#!/bin/bash |
# Find our font before we do anything. |
FONT_PATH="$(find $HOME/Library/Fonts/ -name 'Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf')" |
if [ "$FONT_PATH" == "" ]; then |
FONT_PATH="$(find /Library/Fonts/ -name 'Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf')" |
fi |
if [ "$FONT_PATH" == "" ]; then |
usage "Could not find 'Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf'. Is it installed?" |
fi |
contains () { |
local e |
for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done |
return 1 |
} |
usage () { |
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then |
echo -e "Error: $1\n" >&2 |
fi |
echo "usage: $0 [options] <message>" |
echo |
echo "Options:" |
echo |
echo " -h Show this help message" |
echo |
echo " -o <output.gif> Path to output gif. Default: yolo.gif" |
echo |
echo " -c <color> Choose color set, valid options are:" |
echo " red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple," |
echo " pink, black, white. Default: blue" |
echo |
echo " -w Force white text color" |
exit 1 |
} |
VALID_COLORS=("red" "orange" "yellow" "green" "blue" "purple" "pink" "black" "white") |
COLOR="blue" |
OUTPUT="yolo.gif" |
while getopts ":c:o:hw" opt; do |
case $opt in |
h) |
usage |
;; |
w) |
;; |
c) |
if contains "$OPTARG" "${VALID_COLORS[@]}"; then |
else |
usage "Invalid color: $OPTARG" |
fi |
;; |
o) |
;; |
\?) |
usage "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" |
;; |
:) |
usage "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
done |
shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) |
MESSAGE="$*" |
if [ "$MESSAGE" == "" ]; then |
usage "A message is required." |
fi |
case $COLOR in |
red) |
BACKGROUND="#ef4e65" |
FILL="#8c2738" |
;; |
orange) |
BACKGROUND="#f47820" |
FILL="#8e4402" |
;; |
yellow) |
BACKGROUND="#f0ce15" |
FILL="#947c00" |
;; |
green) |
BACKGROUND="#51bb7b" |
FILL="#267048" |
;; |
blue) |
BACKGROUND="#50c6db" |
FILL="#01516e" |
;; |
purple) |
BACKGROUND="#8351a0" |
FILL="#4e2760" |
;; |
pink) |
BACKGROUND="#e0368c" |
FILL="#851252" |
;; |
black) |
BACKGROUND="#5d5e5e" |
FILL="#262727" |
;; |
white) |
BACKGROUND="#ffffff" |
FILL="#000000" |
;; |
esac |
if [ "$FORCE_WHITE_TEXT" == 1 ]; then |
FILL="#ffffff" |
fi |
# Make a "unique" prefix for this run |
PREFIX="$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | shasum | cut -b 1-10)" |
# Generate image from text input |
convert -background "$BACKGROUND" -fill "$FILL" -font "$FONT_PATH" -density 200 -pointsize 100 "label:${MESSAGE}" "/tmp/${PREFIX}_label.png" |
# Resize to 128px high |
convert -resize x128 "/tmp/${PREFIX}_label.png" "/tmp/${PREFIX}_sized.png" |
# Add white space to front and back for empty frames |
WIDTH="$(identify -format "%[fx:w]" "/tmp/${PREFIX}_sized.png")" |
CANVAS_SIZE=$(($WIDTH + 276)) # 128 PX in front, 148 in back |
convert -size ${CANVAS_SIZE}x128 "xc:$BACKGROUND" "/tmp/${PREFIX}_canvas.png" |
convert "/tmp/${PREFIX}_canvas.png" "/tmp/${PREFIX}_sized.png" -geometry +128+0 -composite "/tmp/${PREFIX}_padded.png" |
# Generate individual frames |
I=0 |
LIMIT=$(($CANVAS_SIZE - 128)) |
while [ $OFFSET -lt $LIMIT ]; do |
convert "/tmp/${PREFIX}_padded.png" -crop "128x128+${OFFSET}+0!" "$(printf "/tmp/${PREFIX}_frame_%05d.png" $I)" |
I=$(($I + 1)) |
OFFSET=$(($OFFSET + 10)) |
done |
# Compile to gif |
convert -delay 6 -loop 0 "/tmp/${PREFIX}_frame_*.png" "$OUTPUT" |
# Smush it |
gifsicle -bO "$OUTPUT" |
# Clean up! |
rm /tmp/${PREFIX}_*.png |