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Last active December 14, 2024 10:59
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Git filter to ignore lines in your files
# Git filter to ignore lines in your files.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2019,2023 Aryel Mota Góis <[email protected]>
# MIT License
# install -m 755 ~/bin/git-ignore-line
# Mark single lines you want to ignore with 'GITIGNORE'. It ignores
# the whole line. It is recommended to be inside a comment in your code.
# Mark multiple lines surrounding them with 'GITIGNORE START' and
# 'GITIGNORE END'. It can not be nested.
# NOTE: Ignored lines might be lost on checkout.
# Add files to ignore:
# git ignore-line <pattern>
# Remove patterns with:
# git ignore-line -r <pattern>
# List configured patterns:
# git ignore-line -l
# PATTERN can be a file or a glob pattern: '*.html'. Remember to
# escape the `*`.
# - Stash the lines ignored by this filter before a git checkout.
set -eu
# Check if stdin is not tty and remove ignored lines from it.
[ -t 0 ] || exec sed \
# Running from tty.
program=$(basename "$0")
# Find git repository.
git_dir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)
# Path to attributes file.
# Check arguments.
if [ $# -eq 2 ] && [ "$1" = '-r' ]; then
# Remove filter for pattern.
sed "s|^$2 filter=$program||" "$attr_file" > "$attr_file.tmp"
mv -- "$attr_file.tmp" "$attr_file"
elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
if [ "$1" = '-l' ]; then
# List patterns.
grep "filter=$program" "$attr_file" || true
# Add filter for pattern.
echo "$1 filter=$program" >> "$attr_file"
# Configure filter.
git config --global "filter.$program.clean" "$program"
git config --global "filter.$program.smudge" cat
# Show help.
>&2 echo "Usage: $program [-r] <pattern>"
>&2 echo " or: $program -l"
exit 1
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hi Aryelgois,
@aryelgois can give an example to ignore an line on file using above script
Because i have try this script but it's not working for me

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aryelgois commented May 10, 2023

Hello @SureshKumar311

First you need to add the file to your PATH and it needs to be executable. I updated the Setup step to use a command that does that..

Now, for an example:

mkdir example
cd example
git init

# Example 1 : enable the filter in specific file

# Example 2 : enable the filter in JavaScript files
# NOTE: if the script file starts with 'git-' the Git command detects it as a sub command
git ignore-line '*.js'

# Example 3 : enable the filter in all files
# NOTE: it can be very slow in big repos
git-ignore-line '*'

# Example 4 : enable the filter in all files of a directory
# NOTE: useful to skip for example node_modules
git-ignore-line 'src/*'

# Add test file:
echo Hello >
git add

# See it working:
cat >> <<EOF
hidden <!-- GITIGNORE -->
you cannot see: GITIGNORE START
that's it.. GITIGNORE END now you will see:
ok bye :)

git diff

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The filter script settings are stored in the global Git config and it's written automatically when adding a filter pattern

and the filter patterns are stored in the repository settings at .git/info/attributes

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⚠️ You can lose ignored lines when changing branches and the file is replaced because it's different in the new branch

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@aryelgois Thanks❤️

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no problem 😃

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