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Created November 25, 2012 16:02
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- name: Clone NVM
action: git repo=git:// dest=/home/${user}/.nvm
- name: Download Node.JS 64-bit
action: get_url url=${version}/node-${version}-linux-x64.tar.gz dest=/home/${user}/.nvm/node-${version}-linux-x64.tar.gz
- name: Unpack Node
action: command tar -xzf node-${version}-linux-x64.tar.gz creates=/home/${user}/.nvm/${version} chdir=/home/${user}/.nvm
- name: Rename Node.JS directory to ${version}
action: command mv node-${version}-linux-x64 ${version} creates=/home/${user}/.nvm/${version} chdir=/home/${user}/.nvm
- name: Check if is present in bash_profile
action: shell grep /home/${user}/.bash_profile
register: nvm_in_bash_profile
ignore_errors: True
- name: add in bash_profile
action: shell echo "source ~/.nvm/" >> /home/${user}/.bash_profile && chown ${user}:${user} /home/${user}/.bash_profile
only_if: "len('${nvm_in_bash_profile.stdout}') == 0"
- name: apply and set default version
action: shell /bin/bash -c "source /home/${user}/.nvm/ && nvm use ${version} && nvm alias default ${version}"
- name: set permissions for .nvm
action: shell chown $user:$user -R /home/${user}/.nvm
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