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Last active April 22, 2020 14:42
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  • Save asalom/e7934bf0bb42c40b776425860ea42e91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save asalom/e7934bf0bb42c40b776425860ea42e91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Alex Salom's tools & more
  1. iTerm 2
  2. Oh My Zsh
  3. Powerline shell: path bars, edit config and remove username and hostname
  4. Meslo Powerline Font as you need a font that supports the directory characters for powerline
  5. Homebrew
  6. RVM
  7. Bundler
  8. direnv: Unclutter your .profile
  9. z: quickly jump between projects. Like Alfred but for your Terminal reduced to folder search only
  10. echo "gem: --no-document" >> ~/.gemrc to stop installing docs every time you install a gem
  11. youtube-dl: download youtube videos
  12. pngquant: compress PNG files
  13. Charles Proxy: Debug network requests
  14. Postman: Make and share network requests to API endpoints
  15. Magnet: Window manager for Mac
  16. swiftenv: easily install, and switch between multiple versions of Swift
  17. Xcode Build Settings: Documentation of Xcode Build Settings

Profile .zshrc

alias gitlog='git log --pretty=format:"%C(auto) %h - %an, %ar : %s" --graph'
alias o="open ."
alias be="bundle exec"
alias bi="bundle install"
alias bu="bundle update"
alias gpull="git pull"
alias gpush="git push"
alias gbranch="git checkout -b"
alias gclone="git clone"
gadd () { git add . && git commit -m "$@" }

# Download YouTube videos
alias youtube="youtube-dl"
alias yt="youtube-dl"

# Compress PNGs
alias compress_png="pngquant"
alias png="pngquant"

jira () { open$@; }

simulator () { xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo $@; }

gadd () { git add . && git commit -m "$@"}

alias py=python3

alias ddata="rm -Rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*"
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