zoom: number, ownerDocument: Document): Element
releaseTile(tile: Element): void
alt?: string
maxZoom?: number
minZoom?: number
name?: string
projection?: Projection
radius?: number
tileSize?: Size
class MapTypeRegistry extends MVCObject {
set(id: string, mapType: MapType): void
interface Projection {
fromLatLngToPoint(latLng: LatLng, point?: Point): Point
fromPointToLatLng(pixel: Point, noWrap?: boolean): LatLng
class ImageMapType extends MVCObject implements MapType {
constructor(opts: ImageMapTypeOptions)
getOpacity(): number
getTile(tileCoord: Point, zoom: number, ownerDocument: Document): Element
releaseTile(tile: Element): void
setOpacity(opacity: number): void
alt: string
maxZoom: number
minZoom: number
name: string
projection: Projection
radius: number
tileSize: Size
interface ImageMapTypeOptions {
alt?: string
getTileUrl(tileCoord: Point, zoom: number): string
maxZoom?: number
minZoom?: number
name?: string
opacity?: number
tileSize: Size
class StyledMapType extends MVCObject implements MapType {
constructor(styles: MapTypeStyle[], options?: StyledMapTypeOptions)
getTile(tileCoord: Point, zoom: number, ownerDocument: Document): Element
releaseTile(tile: Element): void
alt: string
maxZoom: number
minZoom: number
name: string
projection: Projection
radius: number
tileSize: Size
interface StyledMapTypeOptions {
alt?: string
maxZoom?: number
minZoom?: number
name?: string
interface MapTypeStyle {
elementType?: MapTypeStyleElementType
featureType?: MapTypeStyleFeatureType
stylers?: MapTypeStyler[]
type MapTypeStyleFeatureType =
| 'all'
| 'administrative'
| ''
| 'administrative.land_parcel'
| 'administrative.locality'
| 'administrative.neighborhood'
| 'administrative.province'
| 'landscape'
| 'landscape.man_made'
| 'landscape.natural'
| 'landscape.natural.landcover'
| 'landscape.natural.terrain'
| 'poi'
| 'poi.attraction'
| ''
| 'poi.government'
| 'poi.medical'
| 'poi.park'
| 'poi.place_of_worship'
| ''
| 'poi.sports_complex'
| 'road'
| 'road.arterial'
| 'road.highway'
| 'road.highway.controlled_access'
| 'road.local'
| 'transit'
| 'transit.line'
| 'transit.station'
| 'transit.station.airport'
| 'transit.station.bus'
| 'transit.station.rail'
| 'water'
type MapTypeStyleElementType =
| 'all'
| 'geometry'
| 'geometry.fill'
| 'geometry.stroke'
| 'labels'
| 'labels.icon'
| 'labels.text'
| 'labels.text.fill'
| 'labels.text.stroke'
interface MapTypeStyler {
color?: string
gamma?: number
hue?: string
invert_lightness?: boolean
lightness?: number
saturation?: number
visibility?: string
weight?: number
/** *** Layers *****/
class BicyclingLayer extends MVCObject {
getMap(): Map
setMap(map: Map | null): void
class FusionTablesLayer extends MVCObject {
constructor(options: FusionTablesLayerOptions)
getMap(): Map
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: FusionTablesLayerOptions): void
interface FusionTablesLayerOptions {
clickable?: boolean
heatmap?: FusionTablesHeatmap
map?: Map
query?: FusionTablesQuery
styles?: FusionTablesStyle[]
suppressInfoWindows?: boolean
interface FusionTablesQuery {
from?: string
limit?: number
offset?: number
orderBy?: string
select?: string
where?: string
interface FusionTablesStyle {
markerOptions?: FusionTablesMarkerOptions
polygonOptions?: FusionTablesPolygonOptions
polylineOptions?: FusionTablesPolylineOptions
where?: string
interface FusionTablesHeatmap {
enabled: boolean
interface FusionTablesMarkerOptions {
iconName: string
interface FusionTablesPolygonOptions {
fillColor?: string
fillOpacity?: number
strokeColor?: string
strokeOpacity?: number
strokeWeight?: number
interface FusionTablesPolylineOptions {
strokeColor?: string
strokeOpacity?: number
strokeWeight?: number
interface FusionTablesMouseEvent {
infoWindowHtml?: string
latLng?: LatLng
pixelOffset?: Size
row?: object // Object<FusionTablesCell>
interface FusionTablesCell {
columnName?: string
value?: string
class KmlLayer extends MVCObject {
constructor(opts?: KmlLayerOptions)
getDefaultViewport(): LatLngBounds
getMap(): Map
getMetadata(): KmlLayerMetadata
getStatus(): KmlLayerStatus
getUrl(): string
getZIndex(): number
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setUrl(url: string): void
setZIndex(zIndex: number): void
setOptions(options: KmlLayerOptions): void
interface KmlLayerOptions {
clickable?: boolean
map?: Map
preserveViewport?: boolean
screenOverlays?: boolean
suppressInfoWindows?: boolean
url?: string
zIndex?: number
interface KmlLayerMetadata {
author: KmlAuthor
description: string
hasScreenOverlays: boolean
name: string
snippet: string
enum KmlLayerStatus {
OK = 'OK',
interface KmlMouseEvent {
featureData: KmlFeatureData
latLng: LatLng
pixelOffset: Size
interface KmlFeatureData {
author: KmlAuthor
description: string
id: string
infoWindowHtml: string
name: string
snippet: string
interface KmlAuthor {
email: string
name: string
uri: string
class TrafficLayer extends MVCObject {
constructor(opts?: TrafficLayerOptions)
getMap(): Map
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: TrafficLayerOptions): void
interface TrafficLayerOptions {
autoRefresh?: boolean
map?: Map
class TransitLayer extends MVCObject {
getMap(): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
/** *** Street View *****/
class StreetViewPanorama extends MVCObject {
constructor(container: Element, opts?: StreetViewPanoramaOptions)
controls: Array<MVCArray<Node>>
getLinks(): StreetViewLink[]
getLocation(): StreetViewLocation
getMotionTracking(): boolean
getPano(): string
getPhotographerPov(): StreetViewPov
getPosition(): LatLng
getPov(): StreetViewPov
getStatus(): StreetViewStatus
getVisible(): boolean
getZoom(): number
provider: (input: string) => StreetViewPanoramaData,
opts?: PanoProviderOptions
): void
setLinks(links: StreetViewLink[]): void
setMotionTracking(motionTracking: boolean): void
setOptions(options: StreetViewPanoramaOptions): void
setPano(pano: string): void
setPosition(latLng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): void
setPov(pov: StreetViewPov): void
setVisible(flag: boolean): void
setZoom(zoom: number): void
/** Options for the rendering of the fullscreen control. */
interface FullscreenControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map.
* The default position is RIGHT_TOP.
position?: ControlPosition
interface StreetViewPanoramaOptions {
addressControl?: boolean
addressControlOptions?: StreetViewAddressControlOptions
clickToGo?: boolean
disableDefaultUI?: boolean
disableDoubleClickZoom?: boolean
enableCloseButton?: boolean
fullscreenControl?: boolean
fullscreenControlOptions?: FullscreenControlOptions
imageDateControl?: boolean
linksControl?: boolean
motionTracking?: boolean
motionTrackingControl?: boolean
motionTrackingControlOptions?: MotionTrackingControlOptions
mode?: 'html4' | 'html5' | 'webgl'
panControl?: boolean
panControlOptions?: PanControlOptions
pano?: string
panoProvider?: (input: string) => StreetViewPanoramaData
position?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
pov?: StreetViewPov
scrollwheel?: boolean
visible?: boolean
zoom?: number
zoomControl?: boolean
zoomControlOptions?: ZoomControlOptions
interface StreetViewAddressControlOptions {
position?: ControlPosition
interface StreetViewLink {
description?: string
heading?: number
pano?: string
interface StreetViewPov {
heading?: number
pitch?: number
interface StreetViewPanoramaData {
copyright?: string
imageDate?: string
links?: StreetViewLink[]
location?: StreetViewLocation
tiles?: StreetViewTileData
interface StreetViewLocation {
description?: string
latLng?: LatLng
pano?: string
shortDescription?: string
interface StreetViewTileData {
pano: string,
tileZoom: number,
tileX: number,
tileY: number
): string
centerHeading?: number
tileSize?: Size
worldSize?: Size
enum StreetViewPreference {
BEST = 'best',
NEAREST = 'nearest'
enum StreetViewSource {
DEFAULT = 'default',
OUTDOOR = 'outdoor'
interface StreetViewLocationRequest {
location: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
preference?: StreetViewPreference
radius?: number
source?: StreetViewSource
interface StreetViewPanoRequest {
pano: string
class StreetViewService {
request: StreetViewLocationRequest | StreetViewPanoRequest,
cb: (
data: StreetViewPanoramaData | null,
status: StreetViewStatus
) => void
): void
pano: string,
callback: (
streetViewPanoramaData: StreetViewPanoramaData,
streetViewStatus: StreetViewStatus
) => void
): void
latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral,
radius: number,
callback: (
streetViewPanoramaData: StreetViewPanoramaData,
streetViewStatus: StreetViewStatus
) => void
): void
enum StreetViewStatus {
OK = 'OK',
class StreetViewCoverageLayer extends MVCObject {
getMap(): Map
setMap(map: Map | null): void
interface MotionTrackingControlOptions {
position?: ControlPosition
interface PanoProviderOptions {
* If set, the renderer will use technologies (like webgl) that only work when cors headers are appropiately set on the provided images.
* It is the developer's task to serve the images correctly in combination with this flag, which might otherwise lead to SecurityErrors.
cors?: boolean
/** *** Events *****/
interface MapsEventListener {
* Removes the listener. Equivalent to calling
* google.maps.event.removeListener(listener).
remove(): void
namespace event {
* Cross browser event handler registration. This listener is removed by
* calling removeListener(handle) for the handle that is returned by this
* function.
function addDomListener(
instance: object,
eventName: string,
handler: (event: Event) => void,
capture?: boolean
): MapsEventListener
* Wrapper around addDomListener that removes the listener after the first
* event.
function addDomListenerOnce(
instance: object,
eventName: string,
handler: (event: Event) => void,
capture?: boolean
): MapsEventListener
* Adds the given listener function to the given event name for the given
* object instance. Returns an identifier for this listener that can be used
* with removeListener().
function addListener(
instance: object,
eventName: string,
handler: (...args: any[]) => void
): MapsEventListener
* Like addListener, but the handler removes itself after handling the first
* event.
function addListenerOnce(
instance: object,
eventName: string,
handler: (...args: any[]) => void
): MapsEventListener
* Removes all listeners for all events for the given instance.
function clearInstanceListeners(instance: object): void
* Removes all listeners for the given event for the given instance.
function clearListeners(instance: object, eventName: string): void
* Removes the given listener, which should have been returned by
* addListener above. Equivalent to calling listener.remove().
function removeListener(listener: MapsEventListener): void
* Triggers the given event. All arguments after eventName are passed as
* arguments to the listeners.
function trigger(instance: any, eventName: string, ...args: any[]): void
* This object is returned from various mouse events on the map and overlays,
* and contains all the fields shown below.
interface MouseEvent {
/** Prevents this event from propagating further. */
stop(): void
* The latitude/longitude that was below the cursor when the event
* occurred.
latLng: LatLng
* This object is sent in an event when a user clicks on an icon on the map.
* The place ID of this place is stored in the placeId member.
* To prevent the default info window from showing up, call the stop() method
* on this event to prevent it being propagated. Learn more about place IDs in
* the Places API developer guide.
interface IconMouseEvent extends MouseEvent {
* The place ID of the place that was clicked.
* This place ID can be used to query more information about the feature
* that was clicked.
placeId: string
/* **** Base **** */
* A LatLng is a point in geographical coordinates: latitude and longitude.
* * Latitude ranges between -90 and 90 degrees, inclusive. Values above or
* below this range will be clamped to the range [-90, 90]. This means
* that if the value specified is less than -90, it will be set to -90.
* And if the value is greater than 90, it will be set to 90.
* * Longitude ranges between -180 and 180 degrees, inclusive. Values above
* or below this range will be wrapped so that they fall within the
* range. For example, a value of -190 will be converted to 170. A value
* of 190 will be converted to -170. This reflects the fact that
* longitudes wrap around the globe.
* Although the default map projection associates longitude with the
* x-coordinate of the map, and latitude with the y-coordinate, the
* latitude coordinate is always written first, followed by the longitude.
* Notice that you cannot modify the coordinates of a LatLng. If you want
* to compute another point, you have to create a new one.
class LatLng {
* Creates a LatLng object representing a geographic point.
* Note the ordering of latitude and longitude.
* @param lat Latitude is specified in degrees within the range [-90, 90].
* @param lng Longitude is specified in degrees within the range [-180,
* 180].
* @param noWrap Set noWrap to true to enable values outside of this range.
constructor(lat: number, lng: number, noWrap?: boolean)
* Creates a LatLng object representing a geographic point.
* @param literal Object literal.
* @param noWrap Set noWrap to true to enable values outside of this range.
constructor(literal: LatLngLiteral, noWrap?: boolean)
/** Comparison function. */
equals(other: LatLng): boolean
/** Returns the latitude in degrees. */
lat(): number
/** Returns the longitude in degrees. */
lng(): number
/** Converts to string representation. */
toString(): string
* Returns a string of the form "lat,lng". We round the lat/lng values to 6
* decimal places by default.
toUrlValue(precision?: number): string
* Converts to JSON representation. This function is intended to be used
* via JSON.stringify.
toJSON(): LatLngLiteral
* Object literals are accepted in place of {@link LatLng} objects, as a
* convenience, in many places. These are converted to {@link LatLng} objects
* when the Maps API encounters them.
* @see {@link Maps JavaScript API}
interface LatLngLiteral {
* Latitude in degrees. Values will be clamped to the range [-90, 90]. This
* means that if the value specified is less than -90, it will be set to
* -90. And if the value is greater than 90, it will be set to 90.
lat: number
* Longitude in degrees. Values outside the range [-180, 180] will be
* wrapped so that they fall within the range. For example, a value of -190
* will be converted to 170. A value of 190 will be converted to -170. This
* reflects the fact that longitudes wrap around the globe.
lng: number
/** @see {@link LatLngLiteral}. */
interface ReadonlyLatLngLiteral {
/** @see {@link LatLngLiteral#lat} */
readonly lat: number
/** @see {@link LatLngLiteral#lng} */
readonly lng: number
interface LatLngBoundsLiteral {
east: number
north: number
south: number
west: number
* A LatLngBounds instance represents a rectangle in geographical coordinates,
* including one that crosses the 180 degrees longitudinal meridian.
class LatLngBounds {
* Constructs a rectangle from the points at its south-west and north-east
* corners.
constructor(sw?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral, ne?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral)
/** Returns true if the given lat/lng is in this bounds. */
contains(latLng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): boolean
/** Returns true if this bounds approximately equals the given bounds. */
equals(other: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral): boolean
/** Extends this bounds to contain the given point. */
extend(point: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): LatLngBounds
/** Computes the center of this LatLngBounds */
getCenter(): LatLng
/** Returns the north-east corner of this bounds. */
getNorthEast(): LatLng
/** Returns the south-west corner of this bounds. */
getSouthWest(): LatLng
/** Returns true if this bounds shares any points with the other bounds. */
intersects(other: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral): boolean
/** Returns if the bounds are empty. */
isEmpty(): boolean
* Converts to JSON representation. This function is intended to be used
* via JSON.stringify.
toJSON(): LatLngBoundsLiteral
/** Converts the given map bounds to a lat/lng span. */
toSpan(): LatLng
/** Converts to string. */
toString(): string
* Returns a string of the form "lat_lo,lng_lo,lat_hi,lng_hi" for this
* bounds, where "lo" corresponds to the southwest corner of the bounding
* box, while "hi" corresponds to the northeast corner of that box.
toUrlValue(precision?: number): string
* Extends this bounds to contain the union of this and the given bounds.
union(other: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral): LatLngBounds
class Point {
/** A point on a two-dimensional plane. */
constructor(x: number, y: number)
/** The X coordinate */
x: number
/** The Y coordinate */
y: number
/** Compares two Points */
equals(other: Point): boolean
/** Returns a string representation of this Point. */
toString(): string
class Size {
width: number,
height: number,
widthUnit?: string,
heightUnit?: string
height: number
width: number
equals(other: Size): boolean
toString(): string
/** *** MVC *****/
/** Base class implementing KVO. */
class MVCObject {
* The MVCObject constructor is guaranteed to be an empty function, and so
* you may inherit from MVCObject by simply writing MySubclass.prototype =
* new google.maps.MVCObject();. Unless otherwise noted, this is not true of
* other classes in the API, and inheriting from other classes in the API is
* not supported.
* Adds the given listener function to the given event name. Returns an
* identifier for this listener that can be used with
* google.maps.event.removeListener.
eventName: string,
handler: (...args: any[]) => void
): MapsEventListener
/** Binds a View to a Model. */
key: string,
target: MVCObject,
targetKey?: string,
noNotify?: boolean
): void
changed(key: string): void
/** Gets a value. */
get(key: string): any
* Notify all observers of a change on this property. This notifies both
* objects that are bound to the object's property as well as the object
* that it is bound to.
notify(key: string): void
/** Sets a value. */
set(key: string, value: any): void
/** Sets a collection of key-value pairs. */
setValues(values: any): void
* Removes a binding. Unbinding will set the unbound property to the current
* value. The object will not be notified, as the value has not changed.
unbind(key: string): void
/** Removes all bindings. */
unbindAll(): void
/** This class extends MVCObject. */
class MVCArray<T> extends MVCObject {
/** A mutable MVC Array. */
constructor(array?: T[])
/** Removes all elements from the array. */
clear(): void
* Iterate over each element, calling the provided callback.
* The callback is called for each element like: callback(element, index).
forEach(callback: (elem: T, i: number) => void): void
* Returns a reference to the underlying Array.
* Warning: if the Array is mutated, no events will be fired by this object.
getArray(): T[]
/** Returns the element at the specified index. */
getAt(i: number): T
/** Returns the number of elements in this array. */
getLength(): number
/** Inserts an element at the specified index. */
insertAt(i: number, elem: T): void
/** Removes the last element of the array and returns that element. */
pop(): T
* Adds one element to the end of the array and returns the new length of
* the array.
push(elem: T): number
/** Removes an element from the specified index. */
removeAt(i: number): T
/** Sets an element at the specified index. */
setAt(i: number, elem: T): void
/** *** Geometry Library *****/
namespace geometry {
namespace encoding {
function decodePath(encodedPath: string): LatLng[]
function encodePath(path: LatLng[] | MVCArray<LatLng>): string
* Utility functions for computing geodesic angles, distances and areas.
* The default radius is Earth's radius of 6378137 meters.
namespace spherical {
* Returns the area of a closed path.
* The computed area uses the same units as the radius.
* The radius defaults to the Earth's radius in meters,
* in which case the area is in square meters.
function computeArea(
path: LatLng[] | MVCArray<LatLng>,
radius?: number
): number
* Returns the distance, in meters, between two LatLngs.
* You can optionally specify a custom radius.
* The radius defaults to the radius of the Earth.
function computeDistanceBetween(
from: LatLng,
to: LatLng,
radius?: number
): number
* Returns the heading from one LatLng to another LatLng.
* Headings are expressed in degrees clockwise from North within the range
* [-180,180).
function computeHeading(from: LatLng, to: LatLng): number
* Returns the length of the given path.
function computeLength(
path: LatLng[] | MVCArray<LatLng>,
radius?: number
): number
* Returns the LatLng resulting from moving a distance from an origin in
* the specified heading (expressed in degrees clockwise from north).
function computeOffset(
from: LatLng,
distance: number,
heading: number,
radius?: number
): LatLng
* Returns the location of origin when provided with a LatLng destination,
* meters travelled and original heading. Headings are expressed in
* degrees clockwise from North. This function returns null when no
* solution is available.
function computeOffsetOrigin(
to: LatLng,
distance: number,
heading: number,
radius?: number
): LatLng
* Returns the signed area of a closed path. The signed area may be used
* to determine the orientation of the path. The computed area uses the
* same units as the radius. The radius defaults to the Earth's radius in
* meters, in which case the area is in square meters.
function computeSignedArea(
loop: LatLng[] | MVCArray<LatLng>,
radius?: number
): number
* Returns the LatLng which lies the given fraction of the way between the
* origin LatLng and the destination LatLng.
function interpolate(from: LatLng, to: LatLng, fraction: number): LatLng
namespace poly {
function containsLocation(point: LatLng, polygon: Polygon): boolean
function isLocationOnEdge(
point: LatLng,
poly: Polygon | Polyline,
tolerance?: number
): boolean
/** *** AdSense Library *****/
namespace adsense {
class AdUnit extends MVCObject {
constructor(container: Element, opts: AdUnitOptions)
getBackgroundColor(): string
getBorderColor(): string
getChannelNumber(): string
getContainer(): Element
getFormat(): AdFormat
getMap(): Map
getPosition(): ControlPosition
getPublisherId(): string
getTextColor(): string
getTitleColor(): string
getUrlColor(): string
setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor: string): void
setBorderColor(borderColor: string): void
setChannelNumber(channelNumber: string): void
setFormat(format: AdFormat): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setPosition(position: ControlPosition): void
setTextColor(textColor: string): void
setTitleColor(titleColor: string): void
setUrlColor(urlColor: string): void
interface AdUnitOptions {
backgroundColor?: string
borderColor?: string
channelNumber?: string
format?: AdFormat
map?: Map
position?: ControlPosition
publisherId?: string
textColor?: string
titleColor?: string
urlColor?: string
enum AdFormat {
BANNER = '468x60_as',
BUTTON = '125x125_as',
HALF_BANNER = '234x60_as',
LARGE_HORIZONTAL_LINK_UNIT = '728x15_0ads_al',
LARGE_RECTANGLE = '336x280_as',
LARGE_VERTICAL_LINK_UNIT = '180x90_0ads_al',
LEADERBOARD = '728x90_as',
MEDIUM_RECTANGLE = '300x250_as',
MEDIUM_VERTICAL_LINK_UNIT = '160x90_0ads_al',
SKYSCRAPER = '120x600_as',
SMALL_HORIZONTAL_LINK_UNIT = '468x15_0ads_al',
SMALL_RECTANGLE = '180x150_as',
SMALL_SQUARE = '200x200_as',
SMALL_VERTICAL_LINK_UNIT = '120x90_0ads_al',
SQUARE = '250x250_as',
VERTICAL_BANNER = '120x240_as',
WIDE_SKYSCRAPER = '160x600_as',
X_LARGE_VERTICAL_LINK_UNIT = '200x90_0ads_al'
/** *** Places Library *****/
namespace places {
class Autocomplete extends MVCObject {
constructor(inputField: HTMLInputElement, opts?: AutocompleteOptions)
getBounds(): LatLngBounds
getPlace(): PlaceResult
setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral): void
setComponentRestrictions(restrictions: ComponentRestrictions): void
setFields(fields: string[] | undefined): void
setOptions(options: AutocompleteOptions): void
setTypes(types: string[]): void
interface AutocompleteOptions {
bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
componentRestrictions?: ComponentRestrictions
placeIdOnly?: boolean
strictBounds?: boolean
types?: string[]
type?: string
fields?: string[]
interface AutocompletePrediction {
description: string
matched_substrings: PredictionSubstring[]
place_id: string
reference: string
structured_formatting: AutocompleteStructuredFormatting
terms: PredictionTerm[]
types: string[]
interface AutocompleteStructuredFormatting {
main_text: string
main_text_matched_substrings: PredictionSubstring[]
secondary_text: string
interface OpeningHours {
open_now: boolean
periods: OpeningPeriod[]
weekday_text: string[]
interface OpeningPeriod {
open: OpeningHoursTime
close?: OpeningHoursTime
interface OpeningHoursTime {
day: number
hours: number
minutes: number
nextDate: number
time: string
interface PredictionTerm {
offset: number
value: string
interface PredictionSubstring {
length: number
offset: number
class AutocompleteService {
request: AutocompletionRequest,
callback: (
result: AutocompletePrediction[],
status: PlacesServiceStatus
) => void
): void
request: QueryAutocompletionRequest,
callback: (
result: QueryAutocompletePrediction[],
status: PlacesServiceStatus
) => void
): void
class AutocompleteSessionToken {}
interface AutocompletionRequest {
bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
componentRestrictions?: ComponentRestrictions
input: string
location?: LatLng
offset?: number
radius?: number
sessionToken?: AutocompleteSessionToken
types?: string[]
interface ComponentRestrictions {
country: string | string[]
type LocationBias =
| LatLng
| LatLngLiteral
| LatLngBounds
| LatLngBoundsLiteral
| Circle
| CircleLiteral
| string
interface PlaceAspectRating {
rating: number
type: string
interface PlaceDetailsRequest {
placeId: string
fields?: string[]
sessionToken?: AutocompleteSessionToken
interface PlaceGeometry {
location: LatLng
viewport: LatLngBounds
interface PlacePhoto {
height: number
html_attributions: string[]
width: number
getUrl(opts: PhotoOptions): string
interface PhotoOptions {
maxHeight?: number
maxWidth?: number
interface PlaceResult {
address_components?: GeocoderAddressComponent[]
adr_address?: string
aspects?: PlaceAspectRating[]
formatted_address?: string
formatted_phone_number?: string
geometry?: PlaceGeometry
html_attributions?: string[]
icon?: string
id?: string
international_phone_number?: string
name: string
opening_hours?: OpeningHours
permanently_closed?: boolean
photos?: PlacePhoto[]
place_id?: string
price_level?: number
rating?: number
reviews?: PlaceReview[]
types?: string[]
url?: string
utc_offset?: number
vicinity?: string
website?: string
interface PlaceReview {
aspects: PlaceAspectRating[]
author_name: string
author_url: string
language: string
text: string
interface PlaceSearchPagination {
nextPage(): void
hasNextPage: boolean
interface PlaceSearchRequest {
bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
keyword?: string
location?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
maxPriceLevel?: number
minPriceLevel?: number
name?: string
openNow?: boolean
radius?: number
rankBy?: RankBy
types?: string[] /* Deprecated. Will be removed February 16, 2017 */
type?: string
class PlacesService {
constructor(attrContainer: HTMLDivElement | Map)
request: FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest,
callback: (
results: PlaceResult[],
status: PlacesServiceStatus
) => void
): void
request: FindPlaceFromQueryRequest,
callback: (
results: PlaceResult[],
status: PlacesServiceStatus
) => void
): void
request: PlaceDetailsRequest,
callback: (result: PlaceResult, status: PlacesServiceStatus) => void
): void
request: PlaceSearchRequest,
callback: (
results: PlaceResult[],
status: PlacesServiceStatus,
pagination: PlaceSearchPagination
) => void
): void
* @deprecated Radar search is deprecated as of June 30, 2018. After that
* time, this feature will no longer be available.
request: RadarSearchRequest,
callback: (
results: PlaceResult[],
status: PlacesServiceStatus
) => void
): void
request: TextSearchRequest,
callback: (
results: PlaceResult[],
status: PlacesServiceStatus,
pagination: PlaceSearchPagination
) => void
): void
enum PlacesServiceStatus {
OK = 'OK',
interface QueryAutocompletePrediction {
description: string
matched_substrings: PredictionSubstring[]
place_id: string
terms: PredictionTerm[]
interface QueryAutocompletionRequest {
bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
input?: string
location?: LatLng
offset?: number
radius?: number
interface RadarSearchRequest {
bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
keyword?: string
location?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
name?: string
radius?: number
types?: string[] /* Deprecated. Will be removed February 16, 2017 */
type?: string
enum RankBy {
class SearchBox extends MVCObject {
constructor(inputField: HTMLInputElement, opts?: SearchBoxOptions)
getBounds(): LatLngBounds
getPlaces(): PlaceResult[]
setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral): void
interface SearchBoxOptions {
bounds: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
interface TextSearchRequest {
bounds?: LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral
location?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral
query: string
radius?: number
types?: string[] /* Deprecated. Will be removed February 16, 2017 */
type?: string
interface FindPlaceFromQueryRequest {
fields: string[]
locationBias?: LocationBias
query: string
interface FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest {
fields: string[]
locationBias?: LocationBias
phoneNumber: string
/** *** Drawing Library *****/
namespace drawing {
class DrawingManager extends MVCObject {
constructor(options?: DrawingManagerOptions)
getDrawingMode(): OverlayType
getMap(): Map
setDrawingMode(drawingMode: OverlayType | null): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: DrawingManagerOptions): void
/** Options for the drawing manager. */
interface DrawingManagerOptions {
* Options to apply to any new circles created with this DrawingManager.
* The center and radius properties are ignored, and the map property of a
* new circle is always set to the DrawingManager's map.
circleOptions?: CircleOptions
* The enabled/disabled state of the drawing control. Defaults to true.
drawingControl?: boolean
/** The display options for the drawing control. */
drawingControlOptions?: DrawingControlOptions
* The DrawingManager's drawing mode, which defines the type of overlay to
* be added on the map. Accepted values are 'marker', 'polygon',
* 'polyline', 'rectangle', 'circle', or null. A drawing mode of null
* means that the user can interact with the map as normal, and clicks do
* not draw anything.
drawingMode?: OverlayType | null
* The Map to which the DrawingManager is attached, which is the Map on
* which the overlays created will be placed.
map?: Map
* Options to apply to any new markers created with this DrawingManager.
* The position property is ignored, and the map property of a new marker
* is always set to the DrawingManager's map.
markerOptions?: MarkerOptions
* Options to apply to any new polygons created with this DrawingManager.
* The paths property is ignored, and the map property of a new polygon is
* always set to the DrawingManager's map.
polygonOptions?: PolygonOptions
* Options to apply to any new polylines created with this DrawingManager.
* The path property is ignored, and the map property of a new polyline is
* always set to the DrawingManager's map.
polylineOptions?: PolylineOptions
* Options to apply to any new rectangles created with this
* DrawingManager. The bounds property is ignored, and the map property of
* a new rectangle is always set to the DrawingManager's map.
rectangleOptions?: RectangleOptions
interface DrawingControlOptions {
drawingModes?: OverlayType[]
position?: ControlPosition
/** The properties of an overlaycomplete event on a DrawingManager.. */
interface OverlayCompleteEvent {
/** The completed overlay. */
overlay: Marker | Polygon | Polyline | Rectangle | Circle
/** The completed overlay's type. */
type: OverlayType
* The types of overlay that may be created by the DrawingManager. Specify
* these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, 'polygon'
* or google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYGON.
enum OverlayType {
* Specifies that the DrawingManager creates circles, and that the overlay
* given in the overlaycomplete event is a circle.
CIRCLE = 'circle',
* Specifies that the DrawingManager creates markers, and that the overlay
* given in the overlaycomplete event is a marker.
MARKER = 'marker',
* Specifies that the DrawingManager creates polygons, and that the
* overlay given in the overlaycomplete event is a polygon.
POLYGON = 'polygon',
* Specifies that the DrawingManager creates polylines, and that the
* overlay given in the overlaycomplete event is a polyline.
POLYLINE = 'polyline',
* Specifies that the DrawingManager creates rectangles, and that the
* overlay given in the overlaycomplete event is a rectangle.
RECTANGLE = 'rectangle'
/** *** Visualization Library *****/
namespace visualization {
class MapsEngineLayer extends MVCObject {
constructor(options: MapsEngineLayerOptions)
getLayerId(): string
getLayerKey(): string
getMap(): Map
getMapId(): string
getOpacity(): number
getProperties(): MapsEngineLayerProperties
getStatus(): MapsEngineStatus
getZIndex(): number
setLayerId(layerId: string): void
setLayerKey(layerKey: string): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setMapId(mapId: string): void
setOpacity(opacity: number): void
setOptions(options: MapsEngineLayerOptions): void
setZIndex(zIndex: number): void
interface MapsEngineLayerOptions {
accessToken?: string
clickable?: boolean
fitBounds?: boolean
layerId?: string
layerKey?: string
map?: Map
mapId?: string
opacity?: number
suppressInfoWindows?: boolean
zIndex?: number
interface MapsEngineLayerProperties {
name: string
interface MapsEngineMouseEvent {
featureId?: string
infoWindowHtml?: string
latLng?: LatLng
pixelOffset?: Size
enum MapsEngineStatus {
OK = 'OK',
class HeatmapLayer extends MVCObject {
constructor(opts?: HeatmapLayerOptions)
getData(): MVCArray<LatLng | WeightedLocation>
getMap(): Map
| MVCArray<LatLng | WeightedLocation>
| LatLng[]
| WeightedLocation[]
): void
setMap(map: Map | null): void
setOptions(options: HeatmapLayerOptions): void
interface HeatmapLayerOptions {
data: any
dissipating?: boolean
gradient?: string[]
map?: Map
maxIntensity?: number
opacity?: number
radius?: number
interface WeightedLocation {
location: LatLng
weight: number
class MouseEvent {
stop(): void
class MapsEventListener {}
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